Example sentences of "which you might [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ A mahogany dining table will last a lifetime , not like a car or a three-piece suite which you might throw away after five or six years , ’ he added .
2 And an achene is a small , single-seeded fruit that does not open , which you might mistake for a nut unless you know that it came from a single carpel . )
3 He was referring to ‘ prime ’ and ‘ premium ’ sausages in which you might expect leaner meat , less filler material , or less fat .
4 Spreadsheets are also borrowing features from other categories of package , such as Excel 's multi-language spellchecker and thesaurus , which you might expect in a word processor but will be pleasantly surprised to find in a spreadsheet .
5 The prevalence of this diminishes with time after the event , which you might think peculiar , but there are fewer patients who have been followed up for five years .
6 Er which you might think that again sounds odd and finicky but by the way note I said between w er er it applies to both ward and division .
7 Respondents were therefore also asked : Are there any circumstances in which you might break a law to which you were very strongly opposed ?
8 I think you might find a situation quite clearly where you would find a child behaving in such a way in the classroom that it was being disruptive to himself , disruptive to teachers , disruptive to , to his classmates , and therefore the , the first move must be in a direction of rearranging that behaviour so that there could develop a situation in which you might do something about the learning difficulty .
9 There are a number of ways by which you might start inland from the Basque Coast .
10 Mr Davis , can you , would you like to sum up , and pick up these points , and before , I 'm going to bowl you a googly here , erm you have talked about fourteen hundred , as the size for the new settlement , erm , is that the top figure , or is that a figure to which you might aim by the year two thousand and six , but may have potential for growth beyond it .
11 Yet another way in which you might choose to use the second half of your daily Fibre-Filler is to divide it into two portions and eat one of these half an hour before each of the two main meals of the day .
12 Codes can easily be devised to suit your individual tastes , but the following are a few hints on which you might build .
13 I am trying to set up a seminar on Ethics in Communications ( which may also touch on more general issues of ethics and management ) — do you have any relevant texts of which you might send me a complimentary copy and to which reference could be made in the publicity for what should prove a stimulating event !
14 In which you might mislay the wound of feeling :
15 ( 1 ) An important printed heading for a wide topic ( one for which you might draw a pattern diagram ) can be ringed , or outlined by a rectangle of red lines .
16 which you might want to incorporate anyway so you may not want to print off another version anyway
17 ‘ There are two angles which you might look at , young Chris , ’ he said as I refilled his glass .
18 Our purpose is not to define a basic library for you , but rather to suggest kinds of books which you might look for ; and our choice of texts is based primarily on their convenience as illustrations .
19 So , European traditions were a sort of net in which you might have got caught ?
20 Another aspect of organisations which you might have discovered is that organisations are constantly changing .
21 It 's also worth applying for other jobs that appeal and for which you might have a chance .
22 Er I mean that goes back again to the articles which you might have about the way that parents talk to their children , and you quite often find that then very very quickly the children grow up speaking in a same way as the parent of that sex talked to the them .
23 Which you might have already had actually , but it did say insert three .
24 Look at everything around you ; be aware of the weather ; listen to any noises which you might hear .
25 ( 1 ) Choose one literary text which you might work on which is representative , plus one which is well-known , plus one which is neglected ( see 2.1 ) .
26 Then comes the majority : the decent , reasonable guitars that never sell too well , among which you might include Gibson 's BB King and Fender 's Burton Tele .
27 So again , it 's a thing which you might consider when you 're er letting vehicles come in front and er I the rights and wrongs of erm flashing lights , er really the only flashing lights should take the place of a horn .
28 To which I reply , ‘ All right , let's think of the circumstances in which you might wish to say ‘ I 'm happy ’ in the most general sense , without limitation to any implied purpose or situation … ’
29 It will take the make up , which you might need to use the make up , er the re , er the cleanser possibly twice , or three times if you 're wearing make up .
30 McAllister , coughing slightly against the stench of the room — Dr Neil was hardened to it — laid the towelling and the scissors on the clean square , and said briskly to Dr Neil , ‘ Is there anything in your bag which you might need urgently ?
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