Example sentences of "as you [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 As ye doubtless noticed , there 's work to dae . ’
2 As you clearly do n't trust them there seems little point in going into them . ’
3 As you probably knew
4 We are , as you probably gathered if you 've been with us , talking about the , the Gulf conflict .
5 Running off with Jonathan 's pen might sound like a good joke but , as you probably noticed , it is n't Gowie that the others come and help , but Jonathan .
6 Herr Hamnett was an Englishman , as you probably know ; he spoke perfect German , but with the accents of the north .
7 As you probably know , Herr Sanders is a gentleman of advanced years , inclined to be a little vague .
8 Well , our Derek was exploring one day at the base of the hill where , as you probably know , there are a few shallow caves .
9 As you probably know , Eddi turned up in the TV series Your Cheatin' Heart , not so long back , doing her joint vocal and thespian thing .
10 As you probably know , even the cleanest looking carpet is not all that it appears .
11 This , as you probably know by now , selects alternate needles automatically .
12 There are , as you probably know , almost endless variations of cabling on both single and double bed .
13 Also , as you probably know , mortgage interest relief is no longer allowed for higher rate tax but is now restricted to the basic rate of 25 per cent — so the savings are smaller than before for those in a high income bracket .
14 However , as you probably know , the Earnings Rule was at long last abolished at the start of October 1989 .
15 As you probably know , they lay their eggs in strings , not clumps , and the tadpoles are toxic to fish : therefore , in a garden pond , there is a higher survival rate than with frogs .
16 ‘ Killer ’ , as you probably know , is currently under suspension following the harmless headbutting of a linesman during the Scrimley Arsenal game , and this has left a big hole in Mr Hudd 's forehead , not to mention our defence .
17 ‘ MI6 , as you probably know , is the British intelligence service charged with spying and secret operations abroad .
18 That 's the team of management that I , together with one or two others , built up from scratch at the beginning of the Liberal Democrats , and we now in Stockport have a highly successful erm m As I say , tier of management for training , for campaigning , for policy development in Stockport , and as you probably know we do have a good record of winning local council seats .
19 Erm , well as you probably know Bolton , Boltonian , may be regarded as rather parochial but erm we 've always been a little suspicious about Manchester and there probably are n't very many Boltonians you take the Manchester Evening News regularly because we have our own Bolton Evening News .
20 " The London Metropolitan , as you probably know , was the outcome of an amalgamation between two other banks about ten years ago — the London Bank and the City and Metropolitan .
21 As far as I knew he 's at present on the Charlotte T. — all our ships are called something T. , as you probably know — on a trip to Hamburg . "
22 As you probably know , Major Maxim is attached to Number 10 for duties that appear not to be precisely defined but touch on security matters .
23 and it 's be it 's been a very fascinating job because in the course of the years , obviously one has met erm , parents and students and lecturers and erm university tutors we 've got to know quite well because erm there were all sorts of problems as you probably know with
24 But the Rockefeller Brothers as you probably know , have spent millions of dollars in redoing er Williamsburg , Virginia which was the colonial capital .
25 As you probably know , Touchline is a monthly calendar giving dates , locations and contact names of Scottish sporting events .
26 Well it 's going to be revamped as er as you probably know that part of the City is being slowly revamped er and this is one which is going to be done in about the middle of next year .
27 As you probably know , there 's a strong party among the Copts who are utterly opposed to any Coptic participation in the Government , even on a personal basis . ’
28 As you probably know , Margaret perpetrated a huge fraud , I mean , there 's no other word for what she did .
29 As you probably know , after the recent initiative , we do n't plan to do any more training for area staff in the near future .
30 As you probably know it 's presently showing at the cinema , and is a story of an Irish tenor Joseph Locke
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