Example sentences of "that [noun sg] never [verb] " in BNC.

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1 He had left the squalid little office that afternoon never to return .
2 But now it 's like that part never happened , we 're just one big happy family .
3 Of course exactly that case never occurs , or if it does it occurs in such a way that it is not recognized as being a repeat run of the previous bitter experience .
4 Matthew Chieke was one of those charged with the bank raid , but that case never came to court .
5 ‘ That 's just as well , because he wo n't , that kind never do … ’
6 But somehow that future never arrives .
7 Still , that discovery never stopped me from making another collection of the glistening best ones that same night .
8 Young , Arthur was playing with his tool set under the table and during a lull in the conversation was heard to say : ‘ Now , where 's my tenon saw — oh course , I lent it to Harry Acton — that bloke never brings anything back . ’
9 Garvey needed to beat Bann and then hope Mark Sinnamon 's men would turn the tables on Holywood , so that they could force a play-off , but that scenario never looked likely .
10 But then , at about 9pm , it suddenly set up a fortissimo peeping , and from that moment never looked back .
11 This does not mean that deterrence never works , but that its effects are limited and easy to overestimate .
12 The beauty is that wine never stands still .
13 He will recall that inflation never fell below 7.4 per cent. , and that for only a very brief period , while the Labour party was in Government .
14 They have argued that Elizabeth 's church contained a variety of acceptable doctrinal positions , that predestinarianism never managed to achieve the dominance accorded it by Tyacke , and that at no time during the sixty-five years between 1560 and 1625 was the idea that good works could be an aid to salvation anything other than a perfectly orthodox belief .
15 However , that handicap never held Ganesh back .
16 And whatever else the decor was or the show was that night , whatever city we were all supposed to be in , one thing that was always the same and that Madame never got rid of was the ceiling .
17 But that baby never came
18 In my day , we were instructed that frost never hurt a baby yet , and if the baby cried it must be mastered .
19 It was good , and it was getting better , and no matter what he did , all the old tricks that had always worked so well , the talking in the wings , blocking her when she was on stage , that voice never faltered .
20 In Oxford to promote a new book of photographs he proved that charisma never fades .
21 Until then , Ted is staying in temporary accommodation and praying that lightning never strikes 3 times in the same place .
22 Ruby , who had said that she was safe , that lightning never struck twice , had been killed with her daughter and two of her grandsons by a direct hit on their shelter .
23 I 've always owned apartments because I was born in a tenement in Glasgow and I like flat-life. , If he has one regret it is that government never saw fit to offer him another major job as challenging as his chairmanship of British Steel when he gave it up in 1976 .
24 That man never sees anyone .
25 ‘ If A delivers goods to B on sale or return and B having received them immediately delivers them to C on sale or return , the reasonable time in the one case must , I think , be co-extensive with that in the other case and if that reasonable time elapses and C brings back the goods to B and B takes them back to A , everybody is acting within his rights , and it appears to me that property never passes … if under like circumstances A delivers goods to B and B delivers them to C in each case on sale or return and the reasonable time be , let us say , 14 days , and C after four days sells the goods or elects to buy the goods , I think property will have passed , because C will have done an act which renders it impossible for B to return the goods to A. ’
26 We must ensure that pressure never stops .
27 In a bizarre case that has once more focused attention on the accountability of art restorers , a United States Circuit Court of Appeals has heard arguments on a decision that , for now , requires an American city to pay more than half-a-million dollars for restoration work on a city-owned mural which that city never contracted to restore .
28 And that idea never came into it .
29 That fire never stood a chance in hell .
30 that table never come loose again did it ?
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