Example sentences of "had go on [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The cold of the ground slowly seeped through Riven 's bedroll to chill his back , and he edged closer to the fire , sick of the aches in his bones and counting out in his mind the hours before he had to go on watch .
2 We were afraid , but we often had to go on shore to get more water .
3 We were afraid , but we had to go on shore .
4 No matter how bad the storm was she had to go on deck , where at least the air was clean .
5 Men with malaria now had to go on patrol .
6 Yes and then being with government people , they had to go on trek
7 The lawyers commented that the Minister was giving detainees the message that if they wanted their demand for freedom to be taken seriously they had to go on hunger strike and become very ill .
8 Had to go on duty in my Sunday ones ; got them wet through …
9 You had to go on Governor 's app [ put in an application to the Governor ] to ask to get your toenails cut .
10 If not for the operation it would only be a matter of months before she had to go on Dialysis .
11 He had gone on trial on July 24 , charged with leading a raid by Pamyat militants on a meeting of the reformist writers ' group Aprel ( which had many Jewish members ) at a Writer 's Union building in Moscow on Jan. 18 .
12 In the crucial summer months of 1978 , as the Shah disintegrated , Parson had gone on home leave , as had the US ambassador .
13 Edward had gone on crusade with the future pope Gregory X , convener of the Council of Lyons .
14 On August 27 they awoke to find that food had gone on ration , as had petrol and many other necessities .
15 But nearly all the Pack were there , though Mitzi had gone on holiday .
16 If two male colleagues had gone on holiday , she said , neither would have been sacked .
17 Herbert came from a breeder who had gone on holiday without realising his owl had laid eggs .
18 It was August now , and the first time they had gone on holiday without him .
19 It was afternoon — the morning had gone on Crabb Robinson — which meant that all the ample , high , soft-blue leather desks along the spokes of the great wheel that radiated from the Superintendent 's desk , ensphered by the Catalogue , were taken , and he had to be content with one of the minimal flat triangular ends of the late-come segments inserted between these spokes .
20 A few days earlier , the 40,000 miners of the Jiu Valley towns of Lupeni , Vulcan and Petrosani , in the foothills of the Carpathians two hundred and fifty miles to the north-west of Bucharest , had done the unimaginable in a communist state : they had gone on strike .
21 Unemployment was proving to be an intractable problem ; the successful Russian Revolution was not long passed , and although the police were controlling mass demonstrations of the unemployed , using violence on occasion , they too had gone on strike in August 1918 .
22 It was the time that the women machinists at Ford had gone on strike for equal pay , a struggle that was to continue , intermittently , for the next eighteen years .
23 After student protests and looting on Jan. 18-19 , doctors and teachers had gone on strike in late February , demanding better pay and conditions ; they were joined by telecommunications workers and airport staff .
24 On March 23-24 over 1,000 demonstrators , many of them unemployed , looted supermarkets and shops owned by Lebanese traders in the economic centre of Port Gentil , where oil workers had gone on strike on March 21 .
25 Up to 1,000 coalminers had gone on strike at the Valias mine near Tirana ( the capital ) on Jan. 11 .
26 At the end of March 20,000 miners had gone on strike supported by Podkrepa .
27 Her father had gone on smoking and gesturing with a nod or a headshake ; he had protested that votes were the only way , not force .
28 Another sixty had gone on clothes and the record player .
29 Those sentenced to 13 years were Chen Zeming , a 37-year-old economist who had gone on hunger strike on Feb. 7 demanding more time for the preparation of his defence , and Wang Juntao , the 32-year-old editor of the banned journal Economic Studies Weekly ( of which Chen had been the publisher ) .
30 Former political prisoners had gone on hunger strike on Sept. 20 in Tirana , demanding recognition of their innocence and economic compensation .
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