Example sentences of "as he have [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He took the Canal Turn as fluently as he had on the first circuit , then swept towards Valentine 's Brook .
2 Hazel ; looking at them , felt almost as insecure as he had on the river bank .
3 " Why are they doing all this work so early in the morning ? " she asked Captain Duro when he appeared on deck looking as spruce and polished as he had on the first day she met him .
4 If she made no response , he might well climb over the wall all the same , as he had on the previous night ; on the other hand if she went to him and they were caught his offence would be deemed the worse , for being found on Roscarrock property was one thing , but being caught dallying with a servant girl was another .
5 Later , after she had visited Joy for the last time and he had filled her arms with fruit , as he had on every visit , she made her way to the cemetery .
6 He no longer felt as confident and secure as he had on his arrival .
7 He might also have said , as he had on countless occasions , that although he had constantly looked to the British for advice , he distrusted them acutely .
8 He looked exactly as he had on the day of their last meeting , the day of his departure to the United States : calm yet concerned , sensitive yet restrained , the perfect model of the thinking politician .
9 The warrant officer was speechless , but not for long and he thundered at him as he had on me a few minutes before .
10 He breathed the name against her cheek , just as he had on the night of the party .
11 Just as he had with Ann , Tommy had taken over at Christopher 's .
12 That was the frightening part , losing control , just as he had with Mary , not being able to do anything about it — not knowing when it would happen again .
13 He 's had 10 times the number of commission bids for Vung Tau as he had for Nanking — ‘ and this is a much smaller cargo ’ .
14 He 'd have quite liked to have spent the night on the couch in Polly 's living room , as he had for the last few months of their marriage , but it had not been offered as an option and he supposed it was just as well .
15 He had written for the ‘ Manchester Guardian ’ on the subject during the seasons of 1933/4/5 , then in 1937 he began writing for the ‘ Glasgow Herald ’ — not reporting on county cricket as he had for the ‘ Guardian ’ but instead turning his impeccable knowledge of the game to the study of the nature of the game itself .
16 To keep a pony in the middle of a town , and keep him fit , was hard work , as he had to be exercised every day , and the surrounding neighbourhood was hardly a horseman 's paradise .
17 He struggled on , as he had to .
18 He said , just as he had to both his other passengers : " Home for Christmas , eh ducks ?
19 I asked Toby why he thought John had reacted as violently as he had to the whole business of our falling in love .
20 Brief introductions were made and Porter explained about their last cell-mate , just as he had to the prison delegation .
21 He explained , as he had to everyone else , how his act had come about : Miss Wilkinson 's charades , the visit to Madame Tussaud 's .
22 Osvaldo came up as he had to , his face contorted with the tearing pain .
23 But he had given patient thought to the matter , just as he had to the rest of the alien anatomy ; and he had ventured on what I can only call an abstraction of the human face .
24 ( 149 ) How could he exert authority over them — make them toe the line , as he had to — if he knuckled under …
25 Perhaps that would explain it , why he 'd lost his composure with Antonini , why he 'd reacted as he had to the woman .
26 Before I had completed a question about whether he would like to be Chancellor , MacGregor broke in to say with a smile , as he had to : ‘ But I am enjoying being at transport .
27 According to Le Matin , Joffre ( responding in much the same way as he had to General de Langle earlier ) , said ‘ let him do what he wants ’ and then went back to sleep .
28 He must have had as fine a view of the burgeoning industry of Glasgow , as he had of the stars when he peered up at the heavens from the University Observatory at Dowanhill .
29 It was the first time they had met although he had known of her existence as he had of all the handful of people who lived , as the Lydsett villagers said , ‘ t' other side of the gate ’ .
30 El Cid now became an honoured member of Alfonso 's court — but he no longer held the high office of Ensign as he had during Sancho 's reign .
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