Example sentences of "or [adv] [noun] in " in BNC.

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1 In the three long observations , models with only a power-law component give values of with a probability at or below 10% in two out of three cases .
2 I had once found two names scratched on one of the window-panes , ‘ perhaps two soldiers billeted here for a time at the beginning of the 1914 War … ’ ( or perhaps soldiers in hiding at the time of the Reformation ? )
3 Mrs Grandison had promised her daughter that they would not inflict themselves on her for a meal — realising that Lady Selvedge might well be something of an infliction — and had assumed that from Victoria they would take a taxi to some Soho restaurant or perhaps Simpsons in the Strand .
4 In fact only about thirty or so states in the world today regularly hold competitive elections and of these only a small number provide an outcome in which one party forms the government .
5 This is — and we can say the same about a dozen or so batsmen in our region including Somerset 's luckless Ricky Bartlett and Gloucestershire 's Mark Alleyne — a crucial summer for him .
6 ( To understand the violence of this explosion , we can realize that a supernova may temporarily shine brighter than all the rest of the 100 billion or so stars in its galaxy put together . )
7 They were not required to escort prisoners from court or to other prisons , this being a police responsibility in India , so during the day there might be 70 or so warders in the prison at any one time .
8 On other , more inclusive counts there were not a hundred or so nationalities in the USSR ( the 1989 census recorded 128 ) but as many as 400 , or even 800 .
9 There are 1,000 or so languages in this group which are spoken in most of the southern half of Africa — below a line running roughly from Senegal to Kenya but excluding Namibia and South Africa .
10 There are 1,000 or so languages in this group which are spoken in most of the southern half of Africa — below a line running roughly from Senegal to Kenya but excluding Namibia and South Africa .
11 Urodeles usually have a dozen or so vertebrae in their spines ; a caecilian , however , may have as many as 270 .
12 In addition to the 40 or so institutions in Scotland known to have collections of foreign ethnographic material , otherwise referred to as ‘ material culture ’ or ‘ tribal art ’ , it is certain that there are a far greater number of such collections in private and public ownership which have not been made known .
13 But to say " all barristers in chambers at 4 Dr Johnson 's Buildings are thieves " would be sufficiently specific to allow the dozen or so barristers in those chambers to take action .
14 The Who 's Who is a book of weighty significance masquerading as a fun succession of player profiles compiled from questionnaires sent to the top 350 or so players in the four home countries .
15 Their aim was to visit every one of the eight hundred or so families in the parish every year .
16 The Ukrainian settlement in the north west has always been close-knit and Ivan Solowka soon found himself running a club for the 20 or so families in Middleton .
17 Thus in 1676 an estimated 300 of the 3,000 or so communicants in the industrial parish of Sheffield were said to be Dissenters .
18 Even though Windows NT has not yet been released , 37% of the 1,000 or so participants in a Dun survey at UniForum believe NT will offer benefits not yet available under Unix .
19 Looking back to the last war , I can clearly remember arriving at Abbeydale Council School in Sheffield to find it badly damaged by a bomb , having to transfer temporarily to Lowfields and Ann 's Road Schools and then to ’ home service ’ , which was simply a teacher in charge of a dozen or so kids in somebody 's front room .
20 Indeed , there is a pressure group to get more women MPs , called the 300 Group , which seeks 300 out of the 600 or so seats in Parliament for women .
21 The interviewer knows a secret and naturally imparts it to his million or so readers in the next issue .
22 He restricted his investigation to the 2,200 or so words in the LDOCE core vocabulary , and took the sense definitions as the textual units over which to collect co-occurrence data .
23 Whereas a bottom-up or data-driven system such as HWIM can hypothesize any of the 1,000 or so items in its lexicon at the beginning of the utterance , HARPY can only hypothesize those words permitted at that point by the grammar .
24 Of the dozen or so choirs in the Navy , including two in Gibraltar and Hong Kong , the one in Greenwich has sufficient expertise to record hymns for use in ships at sea .
25 It so happened that it fell to the lot of Geoffrey Holton and Chris Protheroe to do the donkey work in the Lusaka accident , but it could have been any of the twenty or so investigators in AIB .
26 There may be a million or so people in the land who have the capacity to turn their hands to anything that 's going without feeling frustrated , or rebellious , or losing self-respect .
27 However , the two dozen or so people in these departments who did relocate had sufficient skills and experience to provide training for newcomers as the business gradually transferred .
28 There were twenty or so people in the room .
29 She had been expecting the pool to be almost empty at that time of day and was surprised to see that there were about a dozen or so people in the water .
30 This is a much lower level of use than either Edinburgh or Glasgow , but in view of the standard of service observed on this occasion , it is impossible to say whether this usage figure represents lower demand , or merely laxity in control .
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