Example sentences of "as [v-ing] [pron] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Typically , teen magazines like Smash Hits , were soon on the case and presented them as a ‘ new ’ band , although none went as far as dubbing them the customary , overnight success .
2 Proponents of voluntary aided status for certain independent denominational schools could argue that the obstruction of their proposals is compounding the difficulties as well as denying them the choice which is available to other groups .
3 ‘ Well , I think I 'll have one , ’ said Brian , and Scarlet saw that things were even worse than they seemed , for now his tone was artificial : he was making conversation about something so trivial as pouring himself a drink .
4 The Training Trust are running a five-year staff training programme in Romanian orphanages , and see this competition as giving everyone an opportunity to develop their artistic talents , and to raise funds for needy youngsters .
5 Thus , while a Luxembourger , an Irishman , a Dutchman or a Belgian may see a European superstate as giving them a much larger stage on which to perform and one that would cost them nothing in sovereignty since what they have is already so diluted , to us it would mean the end of that independence which has allowed us to play a unique and continuing role in world affairs and to have this Gracious Speech setting out our parliamentary programme .
6 Throughout human history , disabled people have constantly confounded the low expectations of others , and how much better it would be for special educators to raise the expectations of disabled children and their families by giving them an understanding of this , by helping them to accept their disabled identities with pride , by helping them to understand their place in the world and their rights as well as giving them the practical skills to deal with these issues .
7 This has ensured that the video is up to date , as well as giving me a few more grey hairs !
8 When there is a stay or a suspension of execution , he can not rely on the order for possession as giving him a right to possession .
9 Sometimes such problems are tackled by putting the students to work in twos and threes , so that good readers can help the slower ones ; in the case of fairly lengthy work-cards , where more explanation is given , it is also helpful to record the text on a cassette , which the slower reader can listen to with the words before him , increasing his familiarity with the written word at the same time as giving him the information that he needs .
10 I see this marvellous mechanism as giving us the certainty of immortality , for the impact of our thoughts and personality becomes imprinted in the brains of other men and they will continue in the minds of future generations .
11 ‘ You all live here in comfort , protected by people who care about you , who feed and clothe you , and pay you a wage every week as well as giving you a home … ’
12 These amplify the sound as well as giving it a particular quality .
13 It would appear that the pretrial investigation determined the accused 's fate without as much as affording him a right of effective participation in the process .
14 In addition , most of the courses include a period of placement with employers , which enables students to relate their studies to real-world problems , as well as affording them an opportunity to gain some experience of dealing with these problems .
15 Environmental audits are defined as determining what the organisation has done and is doing in relation to the environment .
16 It is hoped that the following study goes a small way towards describing their experiences and situation , as well as highlighting what the inclusion of disabled professionals reveals about the orthodox professional/client relationship .
17 It was the same as showing us the rifle …
18 His position within the duchy had brought him the support of men who would otherwise have been outside his sphere of influence , as well as making him the better lord for his own servants .
19 His position within the duchy had brought him the support of men who would otherwise have been outside his sphere of influence , as well as making him the better lord for his own servants .
20 aspects of an individual which we designate as making him an author are only a projection , in more or less psychologising terms , of the operations that we force texts to undergo , the connections that we make , the traits that we establish as pertinent , the continuities that we recognise , or the exclusions that we practice .
21 When I think of me days of pain and sufferin' here , and how I 've kept cheerful and 'elpful so as not to be a burden , as well as givin' you the benefit of me company so that you could 'ave someone to talk to , well , it 's a shock to me to find you lazin' about with a gypsy woman on your lap .
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