Example sentences of "as they [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Put any group of players together and watch the torture as they painfully suss out where they fit in the ability stakes , and watch the most inept contract into a meek and confused , self-effacing heap .
2 The match revealed the Athletico lads had lost none of their flair and inadequacies for the game as they narrowly went down to a 7–2 defeat .
3 Gradually , the client 's confidence grows as they regularly list their successes .
4 Bath players of recent years have never appeared as convincing for England as they regularly do for Bath ; while if they are part of one of those curious South-West sides their form goes down yet another notch .
5 The lawyer reminded Nathan and Georgia that the house on Mahogany Drive already belonged to them since , as they doubtless knew , their mother had died intestate and , when their mother 's mother died some years later , the house , deemed to be two-thirds of her estate , became legally theirs .
6 ( Also significant was the 1975-onwards descent into repression by the Peruvian military as they desperately sought to regain control of an explosive situation unleashed by their own policies . )
7 Its common name is derived from the ‘ whoop ’ children make as they desperately struggle to inhale after a coughing spasm .
8 Who will make the necessary recommendations if problems arise — as they surely will ?
9 Previous studies have uncertain relevance to the outpatient setting as they either investigated subgroups of patients for example the elderly , or have reported on the findings in hospital inpatients .
10 Generally speaking , things have gone about as far as they can possibly go when things have got about as bad as they reasonably get .
11 In contrast , the effect of dealing with domestic disputes can be traumatic on some policemen as they momentarily place their own children and family in the situation of emotional horror they encounter .
12 Instead he raised his talons and struck at the wire mesh in his own turn , which only provoked the other eagle to do the same again , the sounds of both of them increased by the flapping of their great wings and the crashing of their beaks on the cage walls as they vainly tried to get at each other .
13 Their heads were the size of flies and moved to and fro as they presumably spoke to one another .
14 So , as they neither understood each other 's secrets , they were both puzzled and waited to find out more .
15 RANGERS boss Walter Smith praised his young side as they easily overcame Hibs to set up an important week with forthcoming matches against Club Bruges and Celtic .
16 Over-compensation with ‘ bags of character ’ afflicts both pint-sized man and machine , as they invariably come over as busy and mildly ridiculous .
17 When the police ordered him to end it , he complied at once , his half-dozen supporters singing the National Anthem as they invariably did at the conclusion of their gatherings .
18 It is fruitless asking patients if their injection sites are satisfactory , as they invariably say that they are ; they come to regard the abnormal as normal .
19 In the aftermath , as they instantly relaxed , Rory slipped off the bed and out of her and banged his shin against a chair and shrieked in agony .
20 LIVERPOOL are sweating on a work permit for Norwegian Stig Inge Bjornbye as they anxiously wait to hear if defender David Burrows will play again this season .
21 Yet only a few days after the Wallabies had tucked the Cup safely away , as they thoroughly deserved to do , NZRFU officials were bustling about trying to find out what their players were up to .
22 If , as they fervently hope , Waqar Younis has recovered sufficiently from the stress fracture in his back to bowl as he did in taking 113 first-class wickets last season at a cost of 14 each — a wicket for every 30 balls he bowled — and Imran 's shoulder injury permits him , after all , to play as more than just a batsman-captain , theirs will be a fast bowling attack as strong , at least on paper , as any the West Indies had during the 16 years of world supremacy which came to an end here last summer .
23 Although their sentiments sound very pious as they earnestly cry , ‘ Lord , send revival ’ , what they are in fact engaged in is not so much a prayer meeting as a spiritual buck-passing session .
24 They soon progressed from Christmas to holidays … travel … world events … and then to food , as they laughingly divided the two plump triangles of cake and argued as to which was the nicer .
25 For example ferruginous crusts , or ferricrete , are almost certainly fossil features as they probably form in wetter climates and are discussed in the next chapter .
26 The boys took this all in good heart , as they probably had all their lives .
27 Er you 've got a lot of work to do if this is got here tonight , er just s spread the word , tell them it 's not as bad as they probably think it is , there 's no patrols needed or anything like that .
28 ‘ And if the British know enough about you , as they probably do , they will begin to police you .
29 The Court of Appeal reached their decision with regret because as they clearly saw Mr. Tully is seeking to exploit the privilege against self-incrimination in order to frustrate the plaintiffs ' claims .
30 No doubt , Ms Lowthorpe had stacked the odds by going for couples who looked as young as they clearly felt .
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