Example sentences of "as [to-vb] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Now if the Major would be so good as to arrange a workroom , I can have the suit finished in a couple of hours . ’
2 In this case that certainly was not so ; the ordinary means of access to the house was from the front of the house and to my mind it is very doubtful whether this yard could be regarded as a means of access to the house at all … in my view the section can not be extended beyond what was held in Brown 's case so as to include a yard of this kind .
3 The registrar granted the administrators leave to serve the originating application on the bank in Jersey pursuant to rule 12.12 of the Insolvency Rules 1986 Mervyn Davies J. granted the bank 's application to set aside the registrar 's order , holding that section 238 of the Act of 1986 did not have extraterritorial effect so as to include a foreigner resident abroad , and that ‘ any person ’ in the section could not apply to the bank .
4 He referred me to President of India v. La Pintada Compania Navigacion S.A. [ 1985 ] A.C. 104 where , in declining to extend the common law so as to enable a plaintiff to recover interest by way of general damages , the House of Lords were influenced by the fact that the legislature had twice intervened to deal with entitlement to interest .
5 It is difficult to see any reason why in civil proceedings the privilege against self-incrimination should be exercisable so as to enable a litigant to refuse relevant and even vital documents which are in his possession or power and which speak for themselves .
6 Held , allowing the appeal and substituting a period of postponement not to exceed six months ( Sir George Waller dissenting ) , that for the purposes of making an order for sale in favour of a trustee in bankruptcy under s. 30 of the Law of Property Act 1925 no distinction was to be made between a case where a property was being enjoyed as the matrimonial home and one where it had ceased to be so used ; that where a spouse , having a beneficial interest in such property , had become bankrupt , the interests of the creditors would usually prevail over the interests of the other spouse and a sale of the property ordered within a short period ; that only in exceptional circumstances , more than the ordinary consequences of debt and improvidence , could the interests of the other spouse prevail so as to enable an order for sale to be postponed for a substantial period ; and that , accordingly , since the circumstances of the wives and their children , albeit distressing , were not exceptional , the order sought by the trustee should be made .
7 He saw himself with almost missionary zeal as a recorder of his surroundings , so as to preserve a record of the remnants of antiquated rusticity which he remembered .
8 This is not interpreted so as to compel a solicitor in overseas practice to maintain cover in excess of the current levels prescribed by the Solicitors ' Indemnity Rules , though local requirements may have that result .
9 The partnership would capitalise Newco sufficiently to meet the redemption obligations on the debentures and , if Newco became the beneficial owner of more than 25% of the ordinary share capital of Target , prima facie s135 TCGA 1992 would apply so as to preclude a disposal on the exchange of Target shares for Newco debentures , though it would be advisable to obtain from the Inland Revenue advance clearance for this sort of structure under s138 .
10 A situation can be structured and comprehended so as to indicate a direction for proceeding .
11 When his first wife died in 1751 , he went so far as to obtain a licence to marry a certain Hannah Laskey .
12 In the case of the sentence above , the completing word was " cat " , but on other trials a poor completion such as " chair " was presented , so as to obtain an estimate of the effectiveness of the preceding context .
13 Thus where the issue is the width of the use covenant , the application of the contra proferentem rule points towards greater freedom of use on the part of the tenant rather than narrower , even if the tenant is arguing for a narrower use so as to secure a benefit on rent review ( Skillion v Keltec Industrial Research [ 1992 ] 1 EGLR 123 ) .
14 In explaining why he had gone along with ‘ doctoring ’ data so as to secure a contract deadline , a supervisor pointed out , ‘ If I refused to take part in the fraud , I would have to either resign or be fired ’ .
15 Or as a laboratory supervisor , who was asked to go along with the manufacture of ‘ doctored ’ data so as to secure a contract deadline put it ( Vandivier 1972:22 ) :
16 It was agreed that it would be impossible to draft the title of the Bill in such a way as to exclude an amendment to abolish capital punishment , and that it would be unconvincing to argue that the inclusion in the Bill of a provision for the abolition of capital punishment would be inappropriate .
17 But once the Parliamentary material was brought to our attention , it seemed to me , as , I believe , to others of your Lordships who had heard the appeal first argued , to raise an acute question as to whether it could possibly be right to give effect to taxing legislation in such a way as to impose a tax which the Financial Secretary to the Treasury , during the passage of the Bill containing the relevant provision , had , in effect , assured the House of Commons it was not intended to impose .
18 … The problem is whether in the present case , which arises out of the use by the defendant of a motor car on a public highway , the circumstances produced such a relationship between the defendant and the infant plaintiff as to impose a duty on the defendant in relation to the plaintiff .
19 This look into the relatively near future highlights the importance of writing media releases in such a way as to catch an editor 's attention at once .
20 Book debts arising from these credit sales were to be assigned in blocks , containing substantial numbers of such debts to the plaintiffs in return for a lump sum , calculated so as to provide a discounting charge to the plaintiffs .
21 But in other west European countries a different conclusion is being drawn , namely that European political union , perhaps excluding Britain , is all the more important so as to provide a check on American behaviour , to avoid a unipolar world .
22 Their employers will also be interviewed , and other farms will be surveyed so as to provide a point of comparison .
23 a week or so before the interview ask the subordinate to complete an appraisal preparation form so as to provide a starting point for the discussion
24 Loans to small farmers have been increased 25 times over ; research and investment has gone into new seeds and fertilizers specially designed for the needs ( and the purses ) of the small farmer ; and maize prices have gone up by 129 per cent so as to provide an incentive .
25 Some of the owl species are covered by more than one pellet collection so as to provide an estimate of within species variation , but in some cases the sample is restricted to single pellet collections .
26 The basic idea ( see Figure 9.2 ) was that members agreed to maintain no more than a 2¼ per cent band around all their respective currencies so as to set a limit to the degree to which exchange values could fluctuate ( the ‘ snake ’ ) .
27 A measure actually intended to achieve the unpopular objective of raising revenue so as to remedy a funding deficit may , for example , be linked to and presented as instituting a new and desirable benefit .
28 Members of the radical Inter-regional group went so far as to table a motion of no confidence in the government , but a vote on whether to consider this motion was heavily defeated on May 29 .
29 The Royal National Pension Fund for Nurses ( 1887 ) is an early example of the personal ‘ portable ’ pension , which entailed taking out an insurance policy so as to purchase an annuity on retirement .
30 On one level , it sought to frame the public debate ( why only three options ? why not four or five ? ) in such a way as to create a consensus around his policy .
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