Example sentences of "that [adv] be [art] " in BNC.

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1 If the goods are described to you as seconds , shopsoiled , slightly imperfect , if any phrase like that is used I think your own commonsense should tell you there 's something wrong with these goods and that presumably is the reason why they 're reduced in price .
2 So but there again if I get the enquiries fas I mean , that obviously is the enquiry came through to me so obviously I quoted on it but
3 Well , as I am saying , that obviously is the liability that the dealer has , because obviously he 's sold the goods to the purchaser .
4 And I think what the Council 's got to do and I think what the what the what the theatre perhaps has to do is only make that leisure card more easily acceptable and available and also look upon the reductions that we give but that perhaps is a way of actually rewarding the people in Harlow to use the theatre and the contribution in actually paying for it at the expense of the people coming in from outside who perhaps do n't pay anything towards the expense of the theatre .
5 That perhaps was the biggest shock .
6 That perhaps was the biggest shock most of the journalists had expected to see only children near the line .
7 That perhaps was an understandable mistake in the nineteenth century when , for example , in this country the population was expanding very rapidly .
8 Then he hurled it off the roof as far as he could , shouting at the top of his voice a threat to all evil spirits : warning them that tonight was the night they must leave the village for good .
9 I think the other problem of course , Chair , with using carry forwards is that that just is a , a one year solution
10 Yes , but can that just be the income , or has it to be the whole capital ?
11 No , I think the population of Britain deserves to be represented by the best , and I do n't care whether that best is a man or a woman
12 Loud and tuneless , but has that ever been a problem before ?
13 Would that always be the same as a two times a three ?
14 And the wake would that always be The would that always be an evening thing ?
15 And the wake would that always be The would that always be an evening thing ?
16 Y that still is a good game to play today .
17 To maintain existing levels of service , and that was the the budget that was approved by the Policy Committee in November , but , with the rider that the erm , the the overall budget would be review reviewed in January in the light of the Revenue Support Grant Settlement , and that still is the position .
18 I would just like to I know we need to the television programmes on about the Gulf and so on , but I 've two young children at home , and I find that yesterday was a very long day because there was just nothing on for them at all B B C two at four o'clock .
19 How could that possibly be the fulfilment of a wish ?
20 And in my experience , that usually is a foolhardy expectation .
21 That probably is the best procedure if you do n't prepare properly , in the time-honoured way , by ‘ heeling in ’ .
22 That probably was the highest priority of all I think .
23 Well that also is a problem in this country as well .
24 But that also is the case , I mean er er , a lot of time th the actual design of our houses does n't lend itself for us to actually look even if you 're you 're permanently looking out the window .
25 If that 's the case , then we could argue , an and will do , that now is a good time to borrow on a fixed term basis over a long period .
26 I would say to them that now is the time to contact the police .
27 She felt very strongly that now was the time to start a new phase , when at last her life would be her own .
28 Welwyn , er because that really is a good example .
29 Christ , ’ he added , to Karen , ‘ that really is a downer , no mistake .
30 That really is a strong
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