Example sentences of "as they [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 There were unexplained hold-ups , enemy strongpoints catching the leaders in heavy fire perhaps , or a few moments ' loss of direction as they probed forward .
2 Children are often snappish and can not be touched ; they want to do as they please yet do not know what pleases them !
3 The sight of her legs as they stretched forward to keep up with him lifted him with exultation .
4 Their obsessive story is told in graphic detail as they sail merrily along on an ocean liner .
5 ROYAL PATRONAGE : Fergie — the kids nowhere in sight — gives Texan millionaire Bryan an affectionate pat on his balding head as they while away their precious French leave
6 Waterlilies should never be positioned near waterfalls or fountains as they prefer fairly static water .
7 The marquis 's strength made Topaz light-headed as they clung together , his desire a worthy match for hers .
8 As they clung together in that unutterable pleasure , he felt that they were defying everything that had persecuted them .
9 He shot a narrow-eyed look at Rachel and Tony as they clung together .
10 His mouth met hers and her shocked little gasp turned to a moan of hunger as she closed her eyes and kissed him at last , at last , and the brandy glass fell from her hands , shattering at their feet as her arms went around his neck , her mouth opening hungrily beneath his , her hands in his black hair , her body pressing against his as they clung together with intolerable necessity , unaware of the fragments of glass they trampled as Damian pressed her tighter , tighter until there was not an inch between their bodies .
11 Like that lovely story about Brother Andrew among tramps and vagrants , leading the singing and picking fleas off his cassock as they sang quite innocently : ‘ Count your blessings , name them one by one ! ’
12 The pair of them loved searches , making us face the wall and spread our arms and legs as they felt all over us for some exciting trophy .
13 An extreme example of this occurred when a hospital social worker was asked to see a family who refused to allow a newly bereaved husband to leave hospital to attend his wife 's funeral , as they felt angrily that he had contributed to her unexpected death with his demands .
14 However , as they became increasingly conversant and comfortable with workshop techniques the balance was redressed .
15 In fact , by making the assumption that the needle-like fibrils were capable of deforming affinely , Arridge & Barham could explain the change of Young 's modulus with draw ratio as a result of the greater reinforcing efficiency of the fibrils as they became longer and thinner .
16 As they became progressively more heavily taxed , that responsibility , instead of going to companies , went to government and government has been seen to do it very badly .
17 More and more instructions , more and more complex in their nature descended more and more frequently upon local offices , but without any adequately effective co-ordination at the Headquarters level to ensure that those in the outfield had a clear enough idea of what their order of priorities should be as they became less and less able to deal effectively with the totality of their responsibilities .
18 Up to a quarter said their relationships with partners suffered as they became more irritable , and one in 20 have problems staying awake while driving or operating machinery .
19 In social terms , users tended to lose their old friends as they became more deeply involved in the smack subculture .
20 They are easy and inexpensive to make as they require only enough outer fabric to cover the actual window opening , or your desired size , plus a little extra lining when making up as Method 1 .
21 Ahead , as they swing away from me , the other sledges look like commas on the writing paper of the snow .
22 How well-cut his suit now turns out to be , and how confidently , as they disappear once more he is laying down die law to the old man sitting so respectfully opposite .
23 HCIMA Director joined Canadian members of the HCIMA and their families as they gathered together in the Rocky Mountains for Thanksgiving weekend .
24 Donald , Pringle , Snell and McMillan all looked healthily hostile as they blew away the cream of Australian batting for under 200 , and Hudson showed touches of class as South Africa won by nine wickets .
25 The buildings which line either side of the bridge descend as far below the street as they rise above it .
26 As they leered suggestively at her , she would stick a finger up her nose and start scratching it in a very obvious way .
27 To all of them , Fry is Barnet , and without him there , few will have good reason to stay at Underhill , particularly as they alleged publicly for the first time yesterday that chairman Stan Flashman had physically threatened them .
28 Had the Russians dumped Crabb 's body into the sea off the mouth of the harbour as they steamed past , suitably weighted with ropes that would rot in due course ?
29 As soon as they finished around 5 pm , they would travel back to London and snatch a meal of the inevitable egg and chips .
30 It was also assumed that if people had more of their gross income to spend as they chose then they would purchase goods and services that they wanted rather than the state spending money on goods and services for which there may be little or no demand .
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