Example sentences of "which will [verb] them " in BNC.

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1 The paring of hooker and tight-head going for the opponents ' ball is a great skill which will serve them well in the adult game .
2 During these early years children form attitudes and perceptions which will be with them for life and so we must nurture in the children those attitudes and values which will be with them for life and so we must nurture in the children those attitudes and values which will serve them in years to come .
3 Cars will be fitted with equipment which will register them when they pass through electronic gates .
4 Other transaction processing monitor vendors — NCR Corp and Unix System Labs Inc — have also licensed parts of the Retix software , but are doing their own integration work , which will leave them some six months behind Transarc , says Retix .
5 This obviously has a bearing on the design of shop , type of advertising and form of packaging which will satisfy them .
6 Well , we 're anxious that there is n't an escalation of this crisis , that it may be dealed with as Brigadier Harbottle has written in a letter to the Guardian today , dealt with , er more through first of all an attempt by the Arab nations to come to some agreement amongst themselves and agreement which will satisfy them and be a more long-lasting one .
7 Hewlett will share other object-oriented technologies for distributed object environments with Informix , which will integrate them into its Open Case/ToolBus environment , which is already based on the Hewlett-Packard SoftBench software development framework .
8 Such people should be diagnosed by experts and given appropriate treatment which will prevent them from re-offending ; if necessary they can be detained to incapacitate them in the meantime .
9 They have accepted a compromise deal which will give them a special allowance for working an extra hour in the morning and late at night under a new roster system .
10 Most sailors soon tire of sailing in the same place all the time and look for new places to sail which will give them variety and a challenge .
11 Much rests on cross-curricular elements , but unless enmeshed as an integral part of the overall curriculum , assessment and testing systems which will give them parity of esteem with other elements , they are likely to be ignored , or to remain peripheral .
12 If you do decide to give the Eradicator a whirl , Ray has a tip for new pond-owners which will give them a flying start in the battle against the green blanket .
13 No ; they fidget , touch their hands to their mouths , make interrupt gestures and can hardly wait for that momentary pause which will give them a chance to get a word in edgeways .
14 Approximately 12 students are pursuing this valuable course of study , which will give them a real insight into credit management , with a special emphasis on the development of competence in the job .
15 In the first instance we can suggest that individuals will enter into organisations from a diverse range of social , economic and educational backgrounds which will give them different perspectives and different values .
16 Yes you know there is a chance still to er get them on a er a route which will give them a sort of positive er relationship to society maybe rather than a negative one .
17 The qualification has been designed to make it possible for candidates to select modules which will give them the equivalent of at least three Highers in arts or social science areas .
18 If people want to kill themselves , that 's their affair , but when they come here I want to give them food which will do them food rather than harm .
19 I place the rod in the rest and begin to feed pinches of flake into the current in a spot which will carry them under the raft .
20 Then they should establish sets of year-by-year targets , the achievement of which will carry them forward towards their ultimate objectives .
21 Widnes will come out determined to show their fans that last week 's match has been pushed firmly into the background and turn on the kind of display which will carry them into round two in convincing style .
22 As predicted ( UX No 418 ) , the machines are to be manufactured by Minneapolis , Minnesota-based Tricord Systems Inc which will offer them as its K2 series , though Sequent has exclusive distribution rights for NT versions of the systems , which will ship with a ‘ Sequent skin . ’
23 The aim is to provide sufficient directional light to make the decorations sparkle , but they should be set against areas of soft shadow which will throw them into relief .
24 Those candidates stood to draw attention to the fact that Northern Ireland residents can not vote for or join a party which will govern them when it comes to power .
25 Once we recognise that holists and individualists are pursuing separate interests , it becomes clear that we need a scheme which will accommodate them both , and I have argued that the Annales school offers us the seeds of such an approach .
26 A democratic society needs people who have the linguistic abilities which will enable them to discuss , evaluate and make sense of what they are told , as well as to take effective action on the basis of their understanding .
27 Through this Initiative , the University hopes to develop in its graduates and diplomates qualities which will enable them to play a positive role in an increasingly competitive and changing world .
28 That outcome of the long process of evolution which will enable them to govern the uses of their own physical mechanisms .
29 The French have gone a long way towards providing a road and water supply and members of the ‘ Pater Nostra ’ organisation are studying in Budapest , Vienna and Germany to obtain qualifications in medicine , physiotherapy , occupational therapy and other skills which will enable them to provide the day-to-day care of the residents in the future .
30 The Kingman Report emphasised the need for such abilities when it stated : ‘ A democratic society needs people who have the linguistic abilities which will enable them to discuss , evaluate and make sense of what they are told , as well as to take effective action on the basis of their understanding …
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