Example sentences of "as [verb] [prep] [num] " in BNC.

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1 Under the Constitution as revised in 1972 there is a Legislative Assembly with 12 elected and three official members , while the Governor and Executive Council ( comprising three official members and four elected by and from the Legislative Assembly ) are responsible for internal administration .
2 The recommended model form of Letter of Request as revised in 1985 includes questions as to the date by which a response is needed , and the reasons for the choice of that date .
3 Labov sees the methods of this research as deriving from two sources .
4 As explained above fifteen new ‘ open farm ’ prisons have been constructed and more of these are essential if the Sandinista prison guide-lines are to be fully put into action .
5 SOEs multiplied in Malaysia with the desired roles , as explained by one official as ‘ patron , trustee , joint venture partner , complementer and inducer of expanded bumiputra participation in the commercial and industrial sectors ’ ( Leeds , 1989 : p. 743 ) .
6 They may apply for party status as explained in 4 above .
7 The reaction was an uproar : Sir Keith had managed to offend both the left and the right , as well as touching on two taboos in one theme : sex and class .
8 Here , ‘ modernist ’ Freudian theory would conceive of the psyche as differentiated into two spheres — of desire , on the one hand , and the conscious mind on the other .
9 This poses the worrying possibility that when the big three Allied leaders got together , a dying depressive , an alcoholic manic depressive ( Churchill , as diagnosed by one prominent psychiatrist ) and a murderous sociopath ( Stalin , as diagnosed by almost everyone ) were getting together to plot the downfall of a genocidal maniac .
10 Because more than 50 people will be involved in the judging , it is impractical to reproduce the programme as intended through eight loudspeakers around and above the audience .
11 As intended in 1756 , there would also be a second diversion .
12 The Spanish Cardinal and the three Scottish soldiers rapidly worked out a plan for a new invasion of Great Britain , to be based , as intended in 1715 , on a two-pronged assault .
13 It was a considerable retreat from the sophistication of the case as argued before 1917 .
14 Disregarding variations of ordering and sign as in the decompositions of 6 as given above one can establish a uniqueness-type theorem ( 1.5.1 below ) .
15 Any attachments should be sent as an Investment Overview and should include a responsibility statement as given in 1103.1 or 1108.1 .
16 But whether traveller or tourist , both travel , or ‘ make a journey of some length to distant countries ’ as given in one strict dictionary definition .
17 The appeal procedure is regulated by the Act of Sederunt ( Appeals under the Licensing ( Scotland ) Act 1976 ) 1977 ( 5.1. 1977 No. 1622 ) , as amended by 5.1. 1979 No. 1520 ( see Appendix ) .
18 The correct interpretation of s. 13(1) of the Trade Union and Labour Relations Act 1974 ( as amended in 1976 ) was central to the case .
19 Effective political control has been exercised since independence by the Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola , restructured in 1977 as the Marxist-Leninist Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola — Workers ' Party ( MPLA-PT ) , which is the sole legal party and responsible , under the 1975 Constitution ( as amended in 1976 and 1980 ) , for the political , economic and social leadership of the country .
20 Under the 1985 Representation of the People Act , as amended in 1989 , Britons overseas may , for up to 20 years after their departure , register to vote by proxy in the constituency where they last lived .
21 As amended in 1965 , it covered any person who in any public place or at any public meeting used threatening , abusive , or insulting words or behaviour or distributed or displayed any writing , sign , or other visible representation which was threatening , abusive , or insulting .
22 A break with this doctrine was made by the Divorce Reform Act 1969 , now replaced by the Matrimonial Causes Act 1973 , as amended in 1984 , and the present position is that the sole ground on which a petition for divorce may be presented is that the marriage has broken down irretrievably .
23 The re-examination of NVOCC related rules has been made easier by the FMC regulations implementing the 1984 Shipping Act , as amended in 1990 .
24 erm the the order which one , one I concern , maybe we can discuss if to , if , if the defendants were prepared to undertake to erm provide any as to instruct within twenty eight days from today , the matter should be list on and this convention on a Friday , Friday in about two or two and a half month 's time from now , which will take us in the next term , I , I beg a suggestion
25 Fahey & Narayanan ( 1956 ) conceptualise environmental analysis as consisting of four analytical stages :
26 In our previous book , we described Jesus 's immediate entourage as consisting of two more or less distinct groups , ‘ adherents of the bloodline ’ and ‘ adherents of the message ’ .
27 To take an example : in his reading of Rousseau 's essay on the origin of language , Derrida shows that Rousseau saw music as consisting of two contradictory components , melody and harmony .
28 Families are still per-ceived as consisting of one breadwinner who only exceptionally is a woman , and one dependent spouse whose primary responsibilities lie in the home .
29 Value for money can be thought as consisting of three elements : ‘ economy ’ , ‘ efficiency ’ and ‘ effectiveness ’ .
30 Value for money can be thought of as consisting of three elements : economy , efficiency and effectiveness .
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