Example sentences of "as [art] [noun sg] ['s] " in BNC.

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1 As well as the centre 's fascinating nuclear power exhibition , a packed programme of special events has been arranged for visitors — which is how brave assistant information officer Diane Williams ended up getting the bird !
2 The term also includes all copies of any part of the software as well as the User 's Guide contained in this package .
3 Santander paid $220m for its 13% stake in First Fidelity ( and for an option to raise the stake to 23% ) , roughly the same amount as the stake 's book value .
4 Emily watched as the shoemaker 's daughter uncovered the amethyst-decked slippers .
5 When at the beginning of Shakespearean Negotiations Greenblatt half-jokingly announces literature professors as ‘ salaried , middle-class shamans ’ there is actually a context being uncovered which , just as the anthropologist 's place in reading a culture , needs to be scrutinised .
6 I began to realize how inadequate my picture of Laura was ; that I had made no room in my thoughts for an independent life of her own , let alone one as earthed and pragmatic as the potter 's craft .
7 It is exactly as the explorer 's biographer predicted it would be : 1,800 feet high , half-covered with jungle , a little way off the trans-Isthmian Indian tracks and somewhat detached from the rest of the Sierra — an outlier , distinct and somewhat aloof .
8 Eventually , half-way through the second act , as the play 's climax approached , Michael Banks could stand it no longer .
9 I concede that it will do for judging in retrospect the spontaneity beyond the margins of my rationality , as when jumping like an instinctive animal for the side of the road , and for such primitive choices as the child 's refusal of another helping ; but I continue to insist that at the centre of me I differ from the child in having escaped being restricted to choice between spontaneous goals .
10 The child 's refusal to comply may not seem as bad as the child 's habit of answering back .
11 He chuckled , as the child 's face changed .
12 Her emotions were as confusingly mingled as the child 's expressions laid one over another .
13 The mothers had been interviewed periodically since the children were two or three months old about such characteristics as the child 's activity level , adaptability , distractability , persistence and quality of mood .
14 It was amazing really , Lindsey thought , watching , fascinated , as the child 's tears became a hesitant smile .
15 The ideal , preferred temperature for feline food is 86°F , which happens to be the same temperature as the cat 's tongue .
16 As soon as the girl 's lungs fill , she screams again .
17 The dance music is both fiery and resilient , and the mystic landscape of the famous epilogue so tantalisingly evoked that value judgements fade away as surely as the music 's vision itself .
18 And as for the future , the economist 's forecast is about the same as the weatherman 's : cloudy at best , more likely bleak .
19 When Charlotte , ‘ a delicate and capable young person ’ , was caught travelling on the Underground without a ticket , it was not the 3s 6d fine that bothered her so much as the magistrate 's warning that , in consequence , her application for naturalisation might be rejected .
20 The defendant was held liable for the loss , as the thief 's act did not break the chain of causation .
21 Davout told Thiercelin he had done better than expected , which was generous praise from him , especially as the marshal 's own enquiries had been unproductive .
22 Such relatively minor matters as the firm 's car policy , the payment of home telephone bills and payments to partners ' wives for " secretarial " services also have to be agreed .
23 Unfortunately , as the artist 's brown wash is notoriously subtle and fugitive , even the slightest fading alters such works .
24 As a result , he gives a slightly different portrait of a more experimental painter , dictated less by logic than intuition , and pursuing a development which was not as rigid as the artist 's admirers would have maintained .
25 Within days of the report 's appearance , the Labour Party — after a two-years study that inevitably consulted many of the same people as the prince 's working party — announced a very similar plan , calling them Newton Institutes .
26 But as far as the Prince 's speech was concerned the couple might as well have been strangers .
27 Caroline watched as the Prince 's face underwent a metamorphosis .
28 The Council of the Law Society has today elected John Young , Council Member for the City of London , as the Council 's candidate to be nominated as Deputy Vice-President for the year 1993–1994 .
29 It is surprising , therefore , that it should have rejected the claim that a boy 's ‘ slippering ’ at boarding school broke the convention — particularly as the court 's past rulings led to the outlawing of corporal punishment in state schools .
30 On 1 October 1965 Bowart and Katzman duly obliged , as the first 2,500 copies of EVO rolled off the presses — the same number as the Voice 's first issue ten years before .
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