Example sentences of "or [prep] [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 ( This was either a discussion between a teacher and an undergraduate , or between two members of a seminar group . )
2 One is to attempt to devise more sophisticated questions about how workers are experiencing their work , and to give relatively more weight to comparative data : for example , differences in reported levels of satisfaction before and after the introduction of new technology , or between two samples of workers operating different technologies where other factors are constant .
3 ‘ Love ’ therefore between a non-married man and woman , or between two men or two women would be impossible .
4 The operation of bitwise integer logical OR between two items .
5 An important function of intonation in speech is to show the connection between parts of a sentence or between separate sentences .
6 It is not easy to distinguish between high-level cognitive skills and abilities , or between interpersonal skills and personal qualities ; nor one can easily sustain the complete disjunction between curricular content and process implied by the expertise/ability distinction , or the notion of ‘ screening ’ for ability that depends on it .
7 It will be entering into contracts to both buy and sell specific currencies on or between specific dates .
8 Thus , the fact that in the UK parts of the City control parts of manufacturing industry , and that within firms ( and also between them ) there are hierarchical divisions of labour , between levels of management , for instance , or between management and the shop-floor , or between professional/scientific workers and manual workers , or between sectors , means that there is inequality structured into the division of labour .
9 Similarly , an international organisation may have an interest in a dispute or proceedings between States , or between private parties .
10 Here we are primarily concerned about balance and impartiality between political parties , but balance between social groups and institutions , or between alternative life-styles , may also be important ; so too may balance between rival factions within parties — for example during contests for party leadership , such as the 1990 contest between Heseltine and Thatcher .
11 In the context of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties between States and International Organisations or between International Organisations there was discussion as to whether these are equivalent terms .
12 As recognised by the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties between States and International Organisations or between International Organisations , international organisations can be third parties to treaties within the terms of that Convention .
13 Capture is made considerably easier if the Moon was captured in small pieces , because interactions between them , or between circum-Earth gases and such pieces would readily place some of them in orbit around the Earth .
14 But this did not prevent the Dominicans from setting out that war could be justified as a means of restoring order in situations of political or social disharmony , for instance between territories ( here we see the beginnings of the idea of the territorial unit and the defence of its justifiable rights ) or between sovereign rulers and their vassals ( if the vassal chose to rebel against his lord and thus fell into a state of disobedience ) .
15 The right of appointment to an office was a valuable possession , itself often disputed between great men or between departmental heads and the Crown .
16 Leeds ' Permanent building society 's new range of fixed rates allows borrowers to set their rate for three to five years at 10.6% or between 20–25 years at 11.25% .
17 If for example the relations between Moslem populations in the United Kingdom , or between those populations and the non-Moslem community , were to break down as a result of the crisis in the Gulf , the implications for social cohesion public order and the peaceful coexistence of communities would be grave .
18 Once a practice has become well established in terms of the relationship within or between different organs of the state , finding recognition in works of authority and by those involved in its operation , then it may be said to have reached the status of a convention .
19 One must avoid glib speculations about connections between the past and the present , or between disguised feelings and behaviour .
20 Conflict within society generally , such as that between capital and labour or between racial groups , leads to contradictions within organizations ( Benson 1977 ) .
21 Teachers from different schools may be able to share ideas and develop joint stategies or joint resources , working through cluster groups or during in-service courses .
22 Although practice varies , users can visit such centres during regular weekly open evenings or during in-service courses which focus on specific programs and their curricular application .
23 These bodies are also required to ensure that pupils at primary and secondary schools are offered a ‘ balanced presentation of opposing views ’ when political issues are brought to their attention at school or during extracurricular activities organised by or on behalf of the school ( section 45 ) .
24 Those who read highbrow papers found their papers no more useful for helping them decide how to vote or for revealing politicians ' personalities , and only a little more useful for explaining political issues .
25 If the contract is made for , say , 100 pneumonia cases or for 100 fractures ( or 100 births ) , what happens to the 101st case that comes along ?
26 If the contract has been given for , say , 100 pneumonia cases , or for 100 fractures ( or 100 births ! ) , what do you say to the 101st case that comes along ?
27 But , of course , the £50 deposit , at a time when the annual wage was less than £500 , was a powerful deterrent to all but the wealthiest families and remained so until the Baldwin Fund agreed to put up the money for children without guarantors or for foster parents who could not afford to pay .
28 Other methods include sending letters to all employees and holding meetings for groups of employees or for all employees .
29 From this it can be seen that no one method is suitable for all learning/ teaching situations or for all individuals .
30 In any case , as NIN ( 26 January 1986 ) pointed out , many enterprises that built factories in other areas in order to supply materials or for other reasons have had these factories taken away from them , often through their conversion into independent basic ‘ organizations of associated labour ’ .
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