Example sentences of "or before the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It would be a great help to all our officers in planning future strategies ( and probably of considerable interest to you ) if you could enlist the help of your class members to complete the enclosed survey ( either by photocopying the form and filling in one each or by a show of hands and entering the total numbers ) Please let Pat Palmer have the results at or before the Reunion on 19th November .
2 I throw that into the arena on the basis that P P G seven exists it is not a policy in the terms of Section fifty four A unless it is made a policy in the terms of Section fifty four A. Nevertheless it is a material consideration in all applications be before the local authority or before the Secretary of State .
3 The meeting insist that the Committee for Building the Church yeard Dyke of Kilchoman are to have the same finished on or before the middle of June next .
4 If the district registry had appreciated the urgency and the short period of the order without doubt they would have sought directions and the result would certainly have been that the appeal would have been set down at some other convenient centre or , as happened , in London at or before the beginning of this term and would have been heard within a few days , that is , the appeal would have been heard approximately a month ago .
5 possession and enjoyment of the property is not bona fide assumed by the donee at or before the beginning of the relevant period ( in theory therefore , if the donee assumes this late , the provisions will be offended ) ; or 2. at any time in the relevant period the property is not enjoyed to the entire exclusion , or virtually to the entire exclusion , of the donor and of any benefit to him by contract or otherwise then the provisions of Finance Act 1986 , s102 will apply .
6 First , possession and enjoyment of the property given to the donee must be bona fide assumed by the donee at or before the beginning of the relevant period .
7 The incentive aspect may be brought in at this stage to define a reward for the contractor for finishing on or before the contract completion date and compensation to the customer for finishing late .
8 Employment opportunities will be discussed at some time during or before the course .
9 There has never been a British monarch , or before the union of England and Scotland , an English or Scottish monarch , who was deaf .
10 New Mills Public Library This book must be returned on or before the date last stamped below , or renewal requested , otherwise a fine will be incurred .
11 For example , you can not claim unfair dismissal if on or before the date when your job ends :
12 They are also helpful if they are arranged so that you are paid on or before the date of delivery of your goods or services as compared with the usual 40- to 70-day wait for your cheque .
13 Nominees who do not attend the party conference shall be deemed to have withdrawn their nominations unless they send to the secretary on or before the date on which the conference opens an explanation in writing of their absence , satisfactory to the party Conference Arrangements Committee .
14 Commons Members unable to attend conference through sickness or because they are abroad on parliamentary business may send instruction to the secretary of the party or to a parliamentary colleague on how their vote shall be cast provided that they send to the secretary on or before the date on which conference opens an explanation in writing of their absence .
15 Full provision is to be made for potential warranty claims and credit notes relating to sales made on or before the balance sheet date .
16 The sum deposited is to be paid on or before the execution of the lease .
17 For example , the Japanese process engineers start detailed die design on or before the completion of the first-generation prototypes , and start cutting dies before the second-generation prototypes are complete .
18 A party may require his opponent to supply copies of documents which he is entitled to inspect ; the notice requiring the copy document must be served at or before the time when inspection takes place and must contain an undertaking to pay the proper charge , which charges are set out in Appendix A item 4 ( Ord 14 , r 5A ) .
19 However , the Capital Taxes Office is likely to raise the following " standard " question : what discussions took place between the parties at or before the time of the deed of variation about how the assets which went to the spouse under the deed of variation were to be dealt with by the surviving spouse , ie was there some sort of plan or understanding that the property would be given to the children ?
20 If you think your goodwill will stand it and you want to do it , let your customer know your policy at or before the point of sale .
21 Thus , in addition to the general process in which the market registers people 's choices and these feed back into selected or discontinued types of production , there is an evident pressure , at or before the point of production , to reduce costs : either by improving the technical means of reproduction , or by altering the nature of the work or pressing it into other forms .
22 Retired STG employees and those retiring before privatisation or before the end of any transitional period will have their pensions provision fully secured so that they will receive the same pensions as they would have received from the Scottish Transport Group .
23 These need not be specified in full as the Listing begins on or after the start string and finishes on or before the end string without exceeding the specified range .
24 These need not be specified in full as the Listing will start on or after the start string and finish on or before the end string , without exceeding the range given by them .
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