Example sentences of "that [adv] small [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I had tried everything ; full anaesthesia , lifting them upside down with pulleys , directing a jet from a hose on the everted organ , and all the time pushing , straining sweating over the great mass of flesh which refused to go back through that absurdly small hole .
2 It only takes half a second to save that relatively small range .
3 That relatively small room appeared to be a forest of black dinner jackets , grey hair and cigar smoke .
4 That small file , and it only takes half a second to combine that relatively small file to there .
5 Is that too small Phyl ?
6 erm it might well look like that for that very small piece of graph , but the overall picture you 've lost completely by not going far enough so you , you want minus infinity to plus infinity .
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