Example sentences of "as [adj] [subord] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In between there are some great dopey male bonding scenes with Pitt and black buddy Calvin Levels ( eg the attempt to decide whether or not to move in with Yvonne ) , plus some not-so-hot episodes with Nick Cave ( crap as usual as platinum rocker Freak Storm ) .
2 It is important to get your performers to hold the mike in a firm grip and to keep it and its connecting cable as still as possible while recording is in progress .
3 I would therefore be grateful if you could let me know as soon as possible if Environment Wales could make a contribution of , say , £500 to £1,000 towards printing and circulation costs ?
4 Ducting interiors : Avoid the use of water as much as possible as water penetrates joints and drips for some days after cleaning .
5 Where the pointing needs renewing , the old pointing must be dug out as deep as possible as frost tends to lift shallow layers of cement .
6 Other members of the committee , together with the general membership , also fish as often as possible when weather and tide allow .
7 The case is classified as doubtful because lawyer A demonstrably attempted to adopt the client 's objective ( not guilty ) .
8 Premiums are as steep as this because insurance companies got their underwriting spectacularly wrong three years ago : in 1991 they lost £1.2bn on mortgage indemnity .
9 When confronted with the excesses of the anti-French mobs in 1808 it was almost natural that such men , with fear as much as hope in their hearts , should become supporters of French rule .
10 In general such transformations involved secularization as much as professionalization and operated not only inwards towards the academy but also outwards towards a new constituency : the nation as a whole .
11 Mr. Gilberd instructed the defendant to confirm with the bank that the cheque was acceptable , and the defendant later told him that he had done so and that such a cheque was ‘ as good as cash . ’
12 As long as architecture does not express a theme prosaically or literally , then it can have a multi-dimensional and enduring value .
13 If Britain were not a racist society , transracial adoption would not be an issue ; but as long as race relations continue their current path transracial adoption must be an area of concern .
14 As long as daimyo did not contravene the rulings of their nominal liege lord , the shogun , they could handle their own territory pretty much as they chose .
15 As long as patience and care are applied , making up a switchmode power unit is no more difficult than any other sort .
16 In exactly the same way , the image of the lover can be preserved unchanged as long as life endures ; rather , the image can be enhanced and made more perfect .
17 The effect of that correlation between the production of each unit of living matter and the corresponding production of a unit of ‘ goodness ’ , each ‘ event ’ contributing to the ultimate goal of a happy humanity , will operate as long as life persists .
18 If it is improbable that any further major developments will come from this stock , it is also unlikely , on the evidence of the last six hundred million years , that the group will disappear as long as life remains possible at all in the seas of the world .
19 Thus , if a forest is managed to achieve maximum growth rather than maximum timber volume , a characteristic of mature climax forest , it can both thrive and produce a substantial harvest in the long term ( provided no exogenous effects such as climatic change occur and as long as soil nutrient status is maintained ) .
20 As long as expenditure can not be said to apply in support of specific candidates , national party campaigns do not fall foul of the election finance restrictions .
21 Golfwise , we learn the new reclaimed course was opened in August with the Standard 's comment ‘ tho' not as long as golf courses are now reckoned to be it affords an excellent test ’ .
22 The largest opposition party , the Movement of Democratic Socialists ( MDS ) led by Mohammed Moada , had been the first to opt for a boycott , on the grounds that the elections represented only a limited pluralist opening as long as parliament and the media continued under RCD control .
23 Should coal run out , it was argued that as long as hydrogen could be obtained ( eg from solar or nuclear sources ) plus carbon dioxide ( from chalk or air ) such processes would still be viable .
24 As long as inflation exists , prices go up .
25 The cancer was not eliminated , but its growth ceased , and for many years could be prevented from spreading to distant tissues as long as treatment with hormones continued .
26 Correct proportion is of primary importance , as long as size is within the Standard s range .
27 As long as history is assumed to operate according to the protocols of a conventional logic , where a contradiction simply means you can not think it or do it as Hirst supposes , then it remains at the impasse he describes .
28 Of course , aspects of social life have been measured for almost as long as history .
29 On the whole , however , I believe that , though school assembly should cease to be compulsory as an act of worship ( largely because it has long ceased to be that anyway ) , there should be a place in the timetable for the compulsory teaching of Christianity , as long as Church and State are linked .
30 While it was clear that as long as unanimity or qualified majorities were required , it was possible , as several of the member states were to do , for states to drag their heels and delay a programme .
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