Example sentences of "had hold [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 It turns out that the Heston Club team has lost a title that it had held for the past few years .
2 The post of Vice-President , which Cotti had held for the past year , was taken by René Felber ( Social Democratic Party — SPS ) , Minister for Political ( Foreign ) Affairs .
3 William was employed in the Maintenance Department on General Service Duties , a position he had held for the past two years .
4 The National Democratic Party ( NDP ) , a DLP splinter group formed in February 1989 by former Finance Minister Richie Haynes , failed to retain any of the four seats which it had held at the dissolution .
5 All day long the murky weather had held over the River Thames and as night closed in the February fog swirled out into the narrow cobbled lanes and backstreets of Bermondsey .
6 In his second capacity , as heir of Warwick 's public role , Gloucester took over the major royal offices which the earl had held in the north .
7 Mihnea Marmeliuc , who returned as Minister of Labour and Social Security ( a post he had held in the NSF provisional government in January-June 1990 ) , immediately after his nomination was disowned by his National Liberal Party ( the second largest opposition party in parliament after the Hungarian Democratic Union ) ; the NLP had called a week before the reshuffle for the creation of an all-party coalition government .
8 These were the highest offices Arabs had held in the Israeli government since 1973 , when Abdel-Aziz Zoabi had been Deputy Minister of Health .
9 Following the August legislative and presidential elections [ see p. 39064 ] , the new Croatian government was sworn in on Sept. 8 ; seven ministers and one deputy prime minister retained the posts they had held in the previous government .
10 In his second capacity , as heir of Warwick 's public role , Gloucester took over the major royal offices which the earl had held in the north .
11 In the event the opposition 's share of the seats increased from 37 to 53 , but Semangat " 46 won only eight seats , compared with the 12 it had held before the election .
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