Example sentences of "or [vb infin] [pron] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 When you cut the lupins down try not to shake or knock them too much , because this will spread the mildew spores .
2 Would you not be highly suspicious of the mechanic who services your car , if you found that he did not buy or borrow his most important tools , did not know how to use them , never looked into a tool-shop window and had had no instruction in the use of the tools from the foreman ?
3 It does actually say together with other said officers and committee members as shall be determined by a general meeting , so if we wish to elect or choose somebody else we can do .
4 It is impossible to see or sense anything here except tourism .
5 Most callers at your home will be genuine , but some might be out to steal or cheat you out of your money .
6 Those preferring to have them collected , or to take or send them individually , were mostly older people , and people in lower socio-economic groups , and people who — when they were talking about being so short of money that they would have to arrange a loan — thought in terms of a relatively small amount of money .
7 Should they shoot or do something else ?
8 For three of four months I could n't think or do anything else .
9 He ca n't behave or think or speak or do anything else better than I can — nearly as well as I can — so he 's going to be the Old Man of the Sea until I shake him off somehow .
10 Do you wish to compete or do you not ? ’ he grated , turning to keep his eyes on his sister as she circled him expertly .
11 I 'm making her kick , trying to get her to shake or swat them off , and the last thing I need at this point is for her to panic , in which case I can certainly kiss the whole blessed contract bye-bye .
12 Ninety -nine gardeners in every hundred have to put up with the garden they have , facing the way it is , and can not pick and choose or move it around .
13 I 'd been doing press and touring and all that lot for two years without a break , I 'd not had time to change or take anything in . ’
14 ‘ Did you see or hear anything later in the night ? ’
15 Therefore , questions put to the defendant such as ‘ Have you ever passed a Ministry of Transport test for this class of vehicle ? ’ and/or ‘ Do you hold or have you ever held a driving licence for this class of vehicle ? ’ should prove useful .
16 However , if you do n't want to eat or drink it today , save it up for another occasion .
17 After I woke up , it was days before I needed to eat or drink anything again . ’
18 If you were aboard a vessel that was either going to go up or drag you down when it sank , what would your natural reaction be ? ’
19 Whenever I talk about these things anywhere in the country , I find that people who have been burgled or mugged , or have had items stolen from their vehicles would much prefer the young man or woman who committed the crime to do something to compensate or repay them instead of spending a brief time in prison , with all the disadvantages that that involves .
20 ‘ I 'm sure the manager knows that if I keep playing the way I am then he 's either going to have to let me go or put me in . ’
21 ‘ I 'm sure the manager knows that if I keep playing the way I am then he 's either going to have to let me go or put me in . ’
22 I wo n't let you down or let anyone else hurt you again .
23 Be prepared for a breakdown in communication and for certain individuals to misbehave or let you down around the 12th and the 26th .
24 Comparing his grey frozen features with the carved stone angel beside the lectern , looking at the long lit-up scar , and the furrowed forehead as he wrestled with the difficult words , Daisy thought he did n't need to humble or prove himself any more .
25 You do n't have to starve or wear yourself out jogging for miles .
26 You can also use your yarn for weaving , which by combining it with another fine yarn , will lighten , darken or brighten it up considerably and leave you with a beautiful fine fabric .
27 They can hold , pour or push it about .
28 I just could n't get past this amp 's tendency toward a cold , smudgy type of overdrive and , what 's more , nothing I could do — including employing the ‘ Enhance ’ circuit — could warm or smooth it up .
29 Pressing the mouth to it , they start to suck or chew it rhythmically while treading alternately with their front feet .
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