Example sentences of "as [v-ing] the same " in BNC.

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1 The correspondence problem is to identify specific portions of the changing image as representing the same object at different times .
2 Someone from industry might be seen by employers as speaking the same language as they do themselves .
3 Ian Taylor speculates that tree clumps may act as a respiratory system , drawing up earth energies and releasing them through the clump 's composite aura , as well as performing the same function with subtle celestial stimuli .
4 The police , who routinely bend the rules in black areas , portray the youth of Brixton as doing the same , acting as if they were ‘ above the law ’ because of special measures designed to protect them from the consequences of their illegal actions — a fairly apt description of the police 's own position until very recently .
5 In the matter of contract , drunkenness is regarded as having the same effect as insanity .
6 Aurobindo sees all things as having the same principal of life at different levels , but in all of them is the potentiality and inevitability to reach higher and higher levels .
7 Her slovenliness was a state of mind , the exteriorisation of her despair , and he saw all her faults as having the same root : bad company , bad education , bad conditions .
8 Although individual client executives tend to favour dealing with known consultants , if those consultants leave their firms , they are not necessarily then seen in the same light , or as having the same resources at their disposal .
9 First , it treats all members of a social group as having the same set of possible actions .
10 It is a bit like arguing that if the hypothesis that smoking causes lung cancer is to be believed , everybody who smokes must get cancer ; what is more nothing else ( such as asbestos ) can be admitted as having the same effect .
11 The same object may reflect different wavelengths at different times yet be seen as having the same colour .
12 So , for instance , a variation in ministerial statements on the legislative intention behind a provision in a Government Bill might be sufficient to characterize the statements as unclear , but a similar variation in the statements in the Commons and the Lords by the promoters of a private Members Bill might not be treated as having the same significance .
13 If the tube is defined as having the same length as the unperturbed chain , nl o , where l o is the bond length under θ conditions ( corrected for short range interactions ) , then the time required for the chain to reptate out of the tube is proportional to the square of the distance travelled , i.e.
14 The draftsman must , therefore , express himself consistently throughout the lease , for a word used in one part of the lease will probably be construed as having the same meaning if used in another part of the same document .
15 The judgment for the plaintiff was upheld by the House of Lords , but Lord Cairns L.C. rested his decision on the ground that the defendant had made a ‘ non-natural use ’ of his land , though he regarded the judgment of Blackburn J. as reaching the same result and said he entirely concurred in it .
16 a catalogue or a database can be viewed as involving the same three stages as indexing :
17 In terms of the role-mapping model of plural reference , we would suppose that the use of and imposes a constraint which specifies the two individuals as playing the same grammatical role .
18 Lévi-Strauss saw structuralism as playing the same role for the social sciences as nuclear physics had for the physical sciences .
19 Levi goes on to insist that the real witnesses are those who died in the camps , and that those prisoners who did not were mostly compromised people or privileged people : Solzhenitsyn is cited as making the same point about the pridurki — the ‘ prominents ’ of the Gulag system .
20 This reflects a common tendency in India to think of rigorous imprisonment and vocational work as meaning the same thing : little distinction is made between punishment and rehabilitation in the prison context .
21 The knowledge world is seen as being equivalent to a population , and the spread of an idea through that population is described as following the same pattern as the spread of an infectious disease through that population .
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