Example sentences of "had set up [art] " in BNC.

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1 The voice recordings were shipped to London where MI6 had to set up a totally new department of 250 specially recruited Russian-speaking experts to slowly work their way through the material .
2 The company , founded by Mrs Cooper 's great grandfather Robert Richardson , soon began to specialise in clock making and became so popular it had to set up a separate factory at Robert Street .
3 First , we had to set up a structure so we could record all the non-conformances and make sure corrective action was taken .
4 Agreeing that the cakes should be protected , Mr Pinkney had set up a sort of crêpe paper barrier along the front of the display .
5 Rosalind Wingrove , education committee chairman , said it had set up a panel to consider how best to consult parents .
6 In August the Agitprop section of the Twelfth Party Conference had set up a commission to start a state subsidy for the politically reliable press .
7 Lord Justice Watkins , sitting with Mr Justice Garland , also rejected criticism made by Mr Justice Henry at an earlier hearing that Mr Saunders had set up a trust fund to render himself less likely to face litigation and reduce his ability to pay legal costs .
8 In a further move , Chevron said it had set up a $5billion agreement with international banks to provide a fighting fund to fend off its rival .
9 The Spanish Medical Aid Committee reviewing the situation at the end of the first year had sent out forty-seven ambulances , eighty trained personnel , had constructed two base hospitals and several field hospitals and had set up a convalescent home — the Ralph Fox Memorial Home in memory of a well-known author and critic who had died in action in Spain during 1936 .
10 By announcing investigations all over Britain it had set up a series of confrontations with the public .
11 Inspired by Talleyrand , the founder of the Dynasty had set up a number of high sounding offices such as Vice Grand Elector and Vice Constable , and to these gothic absurdities were added the ceremonies of the lever and coucher , echoes of the ancien régime .
12 The Government of Ireland Act 1920 had set up a regional parliament and government .
13 The presbytery asked members of the church to note that the South Ronaldsay Parents ' Action Committee had set up a fund for legal aid to which they might like to contribute , and they asked their Social Matters Committee to look into the question of guidance to ministers in cases involving the Social Work Department .
14 It was another seventy years before it arrived in Sussex , then more by accident than design , at least in human terms ; Bede recounted that a Scottish monk , Dicul , had set up a small monastery with five or six brothers at Bosham in the 660s but none of the natives were willing to follow their way of life or listen to their teaching .
15 He claimed in an open letter to BA directors that executives had set up a secret ‘ anti-Virgin Atlantic unit ’ to discredit him and his company .
16 In this , she was encouraged by Shelley Saxon , a former manager with Honey Perriam , who had set up a consultancy practice and worked from an office in the same building .
17 The Ulster public was critical and unhappy at the way they had been passive and ineffective as Heath 's government had set up a ‘ power sharing ’ administration complete with Irish republican ministers and had arranged a semicondominium with the Irish Republic in the Sunningdale Agreement and Council of Ireland scheme .
18 The Russians who went to war on their side were now regarded as their enemies , and he contended that the reason why the British government was trying to prevent the Russian Government trading with this country and was using Polish forces to fight the Russian people was because the people of Russia had set up a form of Government which was antagonistic to a capitalist Government like theirs .
19 This Section from 2 Commando had set up a road-block ambush , while the destroyer joined others in her flotilla in attacking an armed tug and other ships .
20 Arthur had set up a rural-type training settlement on an island in the middle of the Kokine lake , just outside the university of Rangoon .
21 England 's batsmen , led by Robin Smith , had set up a perfect platform to build the huge total that would have put Sri Lanka under great pressure .
22 His party argued the Tories had set up a Economic Development Forum but had not put enough money in .
23 In some ways , though , Nick — as he insisted people call him — lived in the shadow of his father Alec , a renowned pacifist who had set up a Chair of Peace Studies at Bradford University on the sensible grounds that everywhere else seemed to study war .
24 Although Maurice was not a Romanist nor an archaeologist — his interest has always been in medieval and later houses — he had set up a training school at Lincoln with Philip Corder as director .
25 Jarvis had set up a trestle table on that terrace where pupils had once assembled for the annual school photograph .
26 The ACPS had set up a sub-committee , under the chairmanship of Baroness Wootton of Abinger , to carry out the review .
27 But Mancini 's basic point — that Gloucester had set up a fake attack on himself as an excuse to deal with Hastings — seems eminently plausible .
28 Since leaving in March , he had set up a private school in St. Peter 's Parsonage , with about sixty pupils from his old school .
29 They objected because Nkrumah had set up a ‘ Ghana National College ’ for the education of students expelled because of their support during the banishment of the Big Six ; they objected to his launching of the Accra Evening News , an anti-colonial voice which achieved immediate popularity ; most of all they objected to his Committee on Youth Organisation , set up as a branch of the UGCC .
30 Up in Doncaster my mum and dad had set up a stall in the car-park of the local Asda in an effort to raise signatures for a rolling petition .
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