Example sentences of "or two [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It will be a generation or two no doubt before this determinedly old-fashioned room acknowledges one of the most remarkable of post-1945 French writers , the critic Roland Barthes , who was the complete Parisian intellectual but was brought up in the Basque country , went to school in Bayonne and all his life kept his house along the Adour , at tire .
2 By the way , why ca n't we have a tournament or two every year up here in the North ?
3 In old age Arthur would still come to the brewery for an hour or two every day and later ride on horseback to his flour mills at Kilmainham .
4 ‘ She arranged for me to be companion to an old lady , the mother of a friend of theirs , for an hour or two a day .
5 He 'd have paid a small army of little boys a penny or two a day to run up and down the hill with buckets of the stuff . ’
6 I myself spend an hour or two a day in the garden hut with my father-in-law , dismantling the baby 's cot and highchair .
7 But at the same time it is occasionally so terribly easy to rob a fellow human being of his life : a slight nudge , let us say , from a car-bumper , and a cyclist is knocked down and hits his head against the road and in a second or two a life has gone .
8 I could see some of the other sprinters jogging around — Carl , Ben , Ray , Calvin — and gave one or two a wave .
9 A few of these difficult public-interest cases go , not to the disciplinary committee , but to the Joint Disciplinary Scheme : not more than about one or two a year , but each of them demanding a great investment of time and money .
10 But his cash income of 80 yuan a month , even when supplemented by the sale of a pig or two a year , gives the family a yearly cash income of no more than 1,500 yuan .
11 One or two a bit odd .
12 First of all we wanted that product to be totally open , and I 'll qualify in a minute or two a little bit more what I mean by totally open .
13 During the first two weeks on the Scarsdale Medical Diet , you will be delighted and encouraged by rapid weight loss , actually seeing on the scale that pounds are dropping off day by day ( not that discouraging pound or two a week ) .
14 something which they may have saved for themselves or perhaps by doing an odd job here and there , and working a day or two a week , which will not make too great demands on their strength , but will just keep the household going .
15 The school , of course , had existed for some years now , ever since the Factory Act which her father could not mention without turning purple , had thought it advisable for factory children to be given some education , feeling that an hour or two a week per child , perhaps , of reading , writing and arithmetic , would not go amiss .
16 One more pair of hands for an hour or two a week can be a godsend for this very worthwhile and rewarding ‘ back bone ’ work .
17 Or two a week ?
18 If it only takes you an hour or two a week to run your administration , then you do n't yet need a computer .
19 ‘ If we sell one more player I might as well sell them all and forget the silver and take the gold — I 'm not going to continue to sell one or two a season .
20 but erm it had sorted itself out after , well more or less after a week or two a lot of the evacuees of course did n't stay very long , they went back home because erm I know mother had a , a little boy from erm Guildford when we lived at Debenham and er he went back after a while , the mother used to come down and visit him from time to time , they were very , came from very poor circumstances and the
21 After a year or two the child 's family placement worker will begin the search for a new family .
22 For a second or two the moon escapes from behind the rushing clouds casting silvery shadows on the ruined abbey .
23 For a second or two the expression of the Annamese.camp " boy " hardened as he stared at his employer , then he moved away from the peephole and began to busy himself cleaning the pots and pans that had been used to prepare the meal .
24 Sneezing and fluent , bland coryza ; the mucous membranes of the nose may be swollen and after a day or two the coryza may extend to the larynx with a hard cough .
25 ‘ But you 've comforted many a weary soul , listened to lots of troubled folk and even given one or two the will to live again .
26 After another step or two the man stopped and turned round to speak to the parson .
27 Perhaps in a minute or two the door would open again and there would be … who ?
28 Within a year or two the government ( of whichever party ) is expected to put to Parliament a radical reform which would do away with the charade of having to prove marriage breakdown .
29 Mental disturbance requiring such security is often short-lived and within a week or two the person may be well enough to enjoy the normal freedoms accorded other patients .
30 ‘ Of course , ’ Robin-Anne went on , ‘ the brain eventually manufactures more dopamine , so after a day or two the cocaine can work again , and you go soaring up from hell into heaven .
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