Example sentences of "had set [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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31 They immediately had to dive for cover , however , as the Germans had set up a pair of machine guns in front of the doors behind hastily piled crates .
32 At the time , I was particularly enthusiastic about the possibility of the involvement of one of the major neurotransmitters , acetylcholine , in memory formation , and had set up a simple , fast assay for the brain 's acetylcholine receptor ( called the muscarinic receptor , to distinguish it from other types of acetylcholine receptor ) .
33 During her years as team manager she had set up a good system for running the team , organising training camps and equipment sponsors and felt that her energy could now be better spent on developing the sport at grass-root level .
34 The Automobile Association was established on 26 June 1905 , a few months after Charles Jarrott and William Letts had set up a warning system to advise motorists of police speed traps on some sections of the London to Brighton road .
35 Some of the improvements may have originated from his brother Jonathan , who had set up a flourishing instrument-making business in Rotterdam .
36 He had come from out of town with a fortune , was known to have been a vociferous Bund supporter before the war and had set up a chain of more or less above-board casinos in the districts where gambling was more or less legal .
37 The Fine Gael TD for Westmeath , Paul McGrath , told the Dail that a group of terrorists had set up a firing range on the shores of Lough Derravarragh last week and fired off 1,000 rounds of ammunition from Kalashnikov rifles .
38 It was announced on March 30 that the USSR Supreme Soviet had set up a USSR Union Republican State Committee for the Nationalities Question " to improve state administration in the sphere of national development and inter-ethnic relations " .
39 In 1985 he had set up a consultancy firm which in the past year had advised the government on privatization .
40 Information Minister Alex Akinyele , describing the report as " totally false " , said that the government had set up a special fund to receive oil earnings in excess of budgeted levels .
41 The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development ( EBRD ) announced on Sept. 3 that it had set up a short-term technical advice scheme for the Soviet Union .
42 Chen Chang-wen , secretary-general of the SEF , and Tang Shubei , deputy director of the TAO , agreed that formal talks on the principle of " one China " would be held early in 1992 , as soon as China had set up a non-governmental counterpart to the SEF .
43 On Nov. 18 Libya announced that it had set up a judicial inquiry to investigate the allegations .
44 The South Korean Agency for National Security Planning ( NSP ) announced in early October the discovery of a major North Korean espionage ring which , it said , had set up a cell of the North Korean communist party in the South and undertaken " an overall operation " to bring down the government there .
45 Recently , Iris had taken an interest in a group of young artists who had set up a studio in a converted barn in Lower Benbury .
46 PEP had set up a Post-war Aims Group even before the war began , and within a week of its outbreak had circulated.a draft report on war aims .
47 It had set up a Committee for Research Degrees in 1965 , as well as a study group on research degrees to look at policy for this activity , and had developed research degree relationships with industrial firms and research establishments .
48 This document , written by Hornby , emphasized that the Council had set up a procedure for dealing with proposals which began with a detailed scrutiny of documents from the college and involved painstaking work by the subject boards , so that the Council ‘ might establish the standards of its degrees ’ .
49 But Mancini 's basic point — that Gloucester had set up a fake attack on himself as an excuse to deal with Hastings — seems eminently plausible .
50 Not marrying , he had set up a small business in specialised agricultural machinery — which had gone bust in 1975 .
51 He had set up a 10-strong Renewable Energy Advisory Group ( REAG ) .
52 In Robb v Green [ 1895 ] 2 QB 315 the defendant , employed by the plaintiff as the manager of his business , surreptitiously copied from the plaintiff 's order book a list of names and addresses of customers with the intention of soliciting them after he had left employment and had set up a similar business on his own .
53 Yet he it was who had set up a meeting with ‘ Miguelito ’ quite deliberately , knowing that he was going to dupe her into going .
54 Mr How had set up a property firm called Prosperpoint , and transfered cash from his clients investment funds through to a bank in the Isle of Man , then on to Switzerland , then back to Prosperpoint .
55 How had set up a property firm called Prosperpoint , and transferred investment cash from clients like Mr and Mrs Artus to a bank in the Isle of Man , then on to Switzerland , and back to Prosperpoint .
56 The women , supporters of Women Against Pit Closures , had set up a heavily-smoking brazier outside the office 's main entrance .
57 The women , supporters of Women Against Pit Closures , had set up a heavily-smoking brazier outside the office 's main entrance .
58 Yousefi had set up a false bank account in the name of Momen Garawand at the Darlington branch of the Royal Bank of Scotland .
59 He had set up a bank account with the Royal Bank of Scotland in Darlington in the name of Momen Garawand and then used cheque books which he saved up to spend almost £6,500 .
60 As a result , he had set up a meeting of regional engineers , himself , and the deputy inspector of railways .
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