Example sentences of "which [verb] he [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Also , I have found Mr Hauser has a Lear jet which flies him across the world plus a Sikorsky helicopter which I saw taking off from the grounds of Livingstone Manor .
2 But although Darwinian natural selection seems plainly to deny primacy either to egoism or to altruism , it is interesting to notice that nearly everyone has preconceptions which hinder him from coming fully to terms with the evidence .
3 For Marx , the peasant represented a conservative force because of his structural position in society , which separates him from those who might share his class interests .
4 Where a member of a board is not re-elected to the authority which appointed him at an ordinary election , he remains a board member until the first meeting of the authority after the election .
5 He was , and clearly remained to the last days of his long life , a fairly severe obsessional-rigid , indecisive , racked with doubts and unable to rid himself of a penchant for rather down-market women which led him into a series of miserable relationships .
6 THE wayward Marquess of Blandford last night claimed it was a lost love which led him into drug addiction .
7 Like artists of the earlier wars , Keane was frustrated by his dependence on the forces , their movements , their security and their unalloyed , albeit good-natured , company , which led him to be protected from real military action and from the indigenous civilian population of Iraq .
8 It was in the course of his translation work that he received in 1790 the stimulus which led him to his radical rethink of medical treatment .
9 Like artists of the earlier wars , Keane was frustrated by his dependence on the forces , their movements , their security and their unalloyed , albeit good-natured , company , which led him to be protected from real military action and from the indigenous civilian population of Iraq .
10 According to Bede , Wulfhere reigned seventeen years ( HE 111 , 24 ) , which led him to 675 for Wulfhere 's death , reckoning forward from 658 , but if Wulfhere did not become king until 659 a seventeen-year reign would suggest 676 for his death .
11 It was the Physics which led him to Engineering , and the Engineering which took him as a National Serviceman to Germany and the experimental air fields .
12 ( 42 ) If he was small enough to sell his Lord for so little , how account for the remorse which led him to suicide when he realized that Christ was to be slain ?
13 It also goes with the people he moves among , the ‘ circles ’ and ‘ sets ’ of The Possessed , many of whom are travellers too , and with the ‘ quintet ’ which he does n't belong to but is entangled with , which he tries to kick himself clear of , and which dumps him in that pond and leaves his cap behind .
14 First is the excitement of the sense of calling ; second , the passionate and painful struggles in overcoming sin which bring him into a darkness which initially is without savour or delight ; third , the experience of light and comfort in the darkness which he describes as the work of Christ illuminating the soul " with schynynges " ( 27.98r. – 345 ) ; and fourth , the full light and bliss of heaven which this light in the darkness anticipates .
15 But there is a more immediate aim for striker Ian Wright who is fighting a fitness battle to return in the live Sky TV game against the club which sold him to Highbury less than a year ago and show he is still the man England need .
16 Typical of microscopic work might be W. C. Williamson 's work on the formation of bones and teeth in the 1850s , which got him into the Royal Society .
17 Newton spent more time and energy on alchemical speculations than on the scientific discoveries which galvanised the Western world : Storr reconstructs the neurotic drive which impelled him to heroic intellectual feats .
18 That hard work has paid dividends for Washington , who has already scored notable career wins over Connors , Chang , Cherkasov , Wheaton and Lendl , and who claimed his first ever senior title in Memphis in February , a win which moved him from 38 to 23 on the IBM/ATP Computer , his highest ever showing .
19 Alternatively , a person may place himself in a dangerous position which exposes him to the risk of involvement in the accident in which he is harmed .
20 ‘ He was given the title of honorary research assistant but articles began appearing in newspapers which described him as a consultant , ’ says a doctor who knew him .
21 He must be ready to speculate , for the sources ( in this case the chronicles and records of government which provide him with much of his material ) do not always come up to expectation .
22 The rational consumer will choose point W on the budget line which places him on the highest attainable indifference curve , I 1 , .
23 The visitor of the last stanza comes ‘ more violent , more profound , / One soul , disdainful or disdained , ’ and in the condition of the year-spirit or , ‘ his shadowed beauty stained / The colour of the withered year ’ , to go to a death which places him in the position of savage sacrifice and , for he is surely related to the saints of Eliot 's other early poems , martyr ‘ Self-immolating on the Mound ’ .
24 The 31-year-old needs an operation on a calf injury which dogged him in the weeks before Saturday 's FA Cup final defeat by Liverpool .
25 The 31-year-old needs an operation on a calf injury which dogged him in the weeks before Saturday 's FA Cup final defeat by Liverpool .
26 Here the testee is presented with a set of questions or checklists which steer him into trying to think carefully about his own interests .
27 Further , and in acknowledgment of his work as joint secretary of the Tutorial Classes Committee and for his duties in connection with the annual Cambridge Summer School Pateman also received a substantial honorarium which provided him with some security as his salary as District Secretary was not infrequently in arrears .
28 This is a role which provided him with a great deal of satisfaction .
29 Most lucrative of all , at the end of his life , was his farm of the customs on imported silks , which provided him with £1,333 per annum up to 1610 and £7,000 per annum for the next two years .
30 The isolation of the village from the outside world was mitigated by the existence of a close-knit village community with which the farm worker could identify and which provided him with the range of institutions and amenities which he then required in order to live the year round .
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