Example sentences of "had make him [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Nearly half a century of debauchery had made him immune to such mundane feelings .
2 The world No. 5 from the United States claimed jet-lag had made him tired .
3 Both Albert Cavalcanti , the onetime head of the GPO Film Unit whose Brazilian origins had made him unacceptable as a civil servant , and Watt joined the tight group of filmmakers Balcon had gathered round him at Ealing .
4 He wondered how he had found sufficient courage to ask her to the Edwardian Ball , and then remembered that it was her air of calm dignity which had made him anxious to take her to impress his parents .
5 In 1964 , he moved to Trinidad to become Dean of Students , which was a promotion , at the UWI campus there , continuing the work he had begun in Kingston by stressing to the students the importance of discipline , physical fitness , responsibility and such like — in other words , all the values that had made him such a successful captain .
6 The Hatchet had not lost those qualities which had made him one of the most respected , and feared , members of the underworld .
7 It was enfeebling , it had killed off his efforts at meditation , and there was something almost sinful in allowing his imagination to feast on these buried years when he considered the present turmoil and growing anarchy engulfing the city that had made him one of its own .
8 Yet when I placed the first hot pad on to the boy 's twisted left leg he seemed not to feel any pain ; I supposed the pain of the spasms had made him impervious to a lesser pain .
9 Horbury was on drugs for high-blood pressure which had made him impotent and claims his wife admitted adultery , Mr Rees said .
10 The thought of being there had made him fearful then .
11 Until now he had never had to court the approval of the political elite , because his monopoly of legitimacy had made him irreplaceable .
12 It was n't congenital stupidity that had made him susceptible to human jurisdiction , it was anguish .
13 As a young man , he had been the victim of an ill-starred passion ; the experience had made him misanthropic , and now he lived alone with his parrot .
14 He was taller than Huy , and labour had made him sinewy ; but he was older , and his guard had dropped .
15 Those pipes banging like that had made him nervous .
16 Fleischmann said that one of the referees had said that it was nonsense and that the reaction of this referee had made him nervous about the validity of their experiment .
17 The gifts had become a pressure , an embarrassment , and her refusal to accept them had made him manipulative .
18 She had made him stupid , and mocked him , and his old assumptions about her docility had blinded him .
19 He returned shortly telling me to hang on , it would n't be for long ; and the shock had made him breathless too , I noticed .
20 His ugliness set him apart ; his ugliness had made him vain .
21 He was an honest merchant whose skills , and those of others , including thank God the British Nan , had made him rich enough to slake any whim to satiety .
22 Who 's trying to swindle you this time ? ’ he asked smiling wryly — his job had made him cynical .
23 Sien had made him strong and potent again .
24 She had made him some breakfast about 7.30 .
25 Over the years she had grown to love him in a familiar , comfortable sort of way , though of late a change in temperament had made him difficult .
26 All peasants believed that Odin fled to Møn after the coming of Christianity had made him homeless .
27 Eleanor 's stories had made him jealous ; his wife 's effusions angered him .
28 For a moment it had made him inclined to doubt the authenticity of the whole thing .
29 Derek was always very supportive of what I was trying to do — helping me build the aviary in his back garden had made him interested in birds too — but I could n't expect him to drop everything and drive me from Tintagel to London .
30 In Peter 's case , the whole sad business with Julian had made him jumpy to say the least .
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