Example sentences of "which [be] still the " in BNC.

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1 The Médoc was classified as long ago as 1855 , and 5 different classes were identified — which are still the same today , with the single exception that in 1973 Château Mouton Rothschild was upgraded from second growth to first .
2 Nevertheless a number of unmet needs were uncovered which are still the subject of analysis .
3 This chapter , together with chapters 2 and 3 , has dealt rather selectively with a number of issues pertaining to fieldwork strategy , many of which are still the subject of controversy .
4 Concern with the functioning of elites in politics is as old as the study of politics itself , and in its earliest forms relied on common-sense assumptions , which are still the starting-point of much research , about the inevitability of the appearance of select groups of dominant individuals wielding political power in any given society .
5 But having put him in , he rarely consulted him on general policy issues and gave hint little role even in industrial disputes , which were still the traditional concern of the Board of Trade .
6 Moreover the Yek had a horror of the mutations which were still the occasional result of the patches of radiation which were to be found in places around the continent , and they had laws to prevent the proliferation of mutant types through succeeding generations .
7 She helped in the family café at the Sussex seaside resort of Littlehampton , which is still the base for her worldwide empire of retailing outlets .
8 Hence the stalemate between the two camps , the Deterrers and the Disarmers , which is still the position .
9 Queen Victoria suffered a severe blow in December , 1861 when her beloved Prince Albert died — it was very many years before she eventually accepted his death , Memorials to him included the elaborate memorial in Kensington Gardens , with the world 's continents represented around its base , and facing the magnificent Albert Hall which is still the home of various public occasions and wonderful concerts .
10 We were enumerated off at Brodick which is still the ‘ tourist centre for exploring the island , and is in daily communication with the mainland … ’
11 They came into Moscow , past the vast Aeroflot Hotel which is still the main watering-hole for tourists .
12 For producers often internalize known or possible market relationships , and this is a very complex process indeed , ranging from obvious production for the market which is still the work the producer ‘ always wanted to do ’ , through all the possible compromises between the market demand and the producer 's intention , to those cases m which the practical determinations of the market are acknowledged but the original work is still substantially done .
13 Whereas the men had sixty percent effective tags and forty percent modal which is still the same direction but to a lesser extent .
14 One project looks at the diagrammatic system which Euler , the great German mathematician , invented in the eighteenth century to teach a German Princess syllogisms , and which is still the basis of much teaching of elementary logic and mathematics .
15 Even less money would be needed to counter river blindness , which is still the scourge of millions .
16 ‘ It is the swim which is still the most exciting as everything depends on the tide .
17 How do you , friends , change a structure which is still the old structure with a civil service , a security and everything that goes with it and move to one of democracy and justice because if you move too rapidly and you do not make concessions and you ignore the terrible power of the right wing with all the military might at its disposal you can very easily create in South Africa a Lebanon or indeed , yes , a Yugoslavia .
18 The Holstentor , which is still the town gateway though the walls have partly disappeared , is now fully restored .
19 Starting with carbonated soft drinks [ which is still the largest sector ] the market has expanded to include mineral water , wine , beer , edible oils , cosmetics , chemicals and spirits .
20 With that as its dominant posture , particular schemes could fail and it would still retain and perhaps even enhance its support , if it could claim that it pursued a course which was known to be difficult but which was still the ideologically sound thing to do .
21 Jamila saw right through old Charlie : she said there was iron ambition under the crushed-velvet idealism which was still the style of the age .
22 He was over Charing Cross Road and well into the Square before some instinct of recognition made him look up and see the place which was still the jewel of London , the haven of fantasies , the last known post of security , the Crystal Rooms .
23 This did not mean the end of large-scale sheep-farming , which was still the basis of large fortunes in the nineteenth century : migrant merino flocks still passed from summer pastures in the Sierras along the sheep roads to Estremadura and the south ; but with the destruction of animal stock in the War of Independence , the disruption of the sheep routes , and the general decline of wool the great transhumant flocks persisted only in those regions where no other method of feeding was possible — in the more remote parts of the bleak province of Soria for example .
24 ‘ It all looks ludicrous now ’ , observed David Widgery , ‘ but if you realize there had been twenty years of Cold War normalism this was a very exuberant reaction to the world of Pepsodent ads , and the father-mother-children-aren't-we-normal ? kind of thing which was still the prevailing mentality .
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