Example sentences of "which be [v-ing] in " in BNC.

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1 Herons generally breed in trees , which are lacking in Shetland , and these birds are almost certainly from Norway .
2 It 's got a whole completely separate sequence of project numbers which are reporting in analysis classes which are the , the things that research team manage through on , which reports are repaired .
3 . Right , so the company that we work for is and they are one of the a number of companies which are operating in the fleet driver training market , and erm they we pren presently have the contract with for this f f course of defensive driver training .
4 Rather , it simply exemplifies the paradoxes of the client-lawyer relationship which the profession 's firms are having to address and , indeed , many of which are succeeding in doing so .
5 We can not abandon people to the horrors of primitive siege warfare , so the ramshackle institutions of the United Nations will have to be drastically overhauled to cope with this crisis and others like it which are festering in an increasingly unstable world .
6 ‘ Coincidentally , we are now seeing coming out of Eastern Europe that same broad attitude being adopted , not only by the democratic socialists and social democratic parties which are emerging in the East , but also amongst the reform wings of the old Communist parties led by a new generation who realise the command economy Stalinist game is completely up .
7 2 Write down the words from the same dictionary page which are missing in these sentences .
8 CAHAG claims it will set a precedent for other authorities , allowing it to challenge other authorities which are failing in their duty .
9 However , it is a fact that there are stimuli such as food which are reinforcing in this sense .
10 The anguish of American astronomers reflects the two current trends in space science which are pulling in opposite directions .
11 Sometimes , too , there was evidence on these cards of the conflicts which were raging in the minds of the garrison .
12 Yanto laughed as he realised his shoulders were covered with fish scales which were flashing in the dim light of the oil lamp .
13 He , it was rightly thought , would provide the drive and the partisan bitterness which were lacking in Baldwin 's style .
14 His love of Britain and wholehearted support for the fight against Fascism gave his films an urgency and richness which were lacking in the few he made after the war .
15 During the reign of Charles I there was a great flood of emigrants to North America and the West Indies , and a third type of colony appeared in addition to the colonies for English settlement and the trading posts which needed political power to function effectively : the colonies which were emerging in the West Indies were beginning to turn into plantations in the modern sense in which Englishmen directed the labour of other people .
16 This is not just because the terms Whig and Tory were not to become current usage until the Exclusion Crisis , but because the political polarities which were emerging in the 1660s and 1670s — between Court and Country — did not predict the Whig–Tory split that was to emerge after the Popish Plot .
17 This tendency reached a quite ludicrous result in the course of the Spycatcher litigation , when the House of Lords at one point narrowly upheld an interim injunction on newspapers publishing details from a book which was on open sale throughout the rest of the world , and numerous copies of which were circulating in Britain .
18 There is little trace left of York 's truly ancient coaching , posting and market inns , while nearly half the pubs which were standing in the 1950s , including some historic gems , have been closed down , converted , or redeveloped into oblivion .
19 It was held that property in the incomplete ship passed on payment of the first instalment but that no property passed at that time in some materials which were Lying in the ship yard and might be used in the ship 's construction .
20 The woollen tablet weaves of England , which are relatively crude in the sixth century but which were improving in quality in the seventh , may be an insular product .
21 At the same time speculative builders will be reluctant to slide back into the nightmare of the late Eighties , when they had huge land banks which were decreasing in value by the month secured on loans that were costing more .
22 The motion was put to the annual conference of the National Federation of Retail Newsagents which is meeting in Llandudno .
23 Unless hardware maintenance providers broaden the range of services they offer , position their products correctly and market them right , they will not succeed in today 's hardware market , which is dropping in value more rapidly than previously predicted .
24 Some of those held on remand will be found not guilty and a significant proportion do not receive custodial sentences when their case is finally heard — points not lost on the government , which is investing in additional bail hostels , special bail information schemes run by the probation service and , more controversially , pilot schemes malting use of electronic ‘ tagging ’ equipment ; these are all ways , it is hoped , to reduce what many see as an unnecessary and wasteful use of prison resources .
25 In a Christian view , therefore , work is not just necessary in order to live but the result of an irrepressible drive which is rewarding in its own right .
26 Just a wringing of the hands over the ferment which is developing in Europe . ’
27 Closer still to delegated purchasing to practices is ‘ practice sensitive purchasing , ’ which is developing in Bath .
28 Significant because of its gay culture and tradition of liberalism , Amsterdam also has a sense of recent history which is lacking in Britain .
29 Provide a sense of seclusion and an attractive feature in a garden which is lacking in privacy by building yourself an arbour .
30 It is precisely this sense of legitimacy which is lacking in capitalist societies today .
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