Example sentences of "which [verb] become the " in BNC.

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1 That is the large reason why she is there , with about 25 other people waiting quietly to one side of the altar in the church which has become the place in the city where freedom most nearly is .
2 We are looking for a couple of acres owned by the UMWA member which has become the focus of the strike : Camp Solidarity .
3 They were soon followed by ciprofloxacin ( 10 ) , which has become the reference substance for the modern fluoroquinolones .
4 Whether these libraries will become a model for the reform of a public library system which has become the plaything of politicians is another matter .
5 Helping to create the solid feel which has become the hallmark of Adams ' music is guitarist Keith Scott .
6 Yet it is this , and in particular the multi-national corporation , which has become the object of bitter criticism .
7 They may be piqued by the performance of fellow-American Salomon Brothers , which has become the biggest single bidder at most gilt auctions .
8 The triggers for Britain 's nuclear bombs were tested within their thick concrete walls and they housed the first experiments into radar.The buildings , on a remote spit of land on the Suffolk coast , may not be the oldest but they are certainly among the most historic and sinister in the ownership of the National Trust.They are on Orford Ness , a desolate wildlife haven , which has become the Trust 's latest acquisition at a cost of £3.5 million.Yesterday , in pouring rain and silence broken only by the eerie shriek of gulls , the buildings were shown to journalists for what is thought to be the first time since they were erected.Strands of barbed wire and a Ministry of Defence ‘ keep out ’ notice are now the only remaining evidence of the tight security , overseen by armed guards , which surrounded one of Britain 's most secret research establishments .
9 While the trio are about to add another voice to their repertoire , this cut acknowledges a similar knowing quality to that which has become the stock in trade of the Pet Shop Boys .
10 Mancini also gives the most circumstantial account of Edward 's wishes and their reception , and it is his version ( with slight modifications ) which has become the standard treatment since the rediscovery of his manuscript earlier this century .
11 The twins have gone their separate ways and become estranged : Jip is a nuclear physicist at NASA and Zab is a Euro-MP in Aachen , which has become the new seat of the European Parliament .
12 Consequently there will always be a demand for properties , especially in London , which has become the financial centre of the world .
13 Maxwell House , which has become the other local brand now seeing as how Maxwell House is owned by Kraft , and Kraft now own Terry 's .
14 Mancini also gives the most circumstantial account of Edward 's wishes and their reception , and it is his version ( with slight modifications ) which has become the standard treatment since the rediscovery of his manuscript earlier this century .
15 Having learnt to sail in a sail boat like the Topper you can move on to more complex boats with confidence or continue to exploit the versatility and convenience of this single-hander which has become the best selling sail boat in Britain the one design nature of the Topper , due to its injection moulded hull , is perfect for racing and secondhand values remain high .
16 They 're being sent to a village house which has become the centre of a sophisticated operation ferrying out thousands of parcels to Dubrovnik.Mike Rowbottom reports .
17 Father Morrow spoke yesterday of his visit to the Blands ' home after returning to his base at Humanae Vitae House , a former 18th century Catholic chapel in the Deeside village of Braemar which has become the focus of his national campaign .
18 Campaigner : Father James Morrow at the former 18th century Catholic chapel in Braemar which has become the base for his national campaign
19 My advice for the less affluent Dizzy fans out there is to wait for Crystal Kingdom Dizzy ( see preview this issue ) , which looks to become the all-time bestest-ever eggstravaganza .
20 So it was with Jesus : he scandalized people by the company he kept , by the overturning of values which had become the cement of his society but which he saw as being barriers for people .
21 Whatever its economic intent , the fact is that Mosley 's fascist movement became associated with the type of violence and anti-Semitism which had become the hallmark of European fascism .
22 Through this device the first German republic sought to preserve the role of the so-called ‘ free ’ welfare associations , foremost the established churches , which had become the key providers of welfare services ( Sachsse , 1988 ) .
23 [ Hence ] the loyalty of the masses to a nation which had become the instrument of their collective interests and ambitions … .
24 Against this background the institutions which had become the responsibility of Bedfordshire County Council were under pressure which was reflected in the occupancy figures at St. Peter 's for July 1931 :
25 Considering the fears of Jacobite invasion there was something to be said for such a policy but it was not popular , especially in London , which had become the centre of support for Pitt and the war .
26 In their view the recently created Riverside DHA which had become the managing agency , was interested only in providing hospital services and had paid scant , if any , attention to the need for a range of after-care facilities across the statutory and non-statutory sectors .
27 The Roman Watling Street , which had become the London to Holyhead road , was vastly improved and largely remade by Telford between 1820 and 1828 .
28 Virgin had also bought a London cinema , the Scala , specialising in ‘ art house ’ films ; and a video-editing suite , called Off Line — both of which had become the particular interest of Nik Powell .
29 Yet we are still left with the impression that these two Greeks never quite understood what was really happening in the social organism which had become the guarantee of their own survival .
30 The Victorian drawing-room which had become the office of St Sylvester 's Betterhouse Retreat Centre came vividly before her .
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