Example sentences of "or [prep] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Of course they do , and no treaty between two countries , or between one country and a group of others can hold together , unless in those countries there 's a general disposition to maintain the treaty and play fair by it .
2 This unit on writing and printing could form a very useful bridging unit either between Key Stages 1 and 2 or between two core units .
3 ( This was either a discussion between a teacher and an undergraduate , or between two members of a seminar group . )
4 One is to attempt to devise more sophisticated questions about how workers are experiencing their work , and to give relatively more weight to comparative data : for example , differences in reported levels of satisfaction before and after the introduction of new technology , or between two samples of workers operating different technologies where other factors are constant .
5 ‘ Love ’ therefore between a non-married man and woman , or between two men or two women would be impossible .
6 The operation of bitwise integer logical OR between two items .
7 In relationships between siblings or between other kin , the two-way principle seems to be the foundation of support structures .
8 An important function of intonation in speech is to show the connection between parts of a sentence or between separate sentences .
9 It is not easy to distinguish between high-level cognitive skills and abilities , or between interpersonal skills and personal qualities ; nor one can easily sustain the complete disjunction between curricular content and process implied by the expertise/ability distinction , or the notion of ‘ screening ’ for ability that depends on it .
10 The first function , compose , enables the user to enter notes , symbols and text on , above or between five line staves .
11 Excursion included to Cattolica di Stilo or Gerace for guests staying 7 nights or more arriving on or between 11 May–8 June .
12 A complimentary excursion to the Dolomites for all guests staying 12 or 14 nights arriving on or between 8–23 May and 11–13 Sep .
13 £60 reduction for all honeymoon couples staying 5 nights arriving on or between 1 July and 27 Aug .
14 It will be entering into contracts to both buy and sell specific currencies on or between specific dates .
15 If the phases were to be overlapped in this way , it would clearly be necessary for the Supplement entries to have already been positioned in their correct places following corresponding OED entries or between unrelated OED entries , as described above .
16 Thus , the fact that in the UK parts of the City control parts of manufacturing industry , and that within firms ( and also between them ) there are hierarchical divisions of labour , between levels of management , for instance , or between management and the shop-floor , or between professional/scientific workers and manual workers , or between sectors , means that there is inequality structured into the division of labour .
17 Similarly , an international organisation may have an interest in a dispute or proceedings between States , or between private parties .
18 Here we are primarily concerned about balance and impartiality between political parties , but balance between social groups and institutions , or between alternative life-styles , may also be important ; so too may balance between rival factions within parties — for example during contests for party leadership , such as the 1990 contest between Heseltine and Thatcher .
19 In the context of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties between States and International Organisations or between International Organisations there was discussion as to whether these are equivalent terms .
20 As recognised by the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties between States and International Organisations or between International Organisations , international organisations can be third parties to treaties within the terms of that Convention .
21 Similar considerations would also be required when attempting to consider the competing demands for investment between government departments , such as between state education and the National Health Service or between public sector housing and defence .
22 Capture is made considerably easier if the Moon was captured in small pieces , because interactions between them , or between circum-Earth gases and such pieces would readily place some of them in orbit around the Earth .
23 But this did not prevent the Dominicans from setting out that war could be justified as a means of restoring order in situations of political or social disharmony , for instance between territories ( here we see the beginnings of the idea of the territorial unit and the defence of its justifiable rights ) or between sovereign rulers and their vassals ( if the vassal chose to rebel against his lord and thus fell into a state of disobedience ) .
24 conclude that the data from the studies of internal validity show that the test does not adequately integrate the eleven subtests , nor does it explain the relationship between the subtests or between subtest performance and other relevant behaviour .
25 A complimentary excursion to the medieval village of Canale and to Lake Tenno for all guests staying 7 nights or more arriving on or between 8–29 May and 11–25 Sep .
26 The right of appointment to an office was a valuable possession , itself often disputed between great men or between departmental heads and the Crown .
27 Leeds ' Permanent building society 's new range of fixed rates allows borrowers to set their rate for three to five years at 10.6% or between 20–25 years at 11.25% .
28 So you see , Shelley , it is n't between you and me , or between any woman .
29 If for example the relations between Moslem populations in the United Kingdom , or between those populations and the non-Moslem community , were to break down as a result of the crisis in the Gulf , the implications for social cohesion public order and the peaceful coexistence of communities would be grave .
30 Once a practice has become well established in terms of the relationship within or between different organs of the state , finding recognition in works of authority and by those involved in its operation , then it may be said to have reached the status of a convention .
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