Example sentences of "which [verb] [pron] the " in BNC.

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1 Adorno 's critique , therefore , and in particular the critique of the Culture Industry is mounted from the increasingly beleaguered and restricted field of the avant garde , and it is this , in part , which wins it the current disapproval of the more enthusiastically affirmative , apparently democratic , or outright populist approaches to popular culture .
2 Worse still , the new Leeds are as sly and provocative as Don Revie 's sides , with none of the skills which made them the Liverpool of the Seventies .
3 In Germany , in July 1932 , the Nazi party won 230 seats in the Reichstag , which made them the majority party , although Adolph Hitler was not able to become the Chancellor until January 1933 .
4 He said afterwards that he had understood Terry had come out just to allow him to reach his goal , but it was an unfortunate end to a splendid innings , which made him the first English batsman since Barrington in 1967 to score three consecutive centuries in a series .
5 Alexander 's method was brought about by his unique way of thinking which made him the genius that he was .
6 His loneliness as a child had been reinforced by his years of solitary endeavour in the north-west frontier in India and Kenya , which made him the world 's leading authority on the diseases of the camel .
7 Which made her the last person to know how to handle this evening 's adventure .
8 Which made me the family oddity . ’
9 Of all the commercial cities of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries Genoa is the best documented , for its marvellous series of notarial registers give us almost a comprehensive view of the sophisticated world of contracts and partnerships , of commerce near and far , which made it the home of a commercial empire stretching from the western Mediterranean to the Middle East .
10 The reasons for the widespread development of the particular form of alphabetic literacy evident in Greece must clearly be sought in the social structure ; Goody and Watt , however , insist that ‘ considerable importance must surely be attributed to the intrinsic advantages of the Greek adaptation of the Semitic alphabet , an adaptation which made it the first comprehensively and exclusively phonetic system tor transcribing human speech ’ ( ibid. pp. 40–1 ) .
11 Boston ( 1086–1113 ) too is a planted town , its plan related to the curving banks of the River Witham along which came the trade which made it the second most prosperous town after London by 1206 .
12 Which made it the more regrettable that , in an age when abortion is pressed on one as if it were a free sample , she should have contrived to have four children in six years — unwanted , dubiously parented , ill cared for .
13 The most significant of these was Wards Cove Packing Co. v. Atonio , which made it the responsibility of an employee to show that an employer used practices adversely affecting women and minorities without any " business necessity " .
14 Miss Mates , indeed , kissed her on the cheek , said , ‘ Oh , you poor thing , ’ which made Sally-Anne feel a little mean , even if it was the last copper-bottomed clincher — that was her Uncle Orrin this time , not Papa — which got her the job .
15 They were also at the stage when they still found funny voices funny , and Charles had his best audience in years for his Welsh , developed for Under Milk Wood ( ‘ A production which demonstrated everything the theatre can offer , except talent ’ — Nottingham Evening Post ) , his Cornish , as used in Love 's Labour 's Lost ( ‘ Charles Paris 's Costard was about as funny as an obituary notice ’ — New Statesman ) and the voice he had used as a Chinese Broker 's Man in Aladdin ( ‘ My watch said that the show only lasted two and a half hours , so I 've taken it to be repaired ’ — Glasgow Herald ) .
16 Even when a picture is used , it is not complete , it takes the form of an icon which contains what the perceiver considers matters at the time .
17 Its 1,900-page report covered ( i ) the months after the September 1973 military coup against the left-wing Allende government ; ( ii ) the mass terror of 1974-77 carried out through the National Intelligence Directorate ( DINA ) secret police , which provided what the report called " central co-ordination revealing a will to exterminate a category of people … [ to whom the regime ] attributed a high degree of political dangerousness " ; and ( ii ) the post-1977 period of institutionalized repression .
18 He is still smarting after Tuesday 's controversial umpire call , which cost him the race against Kanza , Koch 's other boat .
19 Thanks to proper medical care , the infection was cured , but he needed a convalescence of four weeks under medical guidance , a time which cost him the part of Timmy Cleary that he craved .
20 Most colleges have now gone over to the modular system of teaching , which means you can achieve your degree ( or other qualification ) by combining the study of those subjects , however dissimilar , which interest you the most .
21 He is firmly established in the half back line , which allows him the luxury of being able to press forward in support of his attacking colleagues .
22 Can I make a suggestion about , probably not relevant to B T but might be relevant to the other continuous jobs , if like health care it nearly follows the procedure that you 've got at the moment and that is that in that procedure you have somewhere a line that says that your continuous jobs at the beginning of the job , or early on in the job , in the master job file there is put a note of which parts of the procedure apply and which parts do n't , or how filing is done , or whatever bit is different , which allows you the flexibility for each job to have it 's own , to have it 's own small procedure that forms part of the master job file , that says this is how this one is done , if those differences are very small .
23 However , these outcomes are contingent upon a supportive infrastructure of values , processes and skills which integrate what the school exists to do with appropriate management strategies which are carried out by individuals with relevant skills and personal qualities .
24 Although she was anxious to be able to travel on the underground and in aeroplanes , she felt that the problem which caused her the most inconvenience was her inability to go into any large shop or department store without experiencing extreme panic .
25 Consequently there are no cases in our books which show what the appropriate determinate sentence is specifically for that offence .
26 Any theory of sentence production , then , will be a theory which describes what the constructive processes are which , when applied to some thought which a speaker wishes to convey to someone else , result in the formulation and production of an appropriate sentence .
27 Ten minutes ahead on the clock , Short castled on the queenside and began a pawn advance which secured him the initiative .
28 She felt the sudden weight on her legs which told her the cat had leapt up again .
29 Oh , yes , I know about the secret metal box she owned ; her turreted chamber at Blois with its magic mirror which told her the future ; and her employment of that terrible prophet Nostradamus who prophesied the end of the world .
30 And yet there was a part of her which longed to get to the bottom of this complex man , an instinct perhaps which told her the quest would be a worthwhile one .
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