Example sentences of "as not [to-vb] the " in BNC.

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31 As prone as most journalists to leaving matters to the last minute , Tchaikovsky ‘ regarded this work as very light , insignificant , and so as not to overlook the deadline for each piece , he got his servant [ Alyosha ] to remind him each month of the date of delivery ’ .
32 Then the spider will roll it up and , so as not to waste the valuable protein of which it is made , eat it .
33 Titian has written over their heads Ex Praeterito Praesens Prudenter Agit Ni Futura Actione Deturpit ( ‘ From the [ example of ] the past the man of the present acts prudently so as not to imperil the future ’ ) .
34 In moderate amounts , it is not troublesome , but for dyeing work it may be desirable to keep the concentration reasonably constant so as not to affect the rate of dyeing .
35 It has also scaled down payouts for redundancies , so as not to exceed the $1.5bn restructuring charge it was hit with two months ago .
36 " Mr. Osborne stated that he and Mr. Stewart met as requested by the last meeting and made a selection of Thirty-six Books a list of which he had now pleasure of laying before the Meeting for their approval , but the Meeting found that they would need to curtail the list to Twentythree so as not to exceed the ammount of two pounds . "
37 She will look elegant in black , and she 'll cry delicately so as not to mar the whiteness of her skin , and dab her nose with a lace-edged handkerchief , and wear Mother 's jet brooch , and all the customers will sigh and say how sad it is , and young men will want to comfort and console her , and they will , oh yes , because she did n't really love him .
38 She drove slowly in Conterchi so as not to miss the turning and Italians hooted at her or raised their fingers in gestures she knew to be obscene .
39 A Servitor with a tracked , snail-like body and padded hands that secreted fragrant antiseptic polish was buffing the floor of the rib-vaulted passageway where electrocandles flickered on sconces in front of scrimshaw-framed ikons ; and Lexandro must halt , so as not to incommode the two Marines .
40 He used the toilet-bucket carefully , so as not to soil the floor , and was grateful it was removed every second day .
41 In general , passion should be treated in such manner as not to stimulate the lower and baser emotions .
42 Gay energy has been taken up with service provision and public education : little has been left for meaningful activism , and our anger , fear and grief has been kept strictly privatised , so as not to exacerbate the hostility we face in the outside world , and so as not to risk funding .
43 Robyn felt a small curl of satisfaction and proceeded to descend the staircase at an even slower pace than before , treading gingerly so as not to exacerbate the dreadful pounding in her head .
44 Humans on foot must step over the broken flagstones and around the car-paraphernalia which is implanted in the pavement so as not to obstruct the motorised flow .
45 By a notice of appeal dated 23 April 1992 the Treasury Solicitor appealed on the grounds that ( 1 ) on a true construction of the Evidence ( Proceedings in Other Jurisdictions ) Act 1975 the court was precluded from making the order for examination ; ( 2 ) the deputy judge had erred in law in making the order and in holding that ( i ) it was possible to interpret section 9(4) of the Act so as not to preclude the order sought , ( ii ) the exclusion contained in section 9(4) was restricted to cases where the actual capacity in which the witness was called on to give evidence was a Crown capacity and that the fact that the evidence sought was acquired in the course of the witness 's employment as a servant of the Crown was not of itself sufficient to bring the case within the exclusion , ( iii ) the fact that the witness was now retired from his position was relevant to the question whether the exclusion in section 9(4) applied , ( iv ) if some other interpretation were possible , it would be unacceptable to approach section 9(4) as requiring the court to refuse to make the order that a witness who was competent and compellable within the United Kingdom should give evidence for foreign proceedings , ( v ) there was nothing in the material sought to be given in evidence which it could have been the policy or intention of the Act to have prevented being explored ; ( 3 ) the deputy judge had erred in law in approaching the question of capacity by concentrating on the position of the witness at the time that the evidence was to be given as opposed to the position of the witness at the time that he acquired the information which was the subject matter of the evidence and the nature content and source of such evidence ; ( 4 ) the judge had wrongly ignored the fact that the Crown as a party to the Hague Convention was in a position to give effect to it and to provide evidence to foreign courts in accordance with it without recourse to the court ; and ( 5 ) the judge had wrongly approached section 9(4) on the footing that it most likely addressed prejudice to the sovereignty of the state .
46 Huy allowed a beaker to be filled so as not to transgress the etiquette of hospitality , but he did not propose to drink any wine .
47 She nursed his ailments too , and with a needle from a certain yucca picked out the chigoes from his feet , neatly , so as not to burst the sac in which the nits were hatching and release them into his flesh : the insects between his pink and white toes were just like a shrimp 's roe .
48 The books tell you that is the point where you ‘ remove all sharp stones from the sides and base of the excavation , so as not to damage the liner , and then if necessary , use an underlay … =sand , old carpet , newspapers or a purpose-made polyester sheet ’ .
49 The mother 's objection was not found to be unreasonable and no suggestion was made to allow adoption with a condition of access so as not to deprive the ten year old of the security that goes with adoption compared to long-term foster care .
50 If a club has finished its league and cup programme , then it has also been practice that any ban imposed wo n't take effect until the start of next season , so as not to prevent the player taking part in close-season and pre-season tournaments .
51 Modern needs have been carefully installed so as not to spoil the authentic look .
52 If there had been no rain and the soil become dry , we used to prepare these slit trenches the day before and fill them with water from a can , but carefully , so as not to wash the soil back into them .
53 Carlton will publish 25 titles this year , and 40 next , adopting a ‘ strict pattern of release ’ , so as not to crowd the market .
54 Meanwhile , so as not to break the thread of our story , let us just remark that any ‘ purpose ’ involved is internal to the agent or system and not that of a hidden hand .
55 Cupboards and shelves were built all round the room and concealed behind neat panels of canvas-covered wood , with touch-opening mechanisms so as not to break the continuity of the limited space .
56 In general , however , the contract of a mentally disordered person is fully binding on him unless the other party was aware that he was so insane as not to understand the nature of the transaction .
57 At one time it was usual practice for the care case to be adjourned pending the outcome of the criminal trial so as not to prejudice the defendant 's position .
58 The Boy Nigel is supervising , sitting on a kitchen chair clutching a blue Victorian ciderhouse mug , china , so as not to appall the customers with the sight of this and that lurking in the golden brew .
59 Beaverbrook considered it an achievement that the USA and UK had settled on the 1943 draft as a formula for future negotiations , but US ambassador John Winant , at lunch with Churchill , Berle , and Beaverbrook , thought the Prime Minister wanted the Lord Privy Seal to ‘ soft-pedal ’ the internationalization aspect so as not to offend the USA .
60 All such plants must be treated with respect , so as not to offend the Green Ladies .
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