Example sentences of "as [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 He speaks in the life situation as well as through the sacred page .
2 ‘ Candidates will be required to show that they have looked at marketing in the real world as well as through the limiting perspective of the texts .
3 This may mean providing income for certain groups of people , as through the British social security system .
4 The valley was her , she moved in it as through the natural expression of her mind and feelings .
5 The first shape is a stack of diminishing wooden ovals , and one looks into it as through the wrong end of an extended telescope .
6 The government , too , has a responsibility , as through the Common Agricultural Policy of price support system it has guaranteed a market for cereals and encouraged intensive production .
7 In my day we had the As as the top stream ; the Bs and Cs were the mid-range ; the Es were ESN and the Ds were the dustbin men who roamed the yard after break and lunch times collecting empty milk bottles and rubbish .
8 The Joker was used as as the top card and the subject discarded this on the ‘ go ’ signal .
9 The ability to influence supplier costs , price and conditions of delivery may be seen as worth the extra managerial , administrative and quality assurance cost incurred in buying from a large number of small suppliers ; * large customers who pursue a deliberate policy of delaying payment for goods or services received .
10 And though Zurich could never be described as off the beaten track of tourism , there are plenty of quiet corners close to the city centre which are off the beaten track of Zurich itself .
11 First one has to ask whether as between the alleged wrongdoer and the person who has suffered damage there is a sufficient relationship of proximity or neighbourhood such that , in the reasonable contemplation of the former , carelessness on his part may be likely to cause damage to the latter , in which case a prima facie duty of care arises .
12 Similarly with customary international law , the concept of opposability reduces the issue to one of bilateral application as between the immediate parties .
13 The question of reasonableness is determined as between the actual parties .
14 But it is the relationship between these roles , as between the two aspects of mediation , which is crucial .
15 As between the two heavyweights , Reed and Pearson , Reed has been added to at the start of the period ( financed from the sale of Pearson shares ) ; the additional Reed shares were sold off in the autumn of 1991 , thereby realising a tidy profit for the Portfolio .
16 A distinction must be made between pre-tax and post-tax profits as well as between the two main methods of measuring profitability .
17 Surely there is a lot of ground here to make up if we are to make the machinery of justice as between the two countries more effective .
18 That of course assumes that everything spent on transport in England is a national cost and that the policing of London is a national cost , but we say that once we settle down and allocate the nature of expenditure as between the two countries , disallowing the cost of running the southern region of the railways as a United Kingdom expense , it is perfectly clear , as the Scottish newspapers have often demonstrated under the heading ’ Scotching the Myth ’ — Scottish Television has demonstrated the same in a programme of the same name — that there is no question of Scotland being subsidised in the way that the hon. Gentleman suggests .
19 Doubtless there were some failures of understanding and communication — within as well as between the two administrations .
20 In neither case does the category of goods seem likely to affect the reasonableness of any exclusions of liability to be agreed as between the two parties to the relevant contract .
21 As between the other three , I have not expressed a particular preference , but because no developer has come forward in connection with sector three , there has perhaps been less detailed attention paid to that sector the A fifty nine , than to others .
22 Although , of course , attention is paid to the class structure of society and to relations of production in this approach , the focus of the analysis is on ‘ the relative autonomy of the state apparatus as a whole and its mediatory role as between the competing interests of the three propertied classes ’ ( Alavi 1972 ) .
23 Although the state might operate as an honest broker between different sections of the ruling class and may seek to give the appearance of neutrality to mystify its class nature and role , it will never be neutral as between the general interests of the bourgeoisie and the proletariat .
24 the internal incidence of macro-economic developments particularly as between the six conurbations , the fifteen or so large cities , and their hinterlands in the UK and the implications for local government , public finance and locational policy .
25 It contained its own ‘ internal antagonistic contradictions ’ , based on the exploitation of labour , and also contradictions as between the various capitalist countries , such as those between the less powerful capitalist states and transnational corporations , and between the United States , Western Europe and Japan .
26 e ) Social class : the study revealed variations in attitude and usage pattern as between the various social classes .
27 confidentiality : establishing the level of confidentiality required , as between the various parties involved .
28 This habitually hurts the Communists ( 8-10% of the vote ) , is curiously fair to the same-sized Clean Government vote , and fair enough as between the Liberal Democrats and the main Socialist parties .
29 Thus if we widen our notion of local politics from electoral behaviour , we find increased differentiation in local political activity within as well as between the major political parties .
30 A properly drawn partnership agreement will contain a provision ( Clause 4.02 ) to ensure that , whilst the partnership determines as between the deceased and his co-partners , as between the latter themselves there will be no termination .
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