Example sentences of "as [to-vb] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 He condemned Crilly for his hash , and once went so far as to yank a steaming thick spliff from Crilly 's hand and toss it down the lighthouse cliff .
2 By far the most prominent pattern is represented by the regular development of narrow-fronted strip buildings along the main frontages in such a way as to accommodate the maximum number of properties in the space available .
3 As you rightly say , the present border was drawn on a sectarian head count in such a way as to include a large area which has never consented to partition .
4 But leaving that aside , as I have already explained , the court will not be ‘ hearing and determining the swap cases together ’ and I do not think those words can be stretched so as to include the present procedural arrangements .
5 Since the findings of the surveys described in Chapter 6 , the message promoting the lobon-gur solution had been revised so as to include the four different recognised types of diarrhoea and the use of refined sugar as a substitute for gur when the latter was unavailable .
6 Only very rarely will the conditions be met so as to enable the new firm to act for one of the litigating clients let alone all of them .
7 Accordingly , the legislature has provided this extraordinary process so as to enable the requisite information to be obtained .
8 A 1 million b/d ‘ strategic ’ pipeline had been installed so as to enable the southern fields ' production to be sent out via the northern pipeline system through Syria , or the reverse ; as it later proved , a sensible precaution .
9 But Mr. Lester raises a more fundamental argument , with which I agree , that the effect of this court declaring the law in such a way as to enable the local authority to sue in libel , would be interference by a judicial authority with the right of freedom of expression of the press .
10 This period has seen capitalism shake out labour in such a way as to decimate the working class , now much smaller , living in decaying urban areas , with little chance of upward mobility , and yet create the conditions for a relatively secure middle class .
11 There will be similar trouble over the gender difference if indeed as I am suggesting — it is true that ideas about the meaning of maleness have distorted moral thinking in our culture quite deeply , so as to affect the whole concept of individuality , and thereby condition the way in which some central metaphysical issues are seen .
12 persuading a supplier 's lorry driver not to deliver so as to disrupt a commercial contract ) is protected if the attendance is lawful under the 1974 Act , but there is no protection for ‘ secondary picketing , ’ i. e .
13 This project will also attempt to establish just how information from the two modalities converge by systematically manipulating them in such a way as to disrupt the normal manner of combining them .
14 It would be perfectly possible to recast the system of democratic supervision so as to restore a considerable part of the power of the Commons and to provide a devolved system of regional and local elected councils , which would mean that every important administrative body was subject to checks and examination at one or other of the three levels — national , regional or local .
15 Given that the bank 's desired cash ratio is 10 per cent and that the bank wishes to maximise its profits , it will increase its total deposits to £30,000 so as to restore the desired ratio .
16 In The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte Marx describes how an authoritarian regime founded on the bureaucracy ( both military and civil ) enabled the state , led by Louis Bonaparte , to gain a measure of autonomy from the warring factions of the French bourgeoisie so as to preserve the bourgeois social order in the face of a mounting threat from the lower classes .
17 They react in the same way whether the electric field is due to static charges or to a time-varying magnetic field ; under the force qE they rearrange themselves so as to cancel the electric field inside the conducting material as shown in Fig. 4.1(a) .
18 But in addition to the church 's calling to be the invisible yeast leavening the whole dough and the salt savouring the whole meal , it is also called to be a light placed prominently and strategically upon a lamp-stand so as to light the whole house .
19 In short , it is that it offers a way of by-passing ‘ the awkward corner ’ , Nearly twenty years ago Professor Joan Robinson observed that the predictable consequences of the attainment of near-full employment must , if institutions and attitudes did not accommodate themselves to the new circumstances , be so far to strengthen the power of the trade unions as to prompt a vicious spiral of wages and prices ; and that it would become chronic .
20 Because they are designed to justify certain propositions , the questions they ask are formulated in such a way as to prompt the desired answers .
21 The central party leadership , in fact , went so far as to issue a formal statement on the Baltic situation in late August 1989 , warning against the activities of ‘ extremist ’ and ‘ anti-socialist ’ forces that were pursuing a separatist line with ‘ growing persistence and aggressiveness ’ .
22 The SEC has acknowledged the need to encourage legitimate information gathering and dissemination so as to promote the efficient operation of the nation 's securities markets .
23 In the summer of 1101 , faced with Robert 's landing in England and the immediate prospect of widespread desertion , Henry went so far as to promise a general obedience to the papal decrees , and it seems likely that Anselm 's activity on his behalf , secured by this promise , turned the tide in his favour , and brought Duke Robert 's invasion to a halt .
24 The Cores are defined in such a way as to embrace the entire built-up area of the main settlement and therefore include the contiguous suburbs as they existed in 1971 as well as the inner city areas ( see Champion et al . ,
25 For the full effect of neighbours , go on Saturday or Sunday so as to find the whole array of cars , vans , lorries ‘ motorbikes and children , although if it is a fine weekend some of the boats and caravans may be missing .
26 The same kind of damage has been described for the golden eagle feeding on roe deer ( Ratcliffe & Rowe , 1979 ) : when it penetrates the carcase through the shoulder region , it breaks through the scapula so as to extract the soft internal organs .
27 This should be sufficient to put a purchaser on notice so that he insists on paying the purchase monies to two trustees or a trust corporation so as to obtain a good receipt ( Law of Property Act 1925 , s27 ) .
28 As has been said , a decision was made to abandon high-order averaging by the instrument so as to obtain a full record of the variations in measurement .
29 ‘ THE art of taxation ’ , wrote Colbert , Louis XIV 's finance minister , ‘ consists in so plucking the goose as to obtain the largest amount of feathers with the smallest possible amount of hissing . ’
30 By self-discipline we mean the judicious guidance of our desires and impulses through the elaborate filter of convention so as to obtain the maximum amount of self-satisfaction and social approval .
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