Example sentences of "as [to-vb] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Surely she could n't really have been so foolish as to fall in love with Guido Falcone ?
2 How can the creature be so clever as to weave with beak and feet alone a tapestry no human fingers , however deft , could ever hope to imitate ?
3 However , even outer clothing must have required fastening and such wear would also have arisen if they were worn on undergarments in such a way as to come into contact with the inner face of the coarse outer garments ; such extreme wear is perhaps more likely to have occurred in this way than on the outside .
4 One of my colonies of mushroom polyps , reddish brown specimens which I think are a Ricordea species , killed a bushy sea whip ( Plexaurelia ) which happened to be so close as to come into contact , when it deflated .
5 Purchase behaviour will , again , be altered so as to come into line with the customary behaviour of the reference group .
6 Unless both parties successfully anticipate inflation by fixing the terms of loans in such a way as to compensate for inflation , the lenders find that the real value of their loans declines , and the borrowers find that the real value of their debts declines to the same extent .
7 How could he have been so shortsighted , so absolutely thick as to worry about commitment when the girl he was worried about committing to was Alexandra ?
8 to safeguard all current data in such a way as to provide for restitution in the event of loss or damage
9 Zou 's report called for greater control of investment in fixed assets , which had reportedly risen by 21 per cent in the first half of the year compared with the same period of 1990 , so as to concentrate on priority projects including water conservation , agriculture , energy , transport , key raw materials , health and education .
10 Beethoven , among others , could not comprehend how Mozart could have stooped so low as to set to music such an apparently frivolous text , dealing with the fickleness of women ; and the prudish moral climate of the later 19th century made sure that Così was conveniently ignored as a little aberration .
11 While we do this we must beware of those who are so hungry for authority in our societies that they want to press the authority of the Bible over men and the Church in such a way as to lead to extravagance or to sectarianism .
12 Following announcement of the settlement , the government admitted that it had blundered in its handling of the affair , and on Oct. 30 Antall went so far as to suggest to parliament that he should resign ( no formal resignation offer was made , however ) .
13 I 'm not such a fool as to look for love again . ’
14 They should discuss the best way of monitoring loan arrangements within the company so as to put in place a control system to avoid these problems .
15 It is hoped to develop and refine the approach by examining specific corporate behaviour and relationships as well as to contribute to analysis in these industrial sectors for major and selected minor European and US firms .
16 The ICAEW rules do state that we should , under no various circumstances , promote or seek to promote our services in such a way or such an extent as to amount to harassment of a prospective client .
17 According to Richard Prebble , then Minister for State-owned Enterprises , the two companies would reduce their holding in Telecom to 24.95 per cent each over the next three years so as to keep in line with the government 's planned 49.9 per cent limit on foreign ownership of the company .
18 Find way of treating glass so as to respond to viewer 's gaze ?
19 a single prostitute who provides services in private premises to one client at a time without spectators is guilty of the common law offence of keeping a disorderly house if it is proved that the services provided are of such a character and are conducted in such a manner … that their provision amounts to an outrage of public decency or is otherwise calculated to harm the public interest to such an extent as to call for condemnation and punishment .
20 Alternatively the Director General may confirm he has decided not to refer the agreement to the Court where : ( a ) any directly applicable provision of EC law applies to the agreement ; ( b ) the agreement has expired or has been terminated ; ( c ) all the relevant restrictions have been removed ; ( d ) the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry has discharged the Director General from his duty to take proceedings where he is satisfied that the restrictions are not of such significance as to call for investigation by the Court .
21 Housing — Secure tenancy — Death of tenant — Tenant obtaining tenancy of council house 10 days before death — Tenant 's brother living with him in different council premises during 12 months prior to death — Whether brother ‘ resided with ’ deceased tenant so as to succeed to tenancy — Housing Act 1985 ( c. 68 ) , s. 87
22 The belief in the broadcasting market is not without its difficulties : how can a multiplicity of channels be introduced so as to allow for consumer choice and how does one overcome the possible detrimental consequences of the market mechanism ?
23 If the European Court of Human Rights had confirmed the view of the Commission , changes in the law would have been called for , at least so as to allow for alteration of all relevant documentation .
24 It was winter and we made an early start , travelling the seventy-odd miles in darkness so as to arrive with time to tackle up and be fishing as the last dregs of darkness dripped away .
25 While he pretends to foster it loyally all the while so as to stay in contact with it ? ’
26 These meetings are intended to act as foci for the exchange of views and information between library staff and users , as well as to assist in library policy making .
27 image , as well as to convey by implication a market of the status of the American OTC , toss around American phrases and terms in their sales presentations .
28 ‘ I notice , ’ he said in good English , ‘ that you have been so bold as to ask for food at this late hour .
29 If ; when your parents begin to draw a National Insurance retirement pension , they go on working , or their former employer is paying them a pension , their code will need to be changed so as to take into account the National Insurance pension .
30 Rates developed as a direct tax on an individual 's income levied so as to take into account his or her capacity to pay .
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