Example sentences of "which [verb] to [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 We have considered the delay likely to occur in a personal injury action which goes to trial in the High Court .
2 Each case which goes to trial is an elaborate gamble .
3 ‘ We should take every opportunity to recycle our waste cardboard so that we reduce the quantity of our waste which goes to landfill or is incinerated . ’
4 The conception of meaning is raised in that the Gordon argument envisages a formal separation between the term furnished tenancy , which goes to scope , and the elements within the bracket which constitute it .
5 Even this morning , companies and individuals are apparently falling over themselves to spend breakfast with the Australian team , all for a moderate fee , of course , which goes to charity .
6 A spokesman for ‘ WONDERS ’ told The Art Newspaper , ‘ The approximate total guarantee is about $300,000 in cash for loan of the Ottoman objects , some of which goes to restoration ’ .
7 Some of these packets have very low energy — and these correspond to radiation with extremely long wavelength ; and some packets have very high energy — which correspond to radiation of short wavelength .
8 Other sketchbooks contain swift pencil notations which correspond to oil paintings , although it is not entirely clear what function they served and whether Monet consulted them at any later stage in the evolution of his compositions .
9 Even if it were to be deduced that there is an outstanding shortfall in the HP4 supply , this appeal , while being determined in the context of policy HP4 , would require to be consistent with the specific terms of policy HP6 , which refers to non-Local Plan proposals .
10 Asking students to supply a title which refers to discourse type as well as topic , is a quick way of checking they have succeeded in orientating towards the discourse as a whole .
11 It follows that the materials element will be governed by s4 which refers to merchantability and fitness for purpose ( see Young and Marten Ltd v McManus Childs Ltd [ 1969 ] 1 AC 454 ) whilst the services element will be governed by the reasonableness provision as a minimum standard laid down in s13 .
12 Mr Maxwell said that his alterations — which he would make for publication in his newspapers — were to substitute the term ombudsman for readers ' representatives and to widen the clause in the code of practice which refers to non-payment of criminals to include those benefiting from a criminal act .
13 If molecules which bind to calcium ions and remove them from solution are injected into the postsynaptic cell , then once again LTP is blocked .
14 Staphenandra tanakae has lovely long arching sprays of mid-green leaves , which change to yellow in autumn , after panicles of white flowers in early summer make this a plant of considerable value .
15 IBM Corp 's fall from grace , which led to Standard & Poor 's Corp downgrading its senior ratings to double-A-minus from triple-A , has not affected the triple-A asset-backed certificate ratings of IBM 1990 , 1991 and 1992 Tax-Exempt Grantor Trusts , the rating agency said after reviewing the situation .
17 Decisive battles , the death of kings in battle or the life imprisonment of great men were rare events ; and against the very exceptional , decisive outcome of the battles of 1066 and 1106 we must set the endless , indecisive campaigns of William I and Henry I on the borders of their French domains ; the indecisive warfare of Stephen 's reign which led to anarchy in England .
18 Other areas covered , plus Who 's Who , records , and report on the tangle over Raman Lambda 's registration , which led to court action .
19 Those tears , which led to dismissal , could have been seen as a source of energy and redirected by an understanding supervisor to a powerful commitment to doing the work well .
20 In this new arena , it has to be businesslike — late startups for some government contracts have meant cost cutting at the end this financial year , which led to newspaper reports of a ‘ crisis ’ at WSL .
21 This requires us to reverse the steps which led to eqn ( 7.9 ) .
22 In general , this was nut normally part of a shopping-around process which led to selection of a particularly advantageous form of credit .
23 Now you get the health problems caused by over tight corseting , which led to constriction of lungs , of ribs , in some cases , punctured lungs , a lot of cases of T B in the eighteen forties were in fact where the corset had compressed the ribs so tightly , that they 'd actually punctured the lung .
24 Chapter 1 has already mentioned the impetus given to the debate by Jim Callaghan 's Ruskin speech , and discussed some of the factors which led to accountability pressures .
25 Following the debates Bush appeared to step back from further character attacks on Clinton , a development which led to speculation that he had already privately accepted the inevitability of his defeat and was seeking to preserve a degree of presidential dignity .
26 The change , which could come in this autumn , follows the scrapping of the controversial unit fines system , which led to public outrage after a number of cases where huge fines were imposed for trivial offences .
27 Over the ensuing days traffic and commuters in London were seriously disrupted by hoax bomb warning calls which led to station closures .
28 Many people consider that the failure adequately to protest at the rise of European Fascism in the 1920s and 1930s was a failure of moral duty , whilst others point out that protesting was a highly dangerous business which led to imprisonment , to torture , and to death .
29 He also sees that the Western-led coalition can not ensure peace or a new order because it ‘ is not willing to address ’ the very factors such as dictatorship and maldistribution of wealth and power which led to war in the first place .
30 However , when they were discussing the historical development which led to capitalism , as they do in The German Ideology and Formen , they stress , by contrast , the continuity in structure between different stages and the universality of the historical process .
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