Example sentences of "as [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 She had , of late , felt herself uncannily able to predict the next word , the next move , in any dialogue : she could hear and take in three conversations at once : she could see remotely as through a two-way mirror the private lives of her patients , sometimes of her friends : she had felt reality to be revealed to her at times in flashes beyond even the possibility of rational calculation : had felt in danger ( why danger ? ) of too much knowledge , of a kind of powerlessness and sadness that is born of knowledge : for these reasons , perhaps , was it that she had decided to multiply the possibilities so recklessly , to construct a situation beyond her own grasping ?
2 He speaks in the life situation as well as through the sacred page .
3 ‘ Candidates will be required to show that they have looked at marketing in the real world as well as through the limiting perspective of the texts .
4 This may mean providing income for certain groups of people , as through the British social security system .
5 The valley was her , she moved in it as through the natural expression of her mind and feelings .
6 The first shape is a stack of diminishing wooden ovals , and one looks into it as through the wrong end of an extended telescope .
7 The government , too , has a responsibility , as through the Common Agricultural Policy of price support system it has guaranteed a market for cereals and encouraged intensive production .
8 Before this could happen X/Open would have to establish a formal relationship with the UN after meeting initial requirements , such as proving — to the UN 's satisfaction — its status as as a non-governmental , not-for-profit organisation .
9 In my day we had the As as the top stream ; the Bs and Cs were the mid-range ; the Es were ESN and the Ds were the dustbin men who roamed the yard after break and lunch times collecting empty milk bottles and rubbish .
10 The Joker was used as as the top card and the subject discarded this on the ‘ go ’ signal .
11 The ability to influence supplier costs , price and conditions of delivery may be seen as worth the extra managerial , administrative and quality assurance cost incurred in buying from a large number of small suppliers ; * large customers who pursue a deliberate policy of delaying payment for goods or services received .
12 And though Zurich could never be described as off the beaten track of tourism , there are plenty of quiet corners close to the city centre which are off the beaten track of Zurich itself .
13 ‘ She was on edge , talking not so much the hind leg off a donkey as off an African elephant .
14 Eliot reiterated his view that , as between a Communist world and a world dominated by the Nazis ( which would mean a world dominated by Germany in the West and Japan in the East ) , the latter would be the more horrible immediately to contemplate .
15 The most interesting of these cases is Short v. Treasury Commissioners where the whole of the shares of Short Bros. were being acquired by the Treasury under a Defence Regulation which provided for payment of their value ‘ as between a willing buyer and a willing seller . ’
16 ( 3 ) The Auditors shall within fourteen days of a request by the Company certify to the Company the Prescribed Price , that is to say the price which in their opinion represents a fair value for the Shares comprised in the Transfer Notice as between a willing vendor and a willing purchaser and , in making such determination , the Auditors shall not take any account of whether such Shares comprise a majority or minority interest in the Company ( and shall assume that the entire issued share capital of the Company is being sold ) .
17 ( 3 ) The Auditors shall within fourteen days of a request by the Company certify to the Company the Prescribed Price , that is to say the price which in their opinion represents a fair value for the Shares comprised in the Transfer Notice as between a willing vendor and a willing purchaser and , in making such determination , the Auditors shall not take any account of whether such Shares comprise a majority or minority interest in the Company ( and shall assume that the entire issued share capital of the Company is being sold ) .
18 I do not propose to consider whether there might be an implied right of this nature , or whether a court order under section 6(2) may deal with reimbursement as between a third party and the contravener .
19 First one has to ask whether as between the alleged wrongdoer and the person who has suffered damage there is a sufficient relationship of proximity or neighbourhood such that , in the reasonable contemplation of the former , carelessness on his part may be likely to cause damage to the latter , in which case a prima facie duty of care arises .
20 Similarly with customary international law , the concept of opposability reduces the issue to one of bilateral application as between the immediate parties .
21 The question of reasonableness is determined as between the actual parties .
22 But it is the relationship between these roles , as between the two aspects of mediation , which is crucial .
23 As between the two heavyweights , Reed and Pearson , Reed has been added to at the start of the period ( financed from the sale of Pearson shares ) ; the additional Reed shares were sold off in the autumn of 1991 , thereby realising a tidy profit for the Portfolio .
24 A distinction must be made between pre-tax and post-tax profits as well as between the two main methods of measuring profitability .
25 Surely there is a lot of ground here to make up if we are to make the machinery of justice as between the two countries more effective .
26 That of course assumes that everything spent on transport in England is a national cost and that the policing of London is a national cost , but we say that once we settle down and allocate the nature of expenditure as between the two countries , disallowing the cost of running the southern region of the railways as a United Kingdom expense , it is perfectly clear , as the Scottish newspapers have often demonstrated under the heading ’ Scotching the Myth ’ — Scottish Television has demonstrated the same in a programme of the same name — that there is no question of Scotland being subsidised in the way that the hon. Gentleman suggests .
27 Doubtless there were some failures of understanding and communication — within as well as between the two administrations .
28 In neither case does the category of goods seem likely to affect the reasonableness of any exclusions of liability to be agreed as between the two parties to the relevant contract .
29 As between the other three , I have not expressed a particular preference , but because no developer has come forward in connection with sector three , there has perhaps been less detailed attention paid to that sector the A fifty nine , than to others .
30 Although , of course , attention is paid to the class structure of society and to relations of production in this approach , the focus of the analysis is on ‘ the relative autonomy of the state apparatus as a whole and its mediatory role as between the competing interests of the three propertied classes ’ ( Alavi 1972 ) .
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