Example sentences of "that [adv] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This is a particular case of a general rule about Greenaway 's films : that only a person as obsessionally preoccupied with formal patterns as the director — and that is a tall order — can properly share his shock when death turns out not to be deterred by lists and games after all .
2 The advantages in determining serum 7α-hydroxy-4-cholesten-3-one concentration are that it is an even simpler method , that only a serum sample is needed , that no radioactivity needs to be used , and that it is less time consuming .
3 Children with special needs have long been welcomed into playgroups or mother and toddler groups but members have tended to worry on two counts — first , that only a minority of families with children with special needs were finding their way to playgroup , and second that the playgroup was not fully able to meet the children 's needs .
4 Professor Everitt has written that innkeepers were among the most mobile elements in the community , but that only a minority established dynasties that lasted for three or four generations .
5 Alice stood marvelling at this thought : that only a couple of days ago Mary Williams had seemed to hold her own fate Alice 's — in her hands ; and now Alice had difficulty in even remembering her status .
6 But according to Israeli officials , most of the Soviets choose to live here in Tel Aviv or Haifa in Israel proper , and that only a fraction , less than one per cent , go to the occupied territories .
7 The next Council , that of Vienne , south of Lyons , took place from October 1311 to May the following year , and was unusual in that only a selection — though a geographically fairly wide selection — of bishops were invited .
8 that only a fool would navigate .
9 A face , she sighed , that only a mother could have loved .
10 Some woman-centred psychologists think , too , that only a woman should study female subjects , and that she should do so as much as possible , because only she can understand them .
11 After that only a matter of confidence .
12 It may be that we can learn from computers something of what we have been missing in the game ; or , that chess is so rich , that only a symbiosis between man and machine can explore it adequately .
13 It 's probably , maybe member 's ignorance that they do n't know that , that already a lot of work has been done on it .
14 In any case , my wig is more that just a wig .
15 is that an Orkney way of doing it or is that just a sort of male thing ?
16 Was that just a shadow by the house , or was someone hiding there , watching her ?
17 Did you know , by the way , that statistically a woman tries out a new partner once in every two thousand copulations ?
18 Is that ever a problem ?
19 It is not surprising , therefore , that hardly a day goes by without someone asking me to recommend ‘ a single volume with good colour photos of insignia and uniforms , that I can use as a standard reference on Special Forces ’ .
20 Further protection is given to other creditors ( as Mr Berlyn mentions in his letter ) in that once a winding-up petition has been presented , the court may order that any other pending action or proceeding against the company should be restrained .
21 How often did she get that , was that once a week ?
22 when I was in that nearly a fortnight .
23 That nearly a quarter of the time observed these clients had no staff present is surprising and should cause managers to re-examine ward organization and staff morale .
24 Others in the group argued that up to a point all those things were right , but that often a subject was complex , often it could be constructive for everyone to have a chairperson who would guide discussion , not control it , who would be able to be supportive when someone talked too much or too little .
25 did , got rid of that about a year , twelve , eighteen months ago
26 She always used to ask my opinions of things and that now a lot of my answers made sense .
27 But what about people who had the wrong , inflicted upon them , is n't that equally a matter of justice
28 That well a part
29 Was that even a tear in his eye ?
30 Er and B , that surely a lot of it is covered in our training already .
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