Example sentences of "which [be] [adv] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Their attraction is based on an image which is at the other extreme from the uncertainty and powerlessness which are also part of adolescence .
2 Machines we are not , but perhaps after all there are hidden ‘ pre-programmed ’ factors within us which are also part of the story , which affect our response to conflict .
3 Clearly woman is a philonym , but its meaning does not precisely match the presuppositions of pregnant because it has incompatibles ( e.g. ewe , mare ) which are also philonyms .
4 Similar in appearance are the cathedral corals , ( Sinularia species ) which are often purple in colour , and have fingerlike projections rather thank ridges on the polypary , thus being morphologically halfway between the encrusting leather corals and the bushy , tree-like soft corals , many of which are also species of Sinularia .
5 I remarked earlier my interest in a cultural critique situated at the points where these two perspectives converge without ever becoming compatible ; at the points of overlap which are also gaps .
6 Of this total , UK company securities accounted for over 50 per cent , and overseas securities , by far the greater part of which are also company shares , accounted for 13 per cent .
7 Among the white cells are scavenger cells collectively known as granulocytes ; lymphocytes , which are responsible for the immune response ; macrophages , which are also scavengers ; and a type of cell which makes the platelets involved in the clotting of blood when an injury to a vessel occurs .
8 So why are the beautiful Rasboras , which are also Cyprinids , so often overlooked ?
9 Expressions for covariant derivatives of tensors of any rank can be obtained , all of which are also tensors .
10 Groove Tubes has worked with ‘ legendary guitarists ’ as well , who all endorse Groove Tubes ( unsolicited and not under contract ) , some of which are also Peavey endorsees .
11 Section 2(3) ( a ) of the 1957 Act provides that where a person enters in the exercise of his calling , the occupier may expect that that person will appreciate and guard against risks which are ordinarily incident to that calling ( Roles v Nathan and General Cleaning Contractors v Christmas ) .
12 Most buildings before the turn of the century were built without dpc 's , which are simply layers of impervious material such as slate , copper , bituminous felt , heavy gauge plastic or , in special circumstances , ‘ engineering ’ bricks such as Staffordshire blues .
13 Many PD sources offer Hypercard ‘ stacks ’ , which are simply collections of sounds , accessed by pushing on-screen ‘ buttons ’ to play them .
14 For many years the British Library has not acquired copies of books which are simply reprints of what they already have : that is , later editions identical in text and pagination with first editions of books popular enough to be reprinted .
15 The disk is round , slightly indented over the arms , diameter up to 14 mm , covered by rod-like spinelets which are slightly rugose often with a narrow trifid crown .
16 In the case of the London Caribbeans , we can say that their repertoire of personas includes some which are unambiguously London and some which are unambiguously Caribbean , as well as some which are not clearly one or the other .
17 About the exchange of bird species between closely adjacent islands Wallace noted : ‘ Birds offer us one of the best means of determining the law of distribution ; for though at first sight it would appear that the watery boundaries that kept out the land quadrupeds could be easily passed over by birds , yet practically it is not so ; for if we leave out the aquatic tribes ( seabirds ) which are preeminently wanderers , it is found that the others ( and especially the passeres , or perching birds , which form the vast majority ) are often as strictly limited by straits and arms of the sea as are quadrupeds themselves . ’
18 Person deixis concerns the encoding of the role of participants in the speech event in which the utterance in question is delivered : the category first person is the grammaticalization of the speaker 's reference to himself , second person the encoding of the speaker 's reference to one or more addressees , and third person the encoding of reference to persons and entities which are neither speakers nor addressees of the utterance in question .
19 For example , despite her attachment to an extra-textual and pre-linguistic domain of mental activity , Nathalie Sarraute 's work , according to Heath , should not be limited by interpretative strategies which are fundamentally referentialist in orientation .
20 There are several images , which are clearly icons , showing isolated pillars with a pair of attendant heraldic beasts .
21 He is speaking really of two different kinds of law — the Common Law on the one side , the rules of Equity on the other — which are equally law .
22 These artistic predilections went hand in hand with a marked interest in aesthetic theory His notebooks of 1862-for instance , contain comments under the heading " On the Essence of Music " , which are probably notes for a two-part Germania essay on " The Demonic in Music " , and , again , a set of Emersonian reflection on Nature , beauty and art .
23 Experience teaches.a lot as to whether or not a phenomenon is likely to be a genuine signal or background noise , but there is still a twilight zone , the tantalising occurrences which are probably noise but might possibly be signal .
24 A recent review advises that surgeons should treat surgically incurable patients with local methods only which are both cost effective and carry a low morbidity and mortality .
25 Eliminate toppings which are primarily cheese or meat — go for fresh tomatoes , vegetables , onions , tuna and anchovies .
26 It is convenient for our purpose to adopt the DES definition of courses in management education as being those which are primarily post-graduate and post experience .
27 Labour 's policies , which are partly monopoly and partly over-regulatory , and aim to damage the industry 's profits and investments , could only make matters worse .
28 And finally a bill for the centre of fourteen pounds fourteen pence , which are just items that Don draws , er a mousetrap , er a bin , etcetera .
29 There are some things which are just sort of have a fairly short lifetime , both in terms of the interest of the event and also the , also the interest of the press in it in which case you just have to use your judgement .
30 Niskanen ( 1973 ) is probably the best-known proponent of public choice theory in the analysis of state bureaucracy , and a summary of his arguments , which are largely United States based , was presented to UK policy-makers through the Institute of Economic Affairs , a leading ‘ think-tank ’ devoted to spreading the message of economic liberalism and reform of the state .
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