Example sentences of "which [modal v] make [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Moreover , these correlations only achieved overall significance when the junctions were grouped in a way which may make sense , but was clearly post hoc .
2 Do not take a large supper which may make sleep difficult immediately afterwards .
3 But to say ‘ well we may run into erm problems which we ca n't at the moment foresee , or problems which may make life temporarily a little difficult ’ I do n't think should prevent us from tackling the problem .
4 It has been put together by a group of younger supporters , and the first issue comes complete with a free disabled driver sticker which should make parking at away games much easier .
5 It could , indeed , help to establish the kind of ethos which might make recourse to legal remedies unnecessary .
6 Only one small criticism and that is it lacks an index and page numbers which could make reference difficult .
7 PC Tools 8 is crammed with quality features , some of which could make MS-DOS go green with envy
8 But if appointment as a lord of session was major patronage at any period in Scotland 's history , there was in the eighteenth century considerable demand for any post which could make use of legal education , for there is some reason to believe that the country was oversupplied with lawyers in view of the desperate efforts which some of them made to obtain a salaried post , no matter how minor .
9 The design staff and manual workers at Lucas jointly felt that there was something seriously wrong about forms of technology which could make product systems as complex as Concorde while in the same society old people were dying of hypothermia .
10 One long-serving officer argued the review would also mean more firemen on tenders and fewer officers in the station , which would make promotion harder to win but would benefit the public .
11 The last gamble , which would make concession unnecessary , was a new expeditionary force to defeat the rebels .
12 Will he remind any business man foolish enough to think that a Labour Government would be better for business of the myriad proposals which would prove the truth to be quite the opposite , which would make life far more difficult and which would especially energise union militancy which is at the bottom of some of the proposals ?
13 6 Continue to monitor vital signs to detect changes in patient 's condition which would make surgery inadvisable .
14 There is a need to look at more positive notions of the relationships between women and state policy which would make space for women and men to explore new options for living .
15 He also held , dubiously , that were it not for the corruptions imposed by state and law , men would develop bonds of instinctive solidarity which would make government unnecessary .
16 We now here have , in the convention of the IWC , not only a possibility to enact regulations which would make whaling more humane , but the enactment of very specific regulations which establish a precedent that the Whaling Commission is formally involved in animal welfare issues .
17 Once the topics had been set out in an order which would make sense to the recipients ( in this case of a postal questionnaire ) then the questions could be worked out .
18 The Young King 's opportunity was getting nearer , but if he were to show his hand at last , he needed an excuse , a justification for the war which would make sense in his father 's eyes and just might lead him to condone the attack on Richard .
19 Just as astronomers sought for the pattern and the simple laws that must govern the movements of the stars and planets — making the world a real universe or cosmos , an ordered whole — so naturalists sought an arrangement which would make sense of all the different kinds of creatures that they found .
20 So sorry can I just ask , so in effect you have n't shifted your ground from the view which you expressed in paragraph three point six of your submission where you 've just confirmed in fact that you 'd rather have a proper or the ability to make a sort of proper measured allocations , part of which would make provision or allow the facility to cater for major inward investment ?
21 Currently the most widely known ( and also most widely criticized ) theory on the subject is that of Noam Chomsky who has pointed out that , although children have to learn the meanings of individual words from their elders ( which would make language a phenomenon of culture ) , they seem to know how to string words together so as to distinguish sense from nonsense long before they have acquired any substantial vocabulary .
22 Furthermore , if councils are fragmented , political control could be different in each , which would make co-operation across boundaries difficult .
23 What then is it which would make label switching alone something which adversely affects or usurps the right of the owner ?
24 Will my right hon. Friend ensure that the message goes out from British trade missions throughout the United States to American firms contemplating investing in Britain that we operate an open free market economy with low taxation and that we have no intention of introducing unnecessary social costs which would make business less competitive ?
25 And as a result of this meeting , the Greenwood Trust was founded and its brief was to encourage the effective management of the woodlands and to develop products which would make use of home-produced timber .
26 Self and Ernest Long , the secretary , devoted a good deal of thought to methods of budgetary control which would make decentralisation possible , but the headquarters engineers , still deeply distrustful of anything from Self , had little conception of the financial and management principles of decentralisation .
27 The first is a moral one , that if chimpanzees are really like man they may have the same capacity to understand what is happening to them and imagine their futures , which would make laboratory studies , especially physiological interventions , unacceptable .
28 You may have physical limitations yourself which would make lifting and other care of a disabled person difficult or impossible .
29 He criticized cutbacks made in NRA funding , which would make action against polluters more difficult .
30 In specifying such systems we are likely to use fairly straightforward types of occam , which will make transformation easier .
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