Example sentences of "as [verb] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 There is no such thing as sexing a grape .
2 ‘ Now if the Major would be so good as to arrange a workroom , I can have the suit finished in a couple of hours . ’
3 Pay attention to plants and flowers and make sure that you have your lighting on dimmer switches so that you can dim it right down for dining as well as drawing a veil over any kitchen clutter .
4 Where appropriate , pointing to the area on one 's own body is helpful or using visual aids , which can be as simple as drawing a diagram while explaining the location of the part .
5 But he continued to broadcast and write a weekly column for the Armagh Gazette as well as completing a book of rural tales , And the Band Played On , published by Friar 's Bush Press .
6 Haines was a strange mixture , a man with a romantic vision for the future of the first conquest of Queen Victoria 's reign , a skilful politician amongst Arabs but not amongst his fellow-countrymen , with a sailor 's practicality in such matters as building a town but not in administration .
7 In the end Harper had sworn a sacred oath on the Holy Mother and on all the bleeding wounds of Christ that he would not go into battle , that he would remember he was a husband and a father , and that if he so much as heard a musket shot he would turn tail and run away .
8 There seemed to be an unspoken acceptance by hon. Members that the present system was less than satisfactory , but that we must avoid at any cost anything as dangerous and revolutionary as suggesting a change .
9 As well as suggesting an autumn boost for the tourism industry , the group also proposed changes at the beginning of the season by introducing a fixed-date Easter holiday .
10 The company operates a full electric submersible pump repair shop and is currently in the process of installing ESP 's state-of-the-art testing equipment in the facility in Riyadh , as well as mobilising a field staging camp and storage yard near the oil field in the desert community of Hawtah .
11 In this case that certainly was not so ; the ordinary means of access to the house was from the front of the house and to my mind it is very doubtful whether this yard could be regarded as a means of access to the house at all … in my view the section can not be extended beyond what was held in Brown 's case so as to include a yard of this kind .
12 The registrar granted the administrators leave to serve the originating application on the bank in Jersey pursuant to rule 12.12 of the Insolvency Rules 1986 Mervyn Davies J. granted the bank 's application to set aside the registrar 's order , holding that section 238 of the Act of 1986 did not have extraterritorial effect so as to include a foreigner resident abroad , and that ‘ any person ’ in the section could not apply to the bank .
13 He referred me to President of India v. La Pintada Compania Navigacion S.A. [ 1985 ] A.C. 104 where , in declining to extend the common law so as to enable a plaintiff to recover interest by way of general damages , the House of Lords were influenced by the fact that the legislature had twice intervened to deal with entitlement to interest .
14 It is difficult to see any reason why in civil proceedings the privilege against self-incrimination should be exercisable so as to enable a litigant to refuse relevant and even vital documents which are in his possession or power and which speak for themselves .
15 Held , allowing the appeal and substituting a period of postponement not to exceed six months ( Sir George Waller dissenting ) , that for the purposes of making an order for sale in favour of a trustee in bankruptcy under s. 30 of the Law of Property Act 1925 no distinction was to be made between a case where a property was being enjoyed as the matrimonial home and one where it had ceased to be so used ; that where a spouse , having a beneficial interest in such property , had become bankrupt , the interests of the creditors would usually prevail over the interests of the other spouse and a sale of the property ordered within a short period ; that only in exceptional circumstances , more than the ordinary consequences of debt and improvidence , could the interests of the other spouse prevail so as to enable an order for sale to be postponed for a substantial period ; and that , accordingly , since the circumstances of the wives and their children , albeit distressing , were not exceptional , the order sought by the trustee should be made .
16 If it will please you To show us so much gentry and goodwill As to expand your time with us awhile For the supply and profit of our hope , Your visitation shall receive such thanks As fits a king 's remembrance .
17 GUIL : And receive such thanks as fits a king 's remembrance .
18 It was played in October , and during their visit Chapman and his party went to Hampden Park and to the Glasgow Industrial Exhibition at Kelvin Park , as well as enjoying a sing-song at the Alhambra Music Hall .
19 This is the simplest component of legal aid , but alterations and adjustments to it make it best to think of it as encompassing a number of different types of help .
20 described recklessness in this context as encompassing an attitude of ‘ indifference to the victim 's feelings and wishes , ’ a state of mind ‘ described in the colloquial expression , ‘ could n't care less ’ . ’
21 He saw himself with almost missionary zeal as a recorder of his surroundings , so as to preserve a record of the remnants of antiquated rusticity which he remembered .
22 Because as recognized a century ago by Ravenstein ( 1885 , 1889 ) most movement takes place over shorter distances , migration 's role in population change becomes more important as the spatial scale of analysis descends .
23 Claude Simon has also indicated that he considered the causality and confidence of the traditional novel as perpetuating a misrepresentation of reality .
24 Such developments are perceived by Kamenka and Tay as betokening a shift away from a gesellschaft model of law and society , towards a bureaucratic administrative social and legal order .
25 This is because the National Accounts treat the household purchase as self-gratification , but the firm purchase as producing a flow of marketable goods and services .
26 In the mass production enterprise the individual worker is dwarfed by the machinery which is experienced as producing a sense of threat and inadequacy , even though , in actuality , the machinery is only a realisation of man 's logical thinking in response to the requirements of high technical efficiency .
27 He refers to latent inhibition training as producing a CS-US association , the US being described as consisting of ‘ no event ’ ( see also Hall et al .
28 Solutions of these chemicals were often run into the urethra under considerable pressure and were accepted , by their proponents , as producing a urethritis themselves as part of their cure .
29 Satisfactory tenants would at least keep the house warm and protected , as well as producing an income that would go a long way to meeting your expenses .
30 Plainly , short-term interest rates are not market-determined in the usual sense in which textbooks present markets as producing an equilibrium price and quantity .
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