Example sentences of "as they [verb] down " in BNC.

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1 The second point is that many people lean forwards as they slap down the opponent 's punch and so you need to remember that there are two fists to worry about here , not one !
2 As a result , the Marines experienced no resistance as they jogged down the hurriedly lashed gangplanks , and spread out across the docks .
3 They stripped in silence and he took her hand as they walked down to the water 's edge .
4 She had watched from the window as they walked down the jetty , anxious as a mother sending her children off on their first day at school .
5 He continued to talk thus now , as they walked down the grand vista , away from the formal gardens and into the woodland rides , where classical figures loomed from the undergrowth and the serpentine rill wound away towards a distant temple .
6 Mrs Goreng walked right into the German 's trap — he 'd wanted to pay her back — when he 'd asked her as they walked down to the edge of the beach for a post-picnic swim , ‘ And are the people religious ? ’
7 ‘ I have cantered among the hyenas of the Serengeti as they brought down wildebeest ; I have danced the Wellington Boot Dance with the Zulu in the township hostels ; I have tiptoed through the Bibliothèque Nationale , listening to the gummy gumming of mundane scholars ; I have shelled prawns with slant-eyed androgynes in the polyglot souks of the uttermost East ; I have reached the nadir of a nonsensical number of psycho-sexual trances , both in the Amazonian hinterland and the plastic cultures of the Pacific rim ; I have subsumed myself to the circuitry of artificial cerebella in the silicone wadis ; I have crawled down the barrels of guns on all five continents , only to spring forth again — triumphant ; I have tittered in the stalls and tottered by the walls festooned with epicene opera-lovers ; I have sallied forth into the salons of the old world and the new ; I have hefted steins in the beerhalls and pinched flutes in the Shires ; I have raced laggardly protons around the cyclotron , revelling in the sempiternal sciamachy ; and — let us not forget — I have also hidden under couches whilst the moneyed pulers petted their kittenish neuroses , imagining themselves trusted , secluded .
8 Now it 's all hands to the deck for the close friends as they knuckle down to bring back the sparkle that has been missing down at Hamilton Park for the past few seasons .
9 At that moment ‘ a white light shone forth like a sword ’ from Gandalf , as many people see ‘ the light that shone ’ round Éowyn and Faramir as they come down to the Houses of Healing .
10 As long as they come down in the next twenty minutes !
11 Ciaran Fitzgerald 's dishevelled and disheartened foot soldiers ( l-r ) Halpin , Smith , Popplewell , Rigney , Galwey and Fitzgibbon , reel from the French onslaught as they go down by a record margin in Paris .
12 Now what actually happens , now as I say I 'm going to the far end , your casualty may literally shriek as they go down , now this is the person that has no warning at all , they may shriek as they go down and it 's the air that 's coming out of the body , they will go rigid as every muscle clenches , the teeth clench , the muscles go rigid , erm and they 're going to be very , very blue because erm , because er they 've stopped breathing which seems like an eternity .
13 Now what actually happens , now as I say I 'm going to the far end , your casualty may literally shriek as they go down , now this is the person that has no warning at all , they may shriek as they go down and it 's the air that 's coming out of the body , they will go rigid as every muscle clenches , the teeth clench , the muscles go rigid , erm and they 're going to be very , very blue because erm , because er they 've stopped breathing which seems like an eternity .
14 And that was all that mattered as they cruised down the freeway , alone together in Zitney 's gleaming red hatchback .
15 As they dropped down the steep winding road , the sky was a brilliant blue , the sun gleaming on the gilt weathervane of the church and on the butter-and-honey-coloured buildings .
16 A rock jutted out which others had grabbed as they swung down , but as I tried to do the same there was no edge below for my feet and I whimpered pathetically dangling on the end of the rope .
17 So the arrival at the Grand Quay of that famous pirate ship the ‘ Black Pig ’ caused no excitement , and Captain Pugwash , the Mate , Barnabas , Willy and Tom the cabin boy attracted little attention as they stepped down the gangplank and set off to view the sights of the town .
18 They were still laughing as they stepped down into the hold .
19 The man on the rod would be unable to reel in fast enough as they ran down on the Zodiac .
20 More effective was the rush by two of the protection squad firing their tommies as they ran down the ship 's steep gangplank .
21 Hannele 's fingers , as they ran down his shin buttons , were like electric probes , even through his cotton vest .
22 And she thought of him relaxed , as he had been on the beach , his incredible body beside hers as they ran down to the sea , his face laughing and his hair untidy …
23 Leonora blinked , her hand closing over him involuntarily , and she smiled in triumph as he groaned , his eyes dilating as they stared down into hers .
24 Hari thought again of her father and sitting there on the edge of her seat she believed that the man standing before her , handsome and young though he might be , was the same kind of man as Dewi Morgan , upright and steadfast , his eyes clear and direct as they looked down at her .
25 She spun round , startled , at the sound of Jake 's voice , to find him standing at her elbow , blue eyes dark with condemnation as they looked down into her face .
26 Most hill-walkers ' wildlife experiences take place as they mow down interesting species caught in the glare of their XR2 's headlights on the way home from a hill .
27 As they slow down they are captured by protons in the water and in the process emit a gamma ray , which can be detected by crystals of sodium iodide , NaI — standard procedure for detecting and measuring the energies of gamma radiation .
28 Mr Grierson explained : ‘ You get the real fans stopping their cars at the top of the hill and then playing Dire Strait 's Going Home — the theme from the film — as they drive down the brae .
29 As they rode down the village , George noted how clean and tidy it was .
30 On every side of them , as they rode down the winding valley of the Suir from Clonmel to Carrick , stretched great rolling hills , rising to the distant mountains — Slievenaman to the north , Comeragh to the south .
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