Example sentences of "which might [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Disturbingly attractive male though he might be , Dr Penry Vaughan was nevertheless a match for any peril which might threaten in the small hours .
2 The particular contrast between , peaceful and violent action in which I am interested falls outside any simple dichotomy which might distinguish between a state of war and peace .
3 The size of the redundancy payment , with its age premium , may have encouraged some employers to shed older workers , the payments being seen as sufficient to sustain a period of unemployment which might last until retirement . ’
4 Theoretically , it can serve as a source of ideas and insights which are of potential relevance for the formulation of principles : ideas emerging from disciplines devoted to the study of language and learning which might bear upon the definition of language as subject .
5 It forced many Japanese to recognize the need for reform and a strong national government which might achieve for Japan a better deal in external relations .
6 In the case of demand for diesel engines for small boats : ( i ) one market segment could be demand for pleasure boats , which might vary with income per head of the population ; ( ii ) another segment could be demand for fishing boats , where demand might be dependent upon estimated sizes of fish haul , or length of coastline .
7 The apples were harvested in autumn by using long poles to shake the branches of the trees , and then reduced to pulp in a cider mill , which might vary from a small hand machine to a large mill driven by horsepower .
8 I have certainly tried to argue that it makes sense to talk of God inviting trust by withholding the sort of evidence which might admit of certainty that He exists .
9 This idea potentially oversimplifies the actual process of offering vulnerable people choices which might result in their leading fuller lives .
10 However , there are countervailing forces which might result in a lower volume of services .
11 Poachers operate after dark and it is crucial that you should not be confused with them , unwittingly provide them with cover , or create any confusion which might result in their not being apprehended .
12 ( FCA ) of having been found to be in breach of Investment Business Regulation 6.03 in that the firm at Shipley between 16 March 1989 and 12 March 1991 sent business letters relating to its investment business without bearing the legend ‘ Authorised by the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales to carry on investment business ’ contrary to Investment Business Regulation 2.02 and in that the firm at Shipley between 9 September 1988 and 1 October 1989 entered or required its Principal to enter into an association or arrangement with a person which might result in the defendant being constrained or induced to refer or introduce a client to a person who was not an independent intermediary with a view to that person giving investment advice contrary to Investment Business Regulation 2.03 and in that the firm at Shipley between 16 March 1986 and 31 October 1989 failed before recommending or effecting for a client a transaction in units in an authorised unit trust or a recognised collective investment scheme , to take reasonable steps to establish that other more advantageous or suitable policies or units were not available contrary to Investment Business Regulation 2.11 and in that the firm at Shipley between 1 November 1989 and 16 October 1991 having given advice to a client which was such that when acted upon it resulted in commission being received by the defendant , failed to notify the said client in writing of the amount and terms of such commission as soon as that information was available , contrary to Investment Business Regulation 2.32 was reprimanded , fined £3,000 and ordered to pay £500 by way of costs .
13 Had Pardy , in a nutshell , just been carried away and thoughtless — which might result in a lesser charge — or had he set out to harm Harriet with such deadly results that this might even finish up as a trial for manslaughter ?
14 Aim for smaller success to start off with , rather than taking too large a leap which might result in disappointment and reduction in confidence .
15 For example , poor eyesight ( an impairment ) may result in poor vision ( a disability ) which might result in the person failing to gain employment ( handicap ) .
16 In that case , Lord Reid , obiter , gave as an example justifying the assertion by the House of total jurisdiction a situation where the Court of Appeal had resolved the point of law subsequently certified for the House but had left outstanding other issues which might result in acquittal :
17 Although this his been the opposite of what was generally intended , there seems to be little sign of any reappraisal of rural planning controls which might result in a reversal of current trends .
18 However , there were other reasons such as ‘ lost documentation ’ and small balances written off , all of which comprised the annual figure , the disclosure of which might result in too much attention being given to his department .
19 Under the presidential ruling , industry would no longer be required to give public notice of plans to make minor changes to plant operations which might result in an increase of polluting emissions .
20 There must be no other court proceedings under way which might result in the end of your marriage .
21 Accumulated unused permissions could constitute a difficult problem for some local authorities : they create uncertainty and could make an authority reluctant to grant further permissions , which might result in , for example , too great a strain on public services .
22 A client is entitled to have his affairs treated with complete confidentiality ( save with his consent , or where the solicitor 's duty is overridden by his public duty to disclose matters tending to the commission of a crime or to disclose information in response to a sub poena or witness summons ) and the retained solicitor is under a duty to ensure that his co-partners and staff do nothing which might result in a breach of that rule .
23 So , when acting in such a case , add to your additional enquiries made of the local authority , or better in a letter , some such enquiry as this : Is the Authority aware of any infilling or any geological stratum which might result in the instability of the foundations of any building erected on the site for which planning consent has been granted ?
24 Because of the confusion which might result from the use of economy in the context of the market Hayek labels the market order a ‘ catallaxy ’ — a word derived from the Greek verb Katallassein which means not simply ‘ to exchange ’ but ‘ to admit into the community ’ and ‘ to change from enemy into friend ’ .
25 ( ii ) There is a general overriding principle that the Schedule must be interpreted by reference principally to the system and objectives of the Convention on Jurisdiction and the Enforcement of Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters signed at Brussels on 27 September 1968 in order to ensure that it is fully effective ; in order to strengthen in the Community the legal protection of persons therein established ; and in order to contribute to the proper administration of justice within the Community by preventing parallel proceedings before the courts of different contracting states , and avoiding conflict between decisions which might result from permitting such parallel proceedings to continue .
26 It follows that policies for rural housing do not consider the social implications which might result from their implementation .
27 This will usually favour the firm which seeks injunctive relief , since the damage which might result from failing to restrain a former partner is almost bound to exceed that which could be caused by holding the latter to his covenants .
28 One analogy which might spring to mind is of an archaeologist who reconstructs a fragmented mosaic .
29 The alternative is the ownership of physical assets — land , houses , cars , etc. — which might depreciate in value and require to be insured against theft or accidents .
30 Interests which might stand in the way of this programme , such as the Bank of England , would be nationalised .
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