Example sentences of "as [vb pp] [adv prt] in " in BNC.

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1 Hegel 's Idealism is ‘ absolute ’ in that it sees all reality as gathered up in the all-encompassing , impersonal Mind which is God .
2 As pointed out in Chapter 3 the difference between ourselves and chimpanzees does not lie within the cell types but in their spatial organization .
3 As pointed out in an earlier chapter , security was placed in the hands of the army as part of the innovations of the Whitelaw administration .
4 Of course , the data presented in the community care plans are limited and , as pointed out in the introduction to the methodology , it could be argued that their relation to real change is tenuous .
5 The consequences , as pointed out in Schroeder ( A ) Music Publishing Co v Macaulay [ 1974 ] 1 WLR 1308 in the Court of Appeal , is that all acts taken under the clause prior to judgment remain undisturbed but that future ones will , assuming the successful party chooses to rely on the judgment , be unenforceable. 8 Consideration In any contract there has to be consideration but the question which has frequently arisen in restraint of trade cases is whether the court is at all concerned as to the adequacy of the particular consideration in the instant case .
6 Evidently , as pointed out in section 4.5 , approaches via damped oscillations which are often referred to as ringing .
7 However , notice that the effectiveness of this mechanism clearly depends on the interest-elasticity of investment which , as pointed out in Chapter 19 , is likely to be very low in the boom and slump periods of a trade cycle .
8 " Regulated business " is defined by the COB Rules to mean either of the following : ( 1 ) Investment business carried on from a UK office ( of the firm or of an appointed representative ) ; this is the case even if the customer is a non-UK client and even if an account officer goes overseas to meet him ; or ( 2 ) Investment business carried on from a non-UK office with or for customers in the UK , except where that business would not be treated as carried on in the UK ( and so would not require FSA authorisation ) if the non-UK office had been a separate person ; this exception , in effect , provides the " foreign business carve-out " from the COB Rules for business with UK customers ( see page 40 below ) ; certain marketing rules are , however , brought back in ( see page 42 below ) .
9 Unger depicts herself and others working in the psychology of women , as caught up in ‘ facho ’ , a feminist version of macho ( Arpad 1986 : 208 ) , which in their case took the form of an obsession with productivity much like that found in the mainstream : ‘ like the characters in Through The Looking Glass we are all running ( and writing ) as fast as we can to keep up ’ ( 1979 : vii ) .
10 What seems to me to need attention is … [ the ] movement of psychoanalysis away from content ( pre-Oedipal or otherwise ) to a concept of sexuality as caught up in the register of demand and desire .
11 The young working class in deindustrialising , inner urban areas are seen by the new subcultural theory as caught up in a bitter series of conflicts and contradictions .
12 If Joshua 6 represents God as mixed up in humanity 's games of power and violence in a way that is denied by the Crucified God of the Gospels , 1 Samuel 4–6 , in both its tragedy and its comedy , would declare his refusal to play along with us on our terms , and his insistence on doing his own thing .
13 Or at any rate , with higher education as sketched out in this book ?
14 In western Germany in 1990 the building industry produced more than five times as much rubbish as turned up in municipal solid waste — and most of it was simply tipped into Germany 's scarce landfill space .
15 Instead , according to the Tory party , and as spelt out in the guidelines to the commission , we have a structure that accords with the aims of the right hon. Member for Cirencester and Tewkesbury ( Mr. Ridley ) .
16 But if I put it another way , you could meet your anticipated contribution to the Greater York figure as spelt out in the structure plan ?
17 It is settled law , as borne out in particular by Stanton v. Institute National d'Assurances Sociales pour Travailleurs Indépendants ( Inesti ) ( Case 143/87 ) [ 1988 ] E.C.R. 3877 , 3894 , para. 11 , that
18 By the time a nurse qualifies and becomes eligible for registration on the UKCC 's Professional Register , she will have satisfied the competencies ( relevant to her specialism ) for the registered nurse as set down in Rule 18 of the Nurses , Midwives and Health Visitors Rules Approval Order 1983 S-I-1983 No 873 .
19 In addition , he confirmed that the previously scheduled municipal and regional elections would go ahead on Nov. 8 , that elections for a new Congress would be held on Feb. 23 , 1993 , and that he would not remain in office beyond his term of 1995 , as set down in the 1979 Constitution .
20 And even if an uncommissioned but critical ethnography is not considered to be in breach of the Official Secrets Act , it will most likely be construed as structural espionage and lie in breach of the Police Discipline Code as set out in Police Regulations .
21 He himself always adhered to the layering method , as set out in his first publication , the smaller Dictionary of 1724 : ‘ In the Spring prick a great many Holes with an Awl about a Joint that will be in the earth and cover it would a good Mound to peg it down . ’
22 The basic objective of the I.D.P. as set out in that Regulation was to ‘ improve working and living conditions in the Western Isles ’ through a series of measures designed ’ .... to improve agriculture ; to improve the marketing of agricultural ( and fisheries ) products — including the afforestation of marginal land , operations to improve the marketing and processing of agricultural products and measures to develop fisheries , but also measures relating to tourist amenities , crafts , industrial and other complementary activities essential to the improvement of the general socio-economic situation of those isles ’ .
23 The basic cost of your holiday , as set out in the individual price panels includes the following .
24 In the last category fell four types that embodied the ideal qualities of physical form as set out in the ‘ canon ’ of Polyclitus : the diskophoros ( discus-carrier ) , the doryphoros ( spear-carrier ) , the diadumenos ( victor crowning himself ) and the hero Hercules .
25 Our present rules for its determination ( see Appendix 3 ) , as set out in the Book of Common Prayer , follow the Roman tradition whereby Easter Day is the first Sunday after the first full moon following ( or on ) 21 March .
26 The normal method of recovering the amount due is by application to the proper financial officer of the council , on the appropriate form of application as set out in the Regulations .
27 The ‘ aim should be to use them for purposes compatible with the Green Belt as set out in Circular 14/84 which can include institutional uses ’ .
28 As the cost of funding a loan(s) fluctuates in the interbank market this is taken account of in the determination of interest rates payable by the borrower at pre-arranged reference date intervals of three , six or twelve months as set out in the loan contract .
29 The selection panel have to bear in mind the viability of the proposal as set out in the application form , the growth potential of the business , the capital cost of setting up and , most important of all , the commitment , enthusiasm and competence of the candidate .
30 The mayor is placed in his stall by the dean with these words , as set out in the order of service :
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