Example sentences of "as they [vb past] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The poor Chinese footballers understandably got a coolish reception in their World Cup qualifying tournament here , especially as they spoilt the script by winning their opening match .
2 The beetles immediately started running around in circles chalking the ground , and falling over themselves as they stretched the tape measure across from one side of the circle to the other .
3 The Russian fleet managed to destroy the Turkish fleet and that caused Britain and France considerable concern as they feared the Russians , so they joined Turkey in March 1854 .
4 On Saturday 16 February SPAG decided to take legal proceedings against Mogul , as they feared the company would continue to do nothing to rectify the situation .
5 Instead of sitting lost in their own thoughts or sleeping , the patients had been stimulated and they now chatted to each other as they recalled the places , the people or the events of the past .
6 The old committees where clergymen of various denominations talked in polysyllables to each other 's waistcoats were given a sudden strength as they touched the aspirations of the peoples .
7 And then , in a very orderly way , and with a strange bell-like tinkling , the coffin broke into a collection of long icicle splinters , that rang and vanished as they touched the earth .
8 But WIN was leaking like a sieve , the Polish militia were told in advance and the men were picked up as soon as they touched the ground .
9 He got up and went back down the stairs , going out into the gathering darkness , across the priory grounds behind the chapel from where he could hear the sweet , melodious chant of the nuns as they sang the first psalm of Compline .
10 In their view this had hopelessly inhibited the quest for the causes of crime in the case of classical criminology , and diverted attention away from social defence in the case of the neoclassicists ( since the latter were only interested in ‘ determinants ’ of crime in so far as they reduced the offender 's responsibility ) .
11 Several teachers suggested the re-introduction of group membership as they felt the change over had caused many not to renew and teachers did not seem able to keep track of those who did .
12 He is the only one who saw the monk 's face , by the altar lamp as they lifted the reliquary .
13 Flook claimed he did not see the family as they crossed a dual carriageway in Patchway , Bristol , as he was chased ‘ bumper to bumper ’ by two men in the other car .
14 As they crossed a stream the precious manuscript slipped from his hand and disappeared in the water .
15 They became nearly invisible as they crossed a huge , echoing corridor .
16 Minutes before three youths had been seen in a car driving at high speed … as they crossed a junction they collided with another car and spun into Mr James .
17 ‘ I 'm hoping the doctors 'll have broken the news about her husband and her daughter , sir , ’ said Camb as they crossed the black and white checkerboard foyer of the station .
18 ‘ I want to make sure that everything is in order , ’ Frau Nordern said , grimly , as they crossed the square .
19 Karl tucked Erika 's arm under his as they crossed the bridge over the green , splintered ice of the Spree which formed a chill moat around the great museums , by the great dome of the Protestant Cathedral , and on to the broad stretch of Unter den Linden .
20 ‘ Good German efficiency , ’ Karl said , as they crossed the street and climbed into the back of the car .
21 As they crossed the broad reach of the Spree at Elsenstrasse , where tugs were crunching through the ice , Erika pointed out what sights there were to see but Karl merely gave a perfunctory nod and returned to his absorbed stare through his window .
22 He stood listening as they crossed the hall and waited for the sound of the lift gates closing .
23 Cruising Altitude passed the pacemaking Floyd as they crossed the final hurdle and he looked all set for a comfortable victory .
24 He invited them in and , as they crossed the threshold , a small dishevelled hunchback made his faltering way towards them .
25 The pain , agony and exhaustion were replaced by an enormous sense of achievement and relief as they crossed the finishing line .
26 They encountered no opposition though Ranulf maintained that he had seen a rider watching them as they crossed the bridge at Dalmeny .
27 Having marched from Inverness along the side of Loch Ness he waited for a day in the hope that more pack-horses would turn up , but when none were forthcoming left behind most of his supplies and provisions , though his men were still heavily burdened as they crossed the mountains in search of the enemy ; roads in the Highlands , and local sources of supply , were almost non-existent .
28 Even so , they might all be shot as they crossed the moat with their explosives , or wounded before they could leave , having planted them .
29 As they crossed the bridge and began their long ride home , Jonadab heaved a heavy sigh .
30 Their civilian Folbot canoe had no added buoyancy of Mae-West lifebelts , no navigation aids , not even a spray cover as they crossed the sound from the Scottish mainland to land on the isle of Mull .
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