Example sentences of "as [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 One is release in which we walk as through a landscape , seeing the sublime aspects of nature and life , sometimes feeling the euphoria of release .
2 After all , Mercurius was the tutelary deity of the Art , and it was of his very nature to beguile and confuse in this manner ; but she could take no comfort from the knowledge , for she must pursue him as through a hall of mirrors , from one bride-chamber to the next , and at each remove he shifted shape with such dispiriting agility that , again and again , she might have cried out loud for rest .
3 For as a girl , she herself had been taken through the world , as through a series of doors , by her young husband , each door opening on to fresh joys and colours and perspectives , and she had exclaimed in delight , followed him , learned , and even afterwards , when the final door had shut , she could retrace her steps , spend a longer and longer time in each place , as in a series of gardens , and gratefully .
4 This would enable them to recharge their yacht 's batteries equally well when sailing through the doldrums as through a gale in the North Atlantic .
5 Christine , 52 , decided to tell the world of her own experiences about two years ago , as much for therapeutic reasons as through a desire to reach those with similar horror stories to tell .
6 Gone was the pride he felt as through the night
7 The creator god Khnum is often depicted modelling man and Ka together on his potter 's wheel as through the Ka was a double of clone .
8 I had arrows on the brain as well as through the lungs , I thought .
9 Indeed , in situations where Health Authorities have had easy access to the skills of economists , as through the York Health Economics Consortium ( University of York , 1990 ) , demand has been high , suggesting that the appropriate skills for the assessment of efficiency have been lacking in the past .
10 Crop growth will be affected by changes in the length of the growing season , water availability , soil erosion and the frequency of extreme events ( floods , droughts , frosts , heatwaves , forest fires ) as well as through the loss of fertile agricultural land along coasts due to the rise in sea level associated with global warming .
11 He had expected to have to batter his way laboriously through the months that had separated them , as through the stockade of a castle into which he must break by force of arms .
12 What has bitten ‘ us ’ , the transpersonal Gadarene motif of The Possessed , manifests itself through the dotty plan for a dinner just as eloquently as through the murder in the park .
13 By May 18 the development ministers of the EC member states agreed that some $5,000,000 of emergency aid would be granted to Somalia , to be channelled through European non-governmental organizations as well as through the UNHCR .
14 Mikhail Gorbachev took the request as as a joke but Mr Cliburn was entirely serious .
15 Smythson stayed on in the service of the Willoughby family , and was employed by them on administrative and financial business , as well as as a surveyor .
16 The appointee would not usurp the roles of the Institute president and secretary , it says , ‘ but should provide the opportunity for a higher public profile , the opportunity to become recognised as as the spokesman for the Institute , and the driving force in achieving the Institute 's longer term goals . ’
17 So far as the families of those involved in disciplinary proceedings are concerned , we do not even count as worth a thought ( ‘ Guilty until proven innocent ’ , 4 March ) .
18 She had never before known how to be still and wait ; there had never been anything as worth the waiting for as this was .
19 But it would be necessary to ensure that the learning which resulted in respect of such content was accepted by students as worth the processing effort .
20 Tenure is now only important as between a lessor for a term of years and his lessee .
21 There are similar provisions in relation to individual restrictions regulating minimum resale prices or charges as between a manufacturer and a retailer .
22 Again , a Rule 72 Transfer is equally applicable as between a leasehold or freehold property .
23 The section does not apply to contractual guarantees , as between a seller and a purchaser , as these are obviously caught under the appropriate sections of the UCTA relating to contracts , in so far as they should be caught at all ( see s 5(3) ) .
24 At its most basic , the actual design of a project or implementation of a task may not vary as between a partnership and a company .
25 Hardy 's description of Swanage is well-known : ‘ Knollsea was a seaside village lying snug between two headlands as between a finger and a thumb . ’
26 The matter has not fallen for consideration since , and the Hansard litigation remains the source for the existing modus vivendi as between the courts and Parliament .
27 The same type of relation holds however between the having present and the realization of the purpose for which the examiners were present in ( 7a ) as between the existence of obligation and the realization of the object of obligation in ( 1a ) .
28 that the process of news-making involves a degree of interaction or strategic bargaining , as between the sources of news and the news media .
29 ( d ) Post-dissolution profits Section 42 of the Partnership Act is concerned with the rights of outgoing partners in certain cases to share profits made after dissolution : ( 1 ) Where any member of a firm has died or otherwise ceased to be a partner , and the surviving or continuing partners carry on the business of the firm with its capital or assets without any final settlement of accounts as between the firm and the outgoing partner or his estate , then , in the absence of any agreement to the contrary , the outgoing partner or his estate is entitled at the option of himself or his representatives to such share of the profits made since the dissolution as the Court may find to be attributable to the use of his share of the partnership assets , or to interest at the rate of five per cent per annum on the amount of his share of the partnership assets .
30 On the south side of the town , just north of the bridge crossing the Tyne , a constriction in Dere Street has been noted , of the same width as between the foundations at the north gate ; the length of the ‘ constriction ’ would have accommodated a wall and bank of nearly similar dimensions to that observed on the north side of the town .
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