Example sentences of "had never [vb pp] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Britain appeared to have little interest in the area , Russia was preoccupied with her domestic problems , and in any case the Tsar had never forgiven Austria for her lack of support during the Crimean War .
2 Cedric had been just too young for the war , and for this he had never forgiven Fate .
3 He had never studied anatomy very closely .
4 He had never taught boys who were less than well-grounded in traditional academic subjects .
5 Before without really knowing it , I was just preparing for that one lesson to get through that one lesson , but partly I think as a matter of survival in this situation , because I had never taught children before and really did n't have an overview at that point .
6 Morse had never seen Mrs Marion Kemp , but from the marriage photograph that hung in the living room he realised that she must once have been quite a vivacious woman : dark , curly hair ; slim , firm figure ; and curiously impudent , puckish eyes .
7 He had been born in England , had never seen India , spoke English as his cradle tongue and had forgotten all the Hindi he had ever learned but he had all the immigrant 's protective reactions and all his self-consciousness .
8 There were about two hundred and fifty cadets in residence and some of them had never seen cadets from another corps .
9 She thought that McAllister had never seen misery before , and that her response to it was a warm and loving one — and practical , too .
10 But he had never seen Tara ; he had been abandoned at birth , he had been flung out by the King , who would have none of his Queen 's bastard wolfson at his Court .
11 But he had never seen Farouk 's face .
12 She had never seen Ianthe handing out books to the ill-mannered grubby students and cranks of all ages who frequented the library of political and sociological books where she worked .
13 It had been seen nine years before at Kangaroo island and in 1840 came to us in thousands — running about the streets and Gardens and into the houses as if it had never seen man before .
14 He had never seen Nails before as other than a surly , rude boy , but now he was smiling and looked light-headed .
15 He had never seen Myles Burke laugh before .
16 But Duncan had never seen weeds dripping fresh from the loch before .
17 I had never seen Cherry in a suit before .
18 Inside the hall of the house in Maryon Park Gardens , a tearful , frightened little man was explaining that his name was Bill Pitkin , that he was not Terry Place , that he had never seen Terry Place nor ever heard of him .
19 On visiting the Landes Park flock , much publicised by the Tesco supermarket advertisements featuring Dudley Moore , David Whiting , on behalf of CIWF , commented that he had never seen chickens kept in better conditions .
20 From the day they had all parted , diverging from Ecalpemos out into the world , he had never seen Adam again , but he knew all about him , knew for instance that he had become a partner in a company selling computers that called itself Verne-Smith-Duchini .
21 I had never seen water that was that blue .
22 This was n't the India I knew : during five previous visits I had never seen women kiss each other .
23 He had never seen hair of such a full , glowing gold , or a fairer brow underneath it .
24 Wycliffe had never seen Alfred before but he was in no doubt , the Glynn features and physique were unmistakable .
25 Tears had run on his cheeks as she had never seen tears coming from an adult man before .
26 ‘ I have never seen Soho on the screen , ’ wrote Ernest Betts in 1928 and then he added that he had never seen Southend , Birmingham , Chelsea , Bloomsbury , or London suburbia either .
27 He had never seen Mandy look contrite before , and he decided , wickedly , to make her suffer a bit before he let her off the hook .
28 He expanded his original idea of doing a show on the artist 's late works after the Wall came down , because the people in the former East had never seen Picasso 's paintings .
29 And at the foot of the iron structure was a high steel fender , suggesting from its dull surface that it had never seen emery paper since the day it left the foundry .
30 I had never seen Squire Trelawney so near .
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