Example sentences of "that and [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Unpleasant though it was , that was the reason for her being here , that and no other .
2 There is no guarantee of that and every possibility that it will be read by both employers and workers as fresh evidence that trade unionism is on the retreat .
3 ‘ Naturally , you kept one , that and a sumpter pony .
4 The silly thing is there is no divide on here and the only thing I can suggest really , there is a divide symbol in the computer that we can drag out but to drag it out every time it 's too boring really so I 'll think we use this I do n't like using this , but you see this symbol here , that 's what they really use for divide , so if you do that and a couple spaces , people will learn that that means divide , it 's all we can do really
5 to stop the wetness seeping through and that the gel , what they do is they shave rabbits , and rub it into their skin , the rashes and that and a couple of rabbits have died from it when they first started testing the stuff
6 And it 's a family that 's well known as a bit you know Geordies and that and a couple of rottweilers .
7 There is only one league match left after that and a West derby victory would put them out of reach .
8 And I 've seen when getting corn er just right er dressed for the mill , I 've seen us er doing with a spade and that and a tub .
9 You lift it with Had a a thing like that and a knob like this .
10 When they was doing the decorating and that and a lock went wrong oh take it down to Dick and er they 'd bring it and whatever I was doing , however important it was , just because they 'd be finish the decorating at night and they wanted to put the lock back , I 'd drop what I was doing and do this for them .
11 That and a lot of other stuff . ’
12 Yes , well you are talking about children 's services , but , I , I think if Mr 's going to talk later to this , if you want , but we are absolutely at the moment , we know that eighty nine percent of work at the child care centre is to do with child protection with to deal with it , and by that I mean abuse , physical and sexual abuse , er , concerns about that and a lot of that of course is , is tied up in procedural ways , and we 're dealing with events almost after the situation has er , got going , er , and of course , with the courts , you know that we 've got duties in relation to the courts , that we , we have to fulfil or else we are the subject of criticism from the er , courts , and we have been rapped at various er , times .
13 That would have suited me that and a loaf of bread .
14 His father intended him for an army career , but that and a project for farming in the colonies came to nothing ; and by 1885 he was living hand to mouth in Chelsea as an illustrator and journalist .
15 It genuinely is like that and a statement like ‘ Mwat Is Murder ’ causes offence to the strictly guarded view of the nice , normal family . )
16 Well if , if you remember we , we agreed with Keith he would have a think that and a talk
17 A line like that and a line like that .
18 All that and an accolade from the intellectual socialist weekly !
19 Recognition of that and an agreement to forego the linguistic tricks and the cheap jibes would help convince all sides that their arguments have been listened to with respect .
20 And it 's something to do with that and an embargo date 's a little bit like that , and in a sense , you may well be able to stop people actually publishing the thing , but they will still know and be working on it if it 's of any importance , so use embargo dates advisedly .
21 A hard disk is required with about two Mb free space , if you have that and an EGA monitor together with a love of gardening , then you should have this program also .
22 IT 'S fair to say that the insurance industry has one of the greatest effects on the success or otherwise of Heggie 's business ; that and the inability of drivers to drive properly .
23 right so I mean there 's , there 's obviously more need to be thought through on that and the video I have n't , oh I have done something more about the video
24 It told Maggie a lot , that and the look on his face .
25 It 's helpful in the context of the dollar preference shares we want to issue because one of the factors of this very small , and as you say cheap er , historic issue of preference shares is that , er no preference shares other than those can be repaid prior to that and the dollar shares we wish to issue which are permanent shares , can be er , can be erm repaid at our option and we do want to keep that flexibility in the context of either if interest rates get very high or if the tax treaty between the U S and the U K changes to make them more onerous on the company and in those circumstances we would be inhibited by the existence of this small historic issue of preference shares and therefore it is on balance , although you 're quite right there , a cheap er , source of capital in themselves it is helpful to the company in the wider sense I believe if they are repaid .
26 It was when the when the laird was out in India and that and the factor was stationed on the island .
27 Faced with those kind of possible reductions in service , if there is a penny one penny more than necessary spent on administration and bureaucracy wherever it is in the youth and community programme that is gon na be less money for front line vision and the Labour group can have to think very , very carefully about that and the issue is gon na be that if we 're spending too much money or if they 're coming back to supplementary estimates which wo n't be available er given the financial situation next year if we 're having two heads of centres or whatever when we could have one that is gon na mean less money for front line services to the people of Highfields and there 'll only be one group that will be responsible for that , if that does come about and I think that 's something that we all need to bear in mind because what we were told as members of that committee is that the youth and community budget is gon na be in for some very serious times in the future and it 's mainly the government 's fault because of the way they 've decided to re-organise the situation it 's going out of our hands into the control of an unelected body and like most members of this council I think we would oppose that but that 's the reality of the situation and I could not support any increase of funds er for any community centres if I knew it was simply gon na be spent on administration .
28 Unfortunately Erato 's rehearsal disc , only available as part of the complete set of 12 , is not such thing — three or four comments on timing and articulation at the beginning of the Tannhäuser Overture are followed by a complete run-through of that and the Meistersinger Prelude ( both splendid performances ) and topped off by a brief personal reminiscence of little apparent relevance .
29 We use a combination of that and the Merlot , which is much softer , and the Malbec .
30 Adam had put henna on his hair and that and the sun had turned it reddish-gold .
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