Example sentences of "that [be] why [noun] " in BNC.

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1 That s why Bodins rating is nt rock bottom … he s Swindons pen taker ( so their highest scorer : - ) ) .
2 That is why licence powers are being used to control it and why this Bill , soon to go to Committee , will give the director general still more powers , should he want to use them .
3 But gender distinctions in the case of human referents are not arbitrary , and that is why Lyons , for instance , suggests that what is important in communication is the pronominal function of gender rather than the category of gender in general ( 1968 ) .
4 That is why rice and pasta are such useful things to have in the store cupboard , because you can mix them with anything .
5 That is why Mrs Zamzam left Um Al-Farajh .
6 That is why quantum theory did not make itself felt until physics had developed to a stage where minute systems of atomic dimensions could be probed and investigated .
7 That is why sperm are strip-searched before being allowed into the egg .
8 That is why haste is everything .
9 That is why soldiers called Metaxas and Papadopoulos have from time to time felt obliged to step forward and try a spot of military dictatorship .
10 Yes , it does : and that is why art directors love it — though it has only been fashionable for about 20 years .
11 Or at least that is why reliance on a voluntary obligation is justified reliance , which the person having the obligation has to respect .
12 But very few Englishmen came to know Aquitaine ; that is why Ralph of Diss took the trouble to include a lengthy description of the duchy and its inhabitants in his chronicle .
13 That is why specialist units have to be shut down .
14 That is why Rugby Union nowadays would probably do just as well if the game built a system of scouting such as Rugby League has had for 100 years .
15 That is why probate is delayed .
16 That is why Alan Yentob , controller of BBC1 , felt duty bound to reply , publicly apologising for an episode of Casualty which featured a riot .
17 Cold-blooded animals have to ‘ warm up ’ before they can be fully active ; that is why lizards and snakes bask in the sun in temperate climates .
18 Presumably that is why Philip chose precisely that moment to raise again the spectre which was to haunt the Old King 's last years .
19 That is why talks with GM are rumoured to have been more extensive than those with Ford , which appears to have adopted a more aggressive stance .
20 That is why things have got to change and a Labour government is needed to bring about that change . ’
21 That is why Paul Gascoigne was , and I trust will be , so exciting and so different .
22 That is why Paul likens marriage to the relationship between Christ and his Church .
23 That is why Paul was so angry and distressed when he heard of the divisions in the Christian church at Corinth .
24 That is why NUPE and the other unions have been so unwilling to negotiate sensibly on this aspect of the dispute .
25 That is why Irenaeus hit the Gnostics so hard , because they rejected this life as unimportant .
26 Perhaps that is why sounds are recognised more accurately ( Hublet , Morais and Bertelson , 1977 ) to the right of a subject and appear louder than sounds of equal intensity heard on the subject 's left ( Kellar , 1978 ; Wexler and Halwes , 1981 ) .
27 That is why surgery is needed to straighten it out as the muscle no longer responds .
28 That is why Britain 's Institute of Directors has this week been rudely attacking the government for allowing the business renaissance of the past decade to be ‘ torpedoed by runaway inflation ’ .
29 That is why Britain should base its efforts to cable up the country on optical fibre , rather than on an obsolescent technology
30 That is why Britain was the first country to give £20 million worth of feed grain .
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