Example sentences of "as he turn the " in BNC.

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1 And as to Spasov and being saved — ‘ Il me semble que tout le monde va à Spassof ’ — there is still some comic devillife in him as he quotes the Saviour against his bible-selling saviour because she is taking thought for the morrow , and as he turns the gospel on its head with ‘ Happiness does n't pay me because I start at once forgiving all my enemies . ’
2 As soon as he turned the tap on it started .
3 The man did the same again as he turned the paper , revealing to Mungo the front page with its lurid headline : ‘ BIRD 'S HEAD CLUE TO GIRL 'S DEATH .
4 As soon as he turned the corner , I grabbed the wallet and sprinted down the alley .
5 As he turned the corner away from the house and towards the train station , Endill was sure he saw the shape of his father standing at one of the upstairs windows , watching him go .
6 The ritual was the same as it had been the day before , adjusting the aerial , then , as he turned the tuner to the sound of whistles , crackles and snatches of foreign music , he said , ‘ Speak to me , London , ’ and , in obedience , it did .
7 As he turned the corner into Bridgefoot Street he stopped , daunted by the steep slope before him .
8 He waved them on as he turned the corner , and began to run .
9 Willie caught sight of them as he turned the corner .
10 Half a minute later , as he turned the corner into Oxford Street , he was blown off his feet by the explosion just yards from his cab .
11 As he turned the torch towards the door to the house , he gasped with horror , then screwed up his eyes for a moment , thinking of his kids , before letting his gaze rest again on the ghastly thing that dangled before him .
12 One witness , a taxi-driver , said : ‘ The police car stopped the van right in front of ou ‘ The policeman ran after him , but as he turned the corner he was shot twice in the back .
13 Half way down he heard a commotion below and quickened his heavy step in time to see , as he turned the last bend in the staircase , a slight figure slip out through the iron gate at the main entrance .
14 Sharpe had to duck under a low chestnut branch as he turned the next corner to see , five hundred yards ahead of him , the wide village street .
15 ‘ You 're an imp , ’ he told her as he turned the ignition key .
16 As he turned the corner a police car pulled out in front of them .
17 Now his heart was thumping as he turned the elevating screw past five degrees .
18 We became alarmed as he turned the car towards El Gala bridge and the city .
19 I had to stand back with my finger on the off button as he turned the handle which moves the grinding wheel along the blade .
20 As he turned the door handle to enter the building he saw a storm-trooper come out of one of the side rooms .
21 In the city one morning , as he turned the corner of the street into the shade of the acacias on the main boulevard , a woman ran out and plucked him by the sleeve , pulled him into a doorway and snatched his hand to kiss it .
22 Sign of the times , he thought , as he turned the corner into Church Row .
23 Unthinkingly , Theda held the other out to him as he turned the one he had entrapped palm up .
24 She glared at him , but Luke appeared unconcerned as he turned the car into the car park , stopping next to where her car was waiting forlornly for the garage to collect it .
25 ‘ I thought you 'd be too excited to sleep , ’ smiled Douglas as he turned the pages of the Radio Times .
26 He greeted her calmly and as he turned the ignition key he said , ‘ I have to see to a young leopard and treat the hippo , who , they tell me , is a bit off colour .
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